Fashion Spring Summer 2014 for obese women, women

 Fashionable Clothes for overweight

This season, fashion designers let you be current and style not only girls and women with flawless, perfect figure, but the owners of magnificent forms. After all, the fundamental principle of individual images corresponding fashion - well-chosen clothes.

Fashion Spring Summer 2014  

Basic canons in the choice of clothes for stout - single cut preference for fashion designs, where the vertical line in the texture of fabric, the cut and finish give curvy figure harmony and harmony.

And it certainly will in the emotional feelings of any holders of the fair sex of confidence in its beauty.

Fashionable clothes, suits for full girls

Women with a full figure is not necessary to neglect the main rules to update your wardrobe. There is no need to focus on the narrow waist belts. Owners beautiful bust should give up more "coat hanger" and voluminous collars.

Ladies who prefer a classic, rigorous and you need to choose a business style suits perfectly tailored fit. Models maxi dresses visually shorten the length of growth and are relevant only at the podium. But the outfits, a cut "trapeze" visually stretched shape, sleeves, slightly flared bottom, making women more fragile outlines. The presence of a significant lengthening of trains models skirts obviously slim full figure.

Style of dress

In 2014 for fashion designers full girls a huge selection of bright dresses, pressing the upcoming spring-summer season, colors and shades. Catchy orange, a spectacular emerald green, fuchsia, colorful and intense blue - great variety. The optimal choice - a plain dress, but with a print fabric remained relevant since last season, but for the complete figures large patterns - the wrong color.

As for styles of fashionable dresses, it is better to give preference to models with soft drapes, A-line and cut with a high waist. It is not necessary wary of lacing and lace clothing items, these parts are also in vogue this season.

If the choice fell on the adjacent silhouette, the dress is profitable will be combined with a wide belt at the waist, provided stately accentuated breasts and loose skirt. Relatively long dresses this season designers have stopped at length to the knee and just above it.

Fashionable jackets for larger women

Nice props for a wardrobe full of girls - jackets who should choose a few shades darker than the dress. The fitted jacket - peplum, once popular in the 80 years, fashion returns to 2014. Razdolnoe lying on the floor hip jacket perfectly be combined with a narrow classic pencil skirt.

Available tailored jackets equipped with contrasting lining cloth that is slightly visible when driving sleeves, stylish and fashionable look when combined with jeans.

For business style ladies perfect corduroy jacket in combination with a white shirt and classic trousers. If you chose the short jackets in the retro style, it should be combined with a free or full skirt to the knee.

As for accessories, then these elements must be chosen wardrobe size. Bag, as well, and a scarf, shawl or jewelry and obese women have to be bulky and noticeable. In no case do not forget the heels. The high heel shoes woman always watching posture and straightens his shoulders, which visually takes off a couple of kilos.

Style and comfort or preference in clothes of people of the 21st century


Be stylish and fashionable clothes to wear is very prestigious in our time, and this applies not only to the lovely ladies. The representatives of the strong half of humanity, just need a stylish and comfortable clothes.

From time immemorial, clothing was used not only to cover the body, but if earlier orders spoke only about the status of a person, and his prestige, today outfits shape our image, create a brand image and help to express their individuality.

Self-expression and fashion

The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have given us a lot of new names from the world of fashion, which has now become a real industry. Fashion show of dresses have become significant global events. Fashion today should not only women, many men do not refuse to learn about updates to men's fashion. And increasingly strong half of humanity visits online store of men's clothing Where it is often possible to buy those things that almost never occur in traditional stores.

Today, these trendsetters are artists, athletes, politicians and other people public professions. These people follow the latest fashion trends and become a great example for many men and women.

men's fashion

Quite a long time, talking about fashion, all updates to its shows were purely female prerogative. In society, it was thought that this man does not need all this. But today things have changed, and the desires of men, too. The look is modern and stylish, have a well-groomed appearance - this is a normal desire of modern man. Here we are not talking about metrosexuals or daffodils, but respectable man should have a well-groomed appearance and courageous stylish clothes.

The modern world has given us many new modern professions that help us in creating a certain way to find your style and create the most advantageous variant of the wardrobe. Almost every modern man has his barber, manicurist, masseur or designer. Be beautiful and healthy today as never fashionable.

Fashion and comfort

That time when clothes were created solely in accordance with the standards and 90-60-90 already gone. Modern designers create beautiful clothes for plump women, every year there are more great clothing for men and young fashionistas. In today's fashion line of clothing appeared to people of different professions (for office workers, teachers, doctors and people of the military profession). Do not forget the creators of modern clothes for pregnant women, and people of advanced age, which also produced comfortable, practical and beautiful things.

Not fair to assert that the design work is easy, because in order to wear a success for women, men and children not only need imagination, how to make it beautiful, but it is important to think about how it will be convenient. After all, most people today need not only beautiful clothes, but also in its functionality and comfort. Modern man needs clothes, which gives comfort, both at work and in the journey, when physical exercise and hikes at public events. The essence and purpose of fashion - to reveal our inner world and underline our respect.


Creating a fashionable wardrobe, you can pamper yourself with outfits from famous fashion designer, permitting financial situation. But today it is possible to find fashions less famous but no less talented creators of clothes. Very often, their outfits are much more interesting, while their value is not as transcendental as the famous manufacturer. With taste or using the services of a stylist to pick up clothes is not difficult for men as well, with a beautifully stylish and fashionable, you can look without being a millionaire.

Choosing the right jacket

 Selecting jackets

Any thing starts from the inside. In the case of jackets, no matter how elegant texture and color of any surface would be, it does not warm you in the cold. And if men's jackets can be easily estimated from the outside, you realize that within them, can only professional. The modern approach to combine the ease of fillers allows the material to its thermal insulation characteristics.

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A typical representative of the polymer fiber - sintepon. In our time, perhaps a miracle the day the fire will not find, but if you find - immediately into the furnace! This outdated filler grandmother's chests have long replaced the similar synthetic "breathable" materials - valterm, hollofayber, Fibertech, sintepuh, Thinsulate®. All of them are characterized by their hollow structure and allow air to maintain perfect form of jackets, while providing both air circulation and sufficient for our winter warmth. Ideal backing for easy demi-season jacket. And winter jackets only benefit from the use of these fillers. By the unique advantages include relatively low cost and easy to clean - wash and forgotten, unlike with natural insulation jackets.


Expensive to maintain and, accordingly, the price Natural duck down, thanks to which the most favorite men's jackets - warm down - got its name firmly taken its place in our hearts. Probably, for this you need to say thanks to the harsh Russian winter.

If the problem really did scare you, we advise you to choose a good jacket with quilted lining, it will protect the product against the stall down.

In summary. If you are a fan of natural fillings, then immediately aware that a true 100% of the down jacket will give you a decent amount. The obvious advantage of such a jacket - warm and cons of weight:

• such a product can not be washed (only dry!)

• It collects moisture

• If insufficient care is rapidly losing shape

• rarely! contents can live insects (mites duck)

• Well, just imagine how many birds suffer for your comfort ...

You probably should not remind you of the joints, which must be of high quality in every product, but suggested to look at the threads and fittings. Manufacturers often try to save on the little things, especially releasing jackets for men (after all, men are more unpretentious, unlike women).
