Exercise therapy in diseases

 Exercise therapy in diseases and injuries

Exercise therapy is widely used in a variety of diseases. The breadth of indications is justified primarily by the fact that exercise is an organized form of movement as a basic biological manifestations of the human body.

The movement is an essential biological stimulant of not only the formation of the growing organism, but also the adult and the elderly person.

With exercise, used in accordance with the medical evidence, you can successfully guide the use of biological pacemaker - motion - in order to functional development of the whole organism and fight with various disabilities in the activities of the main physiological systems.

In connection with this exercise, in the appropriate dosage and methodical application of the shows in all periods of human life.

Exercise therapy in diseases applied taking into account features of the disease and the general condition of the patient, it has no age contraindications. Indications physiotherapy due to also functional and preventative medicine.

In medicine, tend not to be limited to so-called clinical recovery, but set themselves the task - to bring the treatment to a patient's functional recovery. In the most complete form, this can be done using regular physical therapy for diseases which also contributes to shortening the length of stay of the patient in the hospital.

Regular use of physical exercises in the initial stages of the disease limits the development of functional disorders, supports human performance and prevent diseases of the possibility of various complications.

Indications exercise justified as their general influence on the entire body of the patient.

In connection with this method of physical therapy for diseases of the valuable and that he is in its very essence not lokalistichen that influenced the successful application of physical therapy in a clinical setting in various fields.

The extensive use of exercise

Physical exercises should be widely used with curative purposes in all cases when it is necessary to stimulate physiological processes and to counteract the development of stagnation in organizme.Poetomu features physiological impact of exercise on the sick person and the principles defined indications.

Contraindications to the use of physical therapy

 Contraindications to the use of physical therapy

Contraindications to the use of physiotherapy in surgery and trauma, and (with the inclusion of dentistry I) are:

general grave condition of the patient;

elevated temperature (above 37, 5 °) in view of clinical manifestations of disease;

joined the infection in the injury or the presence of generalized severe reaction to it;

the risk of bleeding due to the presence of hematoma, foreign body close to blood vessels, nerves, vital organs,

as well as the obscure location of foreign bodies,

the presence of strong spontaneous and emerging motion pain;

insufficient immobilization of fragments of damaged bones;

the presence of purulent processes (abscess, cellulitis, sequestrations);

the presence of other diseases in which the use of physical therapy is contraindicated.

These contraindications of physiotherapy is most often temporary.

Exercise through neurohumoral mechanism actively affect the activities of all major systems, improving their operation.

Application of physical therapy extends to almost every major disease to be treated in the clinic of internal diseases.

It should be borne in mind that exercise therapy is inappropriate to use in the acute stage of the disease, in a phase of growth of the painful manifestations in the phase height of the disease, when the patient's functionality is limited, and reactivity changed in connection with the breakdown of coordination functions.

To obtain the best therapeutic success should be used in the initial stages of the disease process, when it is not in the acute phase of growth. Lack expressed destructive changes in the affected system creates the possibility of a complete functional recovery.

But the presence of marked morphological changes in organs (heart disease, pleural symphysis, deforming arthritis, etc..) Does not limit the indications for use of physiotherapy.

The success in the development of the functional adaptability of the affected system and the whole body of the patient will be associated with the development of its reserve compensatory possibilities.

Indications physiotherapy coincide with the beginning of the recovery of the patient (in acute diseases), and in the most general form of the chronic course of disease.

Exercise therapy as a method of recovery of functional resources of the patient is indicated for different patients are on long-term bed rest, weakened, reduced mental and physical tone.

Exercising in dentistry

 Exercising in dentistry

The method of regenerative therapy in dentistry

Exercising in dentistry is indicated for inflammatory and traumatic lesions (open and closed) of the maxillofacial region.

Exercising in dentistry is a factor in the prevention and treatment of contractures of the lower jaw, tongue disorders, soft palate and facial muscles.

It helps to restore the focal muscle movements, causing the acts of swallowing, chewing and speech.

Exercising in dentistry as a method of rehabilitation therapy is indicated for:

a) open and closed fractures of the lower jaw;

b) in case of injuries of soft tissues;

c) contractures of the maxillofacial area of ​​different origin;

g) inflammation of the soft tissues, and mainly in the stage subsided (cervical, prirotovoy, suborbital region and the area of ​​the masticatory muscles, and others.);

d) in the postoperative period at reconstructive surgeries, plastic surgery with replacement of defect-free grafts and operations on the bones of the facial skeleton.

Its application in dentistry, as in surgery and trauma, not only due to the phenomena of "local" and general nature.

Therapeutic exercise in pregnancy and gynecology

 Therapeutic exercise during pregnancy, gynecology

Indications of physiotherapy in gynecology, physical exercises take place in obstetrics and gynecology. Thus, under certain physiological state of women (pregnancy, menopause) regular use of physical exercises directed to the settlement of the main features of systems and the development of compensatory mechanisms.

Therapeutic exercise in pregnancy

Application of physical therapy during pregnancy, at all stages of pregnancy helps to improve the function of the circulatory system and respiration, counteracting the development of stagnation in the lower limbs, pelvis and abdomen.

At the same time strengthening the abdominal muscles directly involved in the implementation of the act of birth, and develops the elasticity of the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum.

In other words, regular exercise physical therapy during pregnancy, exercise easier for pregnant and childbearing have curative and restorative effect on the entire body.

In the postpartum period, use of exercise is aimed at accelerating the return of the uterus, to improve the basic functions of the physiological systems, recuperation and mothers adaptation to physical stress in conditions of home furnishings and professional activities.

In menopause feasibility of regular classes dosage and sports exercises is justified by the presence of various disorders in the functioning of the main systems.

The presence of neurotic reactions

The presence of neurotic reactions, disorders of the circulatory system, metabolism, arthritis and other diseases is defined as readings and especially techniques and dosages used exercise.

Therapeutic exercise is shown in gynecology, gynecological diseases, where the use is justified exercise of a health effect on the entire body of women.

Exercise increases blood circulation and lymph flow and counteract the stagnant phenomena in the pelvic area, they promote the resorption of inflammatory products, counteract the formation of adhesive and adhesive processes, have a soothing impact (in particular in menstrual disorders), strengthen the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor, counteracting prolapse of the uterus.

With regular classes . respectively exercise can be selected in a positive way affect the correct position of the uterus in the pelvic area.
