Widespread use of physical therapy for children at the children's diseases primarily biologically justified needs of the growing child's organism to move.
Application of physical therapy for children can accordingly direct the desire of the child to move, which is limited depending on the characteristics of the disease.
Indications and application of physical therapy for children
pediatric clinic are in accordance with a particular disease, anatomical and physiological characteristics of ages and reactivity of the child's body.
It is also necessary to proceed from the principles of pathogenetic therapy, and take into account the peculiarities of the recovery processes in children, as faster recovery times function also affect the timing of determining the indications for physiotherapy and other forms of physical therapy.
It is also necessary to take into account the importance of the preventive value of physical education of children, especially with regard to children, physically impaired, often prone to chronic diseases.
Exercise therapy for children is shown:
in diseases of the cardiovascular system,
rheumatism in children (interictal period)
pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, and upper respiratory tract,
when residual effects of child polio, chorea,
nerve functional disorders,
violations of exchange and other diseases.
Therapeutic exercises in a physical underdevelopment of children
Especially important application of physical therapy for children with physical underdevelopment has children, incorrect posture and curvature of the spine in the anteroposterior plane (round back, flat back, kyphosis, lordosis) and side (scoliosis), where the application of corrective gymnastics is the primary method of treatment failure musculoskeletal skeletal system of children.
Functional backlog of individual systems and the violation of their correlative connection (ataxia functions), which occurs in various diseases, also justifies the indications for use of exercise in order to improve and enhance the physiological mechanisms of functional adaptability of the whole body of the patient to various stimuli of the environment.