Therapeutic exercise part of an integrated treatment of various patients


Therapeutic exercise - an integral part of medicine. Theory and practice of modern medicine confirms that the best success of the treatment takes place in a complex impact on the patient's medical means.

Therapeutic exercises as part of an integrated treatment of various patients is due to the integral part of this medicine.

Modern hospital for the treatment of patients with different diseases and injuries is on the positions of the wide use of active functional therapy, thereby reflecting the overall objectives of therapy.

The task of the latter include the use of such stimuli, which, depending on their nature, power, and space applications causes a reaction on the part of the whole organism.

Exposure to methods and means for the general treatment is characterized by both local and general effects on the patient.

Preventive medicine is an important part of the Soviet health care.

Implementation of preventive medicine is possible only in a socialist society where the working and living conditions are aimed to maximize the preservation of health.

In this regard, of paramount importance to every available physical culture and sports, which are widespread in mire.Sleduet noted that modern medicine for all diseases uses a complex method of treatment.

Therapeutic exercises, built on the basic principles of modern hospital, is one of the means of complex treatment of injuries and diseases, and is used in a variety of clinical disciplines.

Exercise, as a "specific stimulus, have not only local, but also the overall impact on the patient's body, causing a change in its reactive state, reflecting the principles of functional and general care of the sick person.

Educational objectives of physiotherapy

 Educational objectives of physiotherapy

In physical therapy to improve health and prevention are widely used methods of hardening and personal care products that are important for healthy people.

Finally, the scientific justification for action on the human body exercise with biological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and sanitary items is common and for the healthy and the sick person.

Therapeutic exercise and embodied the educational problems of physical training and its pedagogical and didactic principles, widely using them in the theory and practice of physical therapy.

Of course, the practical application of physical therapy due to the nature of the patient as a person is different selection tools (available for the sick person), and the method of their application and dosage.

In principle, the same as physiotherapy came from the depths of sports movement, it is only natural that it is in their methodological fundamentals based on the principles of physical education: the principle of a comprehensive impact principle applied and the principle of improving orientation in the use of exercise to the sick person.

Thus, the principle of all-round exposure to physical therapy is expressed in a comprehensive impact on the patient's physical exercise, contributing to the development of various qualities (strength, quick reflexes, agility, decisiveness, and others.).

This principle is fully in line with the mainstream of medicine - to treat not the disease but the sick person (antropoterapiya), with the objectives of common active treatment and with the principles of functional treatment.

Applied principle is in full compliance with the objectives of reducing the terapii.Printsip improving orientation corresponds to treatment and preventive direction of Soviet medicine with extensive use in its recreational activities.

Target aspiration of Physical Education, clearly expressed in the complex, found appropriately reflected in the development of physical therapy in the health system.

Effect of exercise on for morphological processes

 Effect of physical exercise

In most cases, physical exercise, providing a significant impact on the correlation of various physiological mechanisms that contribute to pathophysiological changes in the relationship, developed on the background of the disease process, and thus express the principles of pathogenetic therapy.

Exercise is applied to the patient, providing not only medical, but also a preventive effect.

It should be noted that the greatest therapeutic success in the application of physical therapy observed in different states and in the initial phases of development of pathological process.

It is also known that physical exercise as the basic means of physical therapy are a clear expression of functional therapy.

Systematic training exercise fits individual systems and the entire body of the patient to increasing physical strain and improving correlation physiological mechanisms, ultimately, as already mentioned, leads to the development of functional adaptation patient.

By activating the physiological processes, stimulating and potency trophism tissue, exercise significant influence on the course of morphological processes.

Finally, we must not forget that physiotherapy eliminates the difference between the regime of the patient in the hospital and those functional requirements of the social environment surrounding the patient (life, a profession) that the patient will inevitably face after discharge from the hospital.

Theory and practice of medical physical training gymnastics

 Theory and practice of medical physical training gymnastics

In his clinical lectures, the largest representative of Russian therapeutic school AA Ostroumov pointed to the need to translate the recovering patient to the active mode, which comes closest to the conditions of life and provides a more stable recovery.

These statements AA Ostroumova indicate the gap that occurred in the time between clinical recovery and functional recovery of the patient. This issue is important in the present time, despite the fact that the idea of ​​guiding therapy are functional in modern clinic.

It is also clear that physiotherapy is able to resolve the issue in the most rational approach to clinical recovery of the patient's functional recovery. Therefore, from the very start physiotherapy, organically included in the healing process, it performs the task of rehabilitation therapy, especially in the second half of the treatment course.

Summarizing the above, it should be recognized that physiotherapy is a treatment method that is used in medicine for various diseases in order to achieve the best possible therapeutic success. Further development in the conditions of his practice of medicine is closely linked with the leading position of the modern clinic.

Therapeutic exercise - part fizkultury.Kak mentioned above, physiotherapy is an organic element of Soviet medicine, widely used in complex treatment for various diseases and injuries. However, given the nature of the content of this method of treatment should be considered that physiotherapy is also (in content) part of the Soviet physical culture.

Theory and practice of medical physical training gymnastics

Such an understanding of the issue by the fact that physiotherapy uses the same arsenal of influencing the patient, and that physical education to human health (exercise, natural factors of nature), and the same methodological principles of primeneniya.Kak know, between sickness and health can not be hold the demarcation line.

Gradually worsening health status (in the dominant number of cases) as well as the gradual recovery of impaired functions against the backdrop of an illness or injury on numerous occasions smooth out the difference between sickness and health, sick and healthy.

If the objective is improvement of physical education of the population, physiotherapy, contributing to the restoration of disturbed functions and powers of the patient, essentially pursuing the same objectives.

Of great importance, a number of sports and recreational activities, both in the trade unions and the Union of sports associations and organizations (occupation health groups in the stadiums and swimming pools, industrial gymnastics and others.). Developing a network of parks and recreation, sports and recreation areas at enterprises and house managements, beaches and so on. F. Promotes healing and hardening of people of different ages.

Theory and practice of physical culture and sport are mainly characterized for physical therapy. The use of the same factors (physical exercise), characterized by the same non-specific effects on the human body, based common biological, physiological and pedagogical information theoretical and practical significance.

Common processes and even a leitmotif that unites gymnastics exercise therapy and a healthy person, the body is engaged in physical training, regardless of who is training - healthy or sick.
