Simultaneously during muscular activity is observed enhancement of enzymatic activity in muscles, increases the content of glutathione, ascorbic acid, yellow enzyme (flavins).
Ultimately training results in improved redox exchange phase. Works NN Yakovlev and his staff to study the biochemical changes in the muscle activity showed convincingly close relationship metabolism of the central nervous system, primarily from the influence of the cerebral cortex.
OI Sokolnikov has been tested in practice and the technique of studying the reactivity of human data shifts intermediate exchange based on high molecular weight (proteose) and low molecular weight (polypeptides), protein decomposition products.
For example, studies indicate the ability to exercise influence on processes of tissue metabolism, in particular protein. Immediately after the application to patients with spinal cord injuries dosage exercise proteose observed increase in blood and reduced polypeptides.
The results indicate the ability of exercise to stimulate the plastic creative processes in tissues and enhance the assimilation trophic processes.
The simultaneous reduction in the blood low molecular weight products (polypeptides) indicates a decrease in intracellular processes of decay, which also speaks of strengthening the plastic phase of the exchange as a result of physical exercise. When the patients exercise produced specific products of muscle metabolism: adenosine triphosphate, adenylic acid phosphogen and others.
Exchange during muscular activity, changes in relationships Exothermic
EB Babsky associates showed that the effect of these substances in small dosages characterized by expansion of peripheral vessels, and in large doses - vasoconstriction.
Under humoral shifts must also take into account the dynamics of oxygen, carbon dioxide, lactic acid, reserve alkalinity, pH, potassium, calcium, blood sugar, and so on. D.
The observed increase in muscular activity of hemoglobin, increasing the number of red blood cells, reducing shift to the left, as well as an increase in phagocytic function of monocytes suggest that exercise is a stimulant of the reticuloendothelial system in a broader sense - the active mesenchyme.
Several studies have also indicated the ability of exercise to stimulate the endocrine zhelez.Nesomnenno that profound biochemical changes that developed as a result of the muscles, are a powerful source propriotseltivnyh pulses; it affects the reactivity of the nervous system in the implementation of its coordination functions.
Effect of exercise also affects the ratio of change in Exothermic, affecting trains action and the whole physiological mechanism of thermoregulation, increasing its resistance to environmental factors. This is particularly true if the use of physical exercises combined with hardening of the body.
The effect of physical exercise should take into account the change in the ratio of thermal and kinetic energy in the muscles. Thus, when the muscle activity on average 20% of the chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy, and 80% - in heat.
As a result of coaching exercise influence on the nervous system and the development of adaptive mechanisms of exchange efficiency increases to 16 - 20 to 25 - 30%, which is reflected in the increase of muscle performance.