About Women's clothing tricks

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About Women's clothing tricks
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Men love multicolored. They respond to him as in the ensemble Igor Moiseyev rises from a whirlwind czardas.

Bruce, a former editor, says: "Think about how often you describe the man, using only the color -

girl in a red dress, pretty woman in a blue suit. "

Wear clothes of different colors, the main thing - that their combination does not hurt the eyes.


Video Games - the most common women's clothing among the employees! It is expensive, but in most institutions is hot, and work in a jacket or suit jackets from impossible, so the ladies they are usually removed, remaining in skirt and blouse.

In addition, fifty-two percent of employees dressed in suits, their appearance like the man says: "I want you to understand that I'm a nice girl ... nice, but boring!" Costumes deprive you of the figures - his short jacket, skirt curtailed.

And God knows why, the woman in the suit seems thicker. But if you so like, wear. And if you're like most girls do not like the costumes, do not feel guilty about Coco Chanel.

Nevertheless, every woman in the wardrobe need one or two business attire. No matter how many suits you, but one of them must be of high quality to wear it for five years. A nice little suit, crosslinked at the dressmaker, seamstress and let herself is!


In my opinion, full of women is much more suitable dress. And if you combine them with a jacket or a jacket, you get quite a decent band. One employee, who does not like costumes, describes his wardrobe:

"Basically my woolen dresses - straight, flared skirts, sleeveless, with narrow sleeves, plain, printed, simple cut, intricate style, smooth and fluffy. They have me in different colors, and the price they are different! In the summer I wear calico dresses, linen and silk. "


Once upon a time there was the assertion that one single dress can be varied so that their thirty-two. The usual way to change the outfit - a brooch pin or tie a scarf. A lover of dresses, which I have just quoted, says: "All of my favorite dresses are always at my disposal - black and white tweed outfit, which for five years now, the Italian olive green knit dress, a striped cotton dress with a chiffon scarf to match."

My best dress - wool in red and green cell. It I had a few years, but every time I open my wardrobe, though said to me: "Put me in. I - elegant. I - elegant. I - your image. For I can not see the dirt, I never seem crumpled. I - warm, and yet you are so quickly freezes. " How many more versatile things you need?

Minimalism tendencies

In recent years, many girls are subject to the cult of minimalism. They exclude all that adorns the dress: buttons, bows, collars, cuffs, pockets, ruffles, belts, ruffles. How wisely it one journalist: "You can exclude yourself from the business."

Easy to dress and gloomy colors may be your style. One time I was very fond of "small" black dresses, but they did not adorn. And I hope that someday you still want to wear a bright dress!

I assure you, men will be a kind of reaction, "Why do not you wear all the time the color pink?" Or, "I'm so like your motley dress!" No outfit will not discolor bright girl. Of course, the fall in life these days, when not in the mood to dress up brightly.

What if sometimes want to wear a cassock? Do not resist this desire! In your wardrobe have to be a couple of things that would help you to "hide", but tasteful.

SKIRTS and blouses

Anne, a member of the board of directors of a department store, said: "Any woman of full age, hardly go walk around the city in skirt and blouse. In these clothes any cutie seem a failure.

The only exception may be thick hand-knitted skirt and snow-white blouse. And this outfit is good only for the Sunday day trips. "If you're too fanatical priverzhenka blouses or sweaters and skirts, get at least a few vests or jackets of velvet, leather or cotton printed fabric.


I think that many girls do not like a coat, because they bought too large. So they look at them as the soldiers of Napoleon's army, retreating from Russia. I always buy outdoor clothing size smaller than the dress. In this case, a suitable length of the coat, it is sufficiently broad and even if sewn on the figure. I advise you to take advantage of my offer.



There is nothing wrong in what you wear jewelry, but it's better if it's expensive jewelry.

Remember that distinguishes women with jewelry taste of vulgar persons.

When you are going to go somewhere, smartly dressed and groomed, your toilet should be supplemented with a brooch or beads.

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Have you looked better without decorations? Are you still unsure? Then remove them, evaluate results and slide it back on. Well, now you yourself like more? That's all right. Do not be afraid to give up almost all of their jewelry, leaving only a few of the favorites.

Prev. - Next. "

Dyeing and sexy!


What color are you need to be to fall in love and conquer?

- Painted bitch! ..

- Well, why dyed? This is my natural color ...

(From the movie "Love and Pigeons").

What color hair more women are successful in your career?

What men think women sexier: blondes, brunettes, or redheads haired women?

Can you be more successful by changing only a shade of hair?

Answers to these and many other questions regarding the form, style and color of hair experts Ukrainian women know the brand «Palette». "Henkel Ukraine" set out to find out why Ukrainian women want to change, what is the cause desired changes in their image, look and, of course, in the choice of hair color.

The desire to give a professional answer to these questions was the cause of two major studies (Taylor Nelson Sofres Ukraine): Ukrainian consumer survey and expert interviews. The results of the poll were announced at the presentation of "Color and a woman", which symbolically passed on the first day of spring - March 1st.

At the presentation were invited experts Faith Mashurova (master stylist Schwarzkopf & Henkel, Russia), Anna White (tsvetopsikhologii), Mikhail Trofimov (sex therapist), who personally commented on the opinions expressed in the survey. We felt that our readers will also be interested to know the results of such large-scale research, so we decided to publish them on our portal.

What color of hair can be considered a "natural"?

But before we talk about color preferences and the impact of color on a woman's life, try to determine, with the help of specialists Schwarzkopf, a color region of Ukraine can be considered natural.

After all, as it turned out, the songs sung in literary image "chernokosoy, dark-eyed," Ukrainian - nothing more than a stereotype. Natural for the region can be considered a type of more women with blond hair, is about 42% of the respondents.

If you add the 26% temnorusyh women, the number of brown-haired women make the overwhelming majority of 25% against the brunettes. So, most of us have brown-haired, and most of us - 62% - are dissatisfied with their hair color. Perhaps it is this dissatisfaction drives us to the store for another tube of paint? Although…

The survey results show that only 9% of women dye their hair only on the grounds that "tired of your own color" 27% - want a change or become brighter and 49% - to paint over gray hair. So most of us are not so dissatisfied with the Light Brown color, just ... circumstances force.

It is interesting that, according to Mashurova Vera, a woman with gray hair, who do not want to change it into a brighter, more saturated colors, have the same gray, featureless nature and are generally uninteresting personalities.

But once a woman decides to change as a change in the image immediately affect the domestic and the world (or maybe the other way around: internal changes encourage women to adapt their faded image of a new attitude?).

Stupid, shameless bitch! Are you talking about?

Our society has developed such a stereotype about the characteristics of women with respect to color: blonde - stupid; brunette - bitch; red - shameless (meaning increased sexual activity red-haired ladies).

Who to be? What is to be? What women are more successful careerists? Chances are, you thought it was the brunette? The stereotype image of a woman corresponds to bitch, walking over corpses to their goal ... But no!

It turns out that strict, businesslike brunette gave way to first place in the rank of successful careerists silly, soft, gentle blondes. In third place was the gray mouse - haired and red whore ranked last: apparently, they are lucky in the career of the least.

Answer one question: How often do you dye your hair: once a month or once every six months? It turns out that the frequency of hair coloring woman is directly related to its social activity, attitude towards yourself and your partner.

No wonder 40% of women believe that hair color affects their self-confidence. And the higher the level of the material and the degree of education of women, the more they dye their hair - to 1 times per month. Among the young and poor women a large percentage of those who dyes her hair every six months.

And if all the educated and well-understood (for their hair color - it's part of the business and social image, a matter of prestige), then this group of young and undecided the question arises: what makes them change? Probably every woman can answer this question itself, without the help of psychologists, sociologists and other specialists.

We are radically changing the hair color, hair style when the global change we want in life. And whether we get as a result of a head of hair coloring in a radically new color? Definitely - yes. Changing our lives, changing attitudes surrounding us, we change our attitudes and even our character.

This was confirmed by all the experts present at the presentation, and also spoke about this venerable journalists metropolitan publications. This simple truth can easily confirm you, dear readers, if you have ever had the courage to radically change its image ...

Gentlemen Prefer ...

And now reveal the most terrible secret. Who is it that gentlemen prefer? According to a survey conducted by specialists of Schwarzkopf & Henkel, both men and women the most sexual representative of the fairer sex feel ... blondes. "Oh, how simple! Type we did not know! "- You exclaim.

But do not rush to conclusions. According to sexologist Michael Mills, the results of this study strongly influenced by existing stereotypes in our society. In fact, Michael as a specialist for their profile explicitly states that men are considering more sexy blondes, give their preferences ... brunettes!

The reasons for this choice are rooted deep into our instincts. After all, from the point of view of genetics is a brunette have stronger genotype providing reproduction of healthy, strong offspring. As they say, against nature not trample.

Perhaps this is why women considering blondes sexually more attractive to men, themselves prefer to be painted in the ... dark brown shades ?!

After all, the task of "attracting" laid them on a subconscious level, and it certainly plays a decisive role in the choice of color for the hair.

The material was prepared by the research company Schwarzkopf & Henkel Ukraine

Author: Jan Kremleva
