The nature and intensity of the exchange, the circulatory system

 exchange process, the circulatory system

The nature and intensity of metabolic processes in myocardium are dependent on their regulation both sections vegetative part of the nervous system.

So, work Raab shown that in patients with chronic coronary insufficiency strengthening effects of adrenergic sympathetic division can lead to oxygen starvation of the myocardium.

With increasing cholinergic effect of parasympathetic part of the function of the myocardium increases in connection with the conservation of oxygen.

It is essential as the physical and chemical condition of the surrounding tissues, and variations in the physical and chemical state of colloids capillary walls.

Gietogematichesky barrier between blood flow and lymph cell when the patient exercise becomes more permeable, thereby facilitates the transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the blood capillary network of the cell and yield of the products of cellular metabolism, and carbon dioxide from the cells into the bloodstream.

Disposal of oxygen on the increase, the active substance of muscle activity positive tone the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, the systematic use of physical exercise as it streamlines the processes of tissue metabolism and thus causes a decrease in requests to the circulatory system.

The mechanism of action of exercise on the circulatory system as a whole is important venous hemodynamics.

This question becomes even more important in the pathology, especially in the development failure of the cardiovascular system as the circulatory decompensation characterized by impaired venous hemodynamics and development of stagnation.

Various hemodynamic factors supporting the circulatory system, affect it in varying degrees. For example, it is known that the rate is gradually reduced in the arteries, further slowing in the capillaries, and then increases again in the venous system.

This increase in blood flow is mainly due to the influence of venous hemodynamics group supporting factors of the circulatory system.

Physical activity, the impact of physical activity

 Exercise stress

Exercise stress. Under the influence of physical activity significantly increases the flow of blood. This is particularly important due to the fact that the utilization of oxygen by the tissues increases, and the easier the task of hemodynamics.

So, if at rest uses only about 30% of the oxygen flowing blood, under the influence of physical activity untrained people at minute volume of 16 liters gives a utilization rate of 0, 47, and have trained at the minute amount of 9, 8 l found utilization rate of 0, 73.

Thus, an increase in oxygen utilization rate during training allows the muscle to work with a smaller load for the heart, which significantly increases the amplitude of accommodation of the cardiovascular system.

Exercise stress. Thus, major changes in the exchange of tissue under the influence of exercise, muscle training are more economical expenditure of potential substances, the prevalence of redox processes of cleaving and accumulation in the tissues of potential substances.

It should be emphasized the importance of the application of the dosed physical stress on the body as a means to combat hypoxia.

The latter is often the case not only in the failure of the cardiovascular system, but also in other diseases: in the period of convalescence after infectious diseases, burn disease in the postoperative period, and others.

Under the influence of physical activity activation of circulation and exchange flows while increasing the redox exchange phase and improves utilization of oxygen by tissues.

It is found that a lack of physical activity enhances hypoxic state, but it may cause the development of coronary heart disease.

Observations of recent years indicate that the emotional factor may change the dynamics of the metabolic processes in the myocardium, causing primary disorder of the regulation of the trophism.

Exercise and blood pressure

 Exercise and blood pressure

The mechanism of cardiac hemodynamic factors, exercise and blood pressure

In the mechanism of cardiac hemodynamic factors should be considered first and foremost a function of the central apparatus of blood circulation.

In the process of patient exercise last stimulate mutually related trophotropic energotropic and influence.

Exercise and blood pressure

Under normal conditions, with adequate physical exercise significantly increases blood flow to the coronary system, dilates blood vessels of the myocardium, an increasing number of functioning capillaries, enhanced redox processes that lead to the improvement of trophic processes in the heart muscle.

With an increase in blood pressure by 50% flows through coronary vessels is 3 times more blood than alone. Expansion of the myocardial vessels due both neural and humoral effects (carbonic acid, adrenaline, lactic acid and the like.).

Stimulation of the central influences (cortico-visceral), as well as the action of humoral substances (mainly protein nature, formed by the muscular activity) contribute to strengthening the contractile function of the heart muscle.

In the same direction, and affects more complete diastolicheokaya phase, as this contributes to the rapid increase in the number of circulating blood. Here it should be borne in mind that a healthy person every muscle fiber of the heart is reduced with greater force, the more it was stretched in the preceding diastole.

The increase in systolic blood volume in patients during exercise is a consequence of both the increase in the force of contraction of heart muscle and increase the flow of her blood. Due to the systolic phase of the cardiac wave of blood, being distributed through the vessels, experiencing some resistance.

This is caused by the viscosity of the blood, rubbing it on the vascular wall, as well as overcoming gravity hydrostatic column of blood and other factors.

Reducing the impact of cardiac factors, the vascular system

Consequently, when the blood pressure wave removal in the circumferential direction gradually decreases. The latter is particularly pronounced in overcoming area of ​​small arteries, capillaries of the preceding. As we reduce the impact of factors on cardiac blood flow, the influence of neuro - vascular factor.

Influence of neuro - vascular factors is largely due to the firmness and elasticity of the arterial walls. Expanding under the influence of waves the blood, they accumulate potential energy, which is due to the elastic vessel wall is converted into kinetic and the vessel returns to its original state, exerting enhancing effect on the progress of the wave of blood in the circumferential direction.

But the development of the adaptability of the circulatory system to the gradually increasing load is achieved at the same time involved in the process throughout the vascular system.

The vascular system is a huge interoretseptivnye field; it is a source of enormous amounts of afferent impulses, which, through the cerebral cortex and autonomic centers, affecting the activity of the heart, creating conditions agreed functions of the central and peripheral circulatory apparatus.

Increased cardiovascular function during exercise due to the nervous and humoral influences, promotes greater manifestation of elasticity of the arterial wall, which affects the blood flow acceleration.
