Cool woman - an ornament of any society; they find a way out of hopeless situations (and fast and elegant), always set the right tone - and at the meeting and in small talk, and can turn a dull party into a holiday and stalled business talks revive an unexpected proposal.
Every man dreams of a life partner. But being cool is not given to everyone. However, each can be her. The concept of "upper class" has nothing to do with the division of society into classes.
Belonging to it is not determined by whether your name appears in the society pages, and if you have a house on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Money is all to do with it, because the class - a style and character.
The criteria for determining the "class" rather vague, but there are several areas where the class or the lack thereof are particularly bright.
Cool woman never come to work in the evening dress. But it will always be dressed with taste and "with a twist". It will not be guided by the principle of "cheap and cheerful" buy everything very cheap.
He knows when to bargain is, and when it is empty and demeaning waste of time. Even at home, she does not wear the old, in neotstiryvayuschihsya stained blouse and will not go uncombed.
There will always be to maintain smooth relations with colleagues, even if some of them do not like it. She knows at work - work first.
Even with modest means to find a way to express gratitude for every little thing for her to do. She never thinks: "Yes, it's not worth anything."
Not being able to spend a lot of money, it wastes time. For example, the separated line for tickets to a musical or a sensational exhibition, and beating one hundred second-hand shops in the one hundred and first buy a book that her friend had dreamed all his life.
Never peredarivat useless ceramic ashtray or a wool blend scarves.
To maintain order even in places where, in addition to her, no one looks. She pulls out a self-esteem to be accurate for the sake of itself.
At a party at the liquor cool woman lacks everything. She did not expect that, if it is over, the guests disperse, or even bring. When she is not on the means to provide a great choice, she would not hold a party at all. Or will stock at least 3-4 drinks.
Cool woman never clings to a lover, believing that its only value is in connection with it. In her life there are many things it can generously share with a friend. It can distract from their own affairs and to switch to his problems. A man listens to her advice.
He never tells a man that she does not like the way it looks. If it's rain, it will not call him to work, to talk about how dampness spoiled it just made in the barbershop hair. If the "creeping" tights, her man does not even know about it.
Knowing about their shortcomings, fighting with them, and does not poison the man lives a constant discussion.
It does not consider man as an instrument for self-assertion. It does not consider that he is obliged to take her to restaurants and give expensive gifts, if he knows that he is not a millionaire. It can be satisfied with one of coffee, he is not afraid to go to museums and invite a friend to dinner.
Not afraid to seem stupid and can make independent decisions.
Cool woman calling a friend, does not delve into the details of his novel, and its absence does not describe how it got caught on the eve of the subway doors. She repeats friends overheard somewhere gossip.
Not boasts that familiar with celebrities. It will of course be happy to meet with your favorite actor, but her self-esteem and success in life is never associated with the presence of famous lovers.
Never put people in an awkward position. She will not speak of those present in the third person. If she has an extra ticket to the theater, and she has promised his girlfriend, then do not give the person with whom she suddenly want to go.
Attention to the interests of friends, knows how to tactfully engage in general conversation shy guest trying to lighten and brighten up people's lives.
Always listen to the interlocutor, rather than a two-hour monologue to break out.
Type of behavior, issuing no class called reason - fear. Fear of doing something wrong, not like being rejected. Fear leads to stiffness and painful shyness that makes a woman to do things, the absence of outstanding class.
Cool woman understands the futility of trying to pass himself off as someone who she really is. She is not afraid to be natural, or rather, to be herself in any situation.
In this regard, I can not remember a story.
One day my friend dyed her hair when her doorbell rang. Two of her friends came without warning, in the company of a man who for a long time, and she very much liked. No, it does not shut the door and not even gone to the bathroom, leaving the visitors hesitate bored in the kitchen.
She wrapped her head with a towel and turquoise, explaining without panic and an apology that colors hair, began to treat all of the coffee. An hour later she left the company for 10 minutes, washed and returned to the ink flowing, shiny, slightly damp hair.
Later, making her a marriage proposal, the man confessed that he was fascinated by her beauty and naturalness. "I realized - he said. - You're real. And you're just cool!"
This impressive demonstration class cost my friend 200 rubles (the price spoiled towels) and helped to win the man of whom she had dreamed.
So the "upper class" is not so expensive. Can you afford to not have?