"And why are you so ugly? Just disgusting! And do not you dare come to the mirror, and do not you dare to scare people with his so-called face!"
If you have such an opinion of yourself, everyone around you and think about, even if you do not say, really.
They just have to spit you go.
By changing their attitude in the first place to his beloved and to the world around you change your attitude, and others to you.
Just accept yourself for who you are, and then begin to act.
Look at yourself objectively, without trying to feel joy or disappointment. It is assumed that beauty - is the proportion, symmetry, geometry somewhere, if you want a little imagination, a sunny smile and add ... done!
We all - a part of nature. The human eye picks up immediately where there is harmony, and where it is not and this does not have to be a stylist, image-maker. We feel and see the beautiful and the ugly turn away from. Nature has long thought of everything for us, and we have to solve it themselves through.
All in your hands
You yourself can create themselves anew and perhaps such a beautiful and unique, which never could not imagine.
It's not an illusion, but a scientific approach and practical experience of many far-geek people.
And yet, many people can not find their own style and are in a long and painful meditations, and did not come to anything. Of course, you can get advice from a stylist.
Perhaps with this and you want to start, but it is only the outer side of your Ya Do you get along with her once, would you wear it on himself as lifeless mask?
We are all human beings, with their own emotions, mood and character. Probably, the choice of style can not be so one-sided approach. His form your character, hobbies, occupation, temperament, mood.
That's imagine that there is a world of fashion and there is no particular trend, no one is forcing you to dress like all the other person's opinion, and you are not affected. You just comfortable in it.
Of course, it should be aesthetically pleasing, well, well, in this regard does not violate the rules.
If you are asked to rely on themselves, taking inspiration from the life history, movies, music, books, travel, etc. and try to connect it somehow to his clothes. Again, it should be a practical clothes, we are not in a carriage to move, it must comply with occupation, etc.
You have already presented themselves in a new way? Then great!
If you is not going to think about their appearance, and you do not want to cry out to you for seeing what you're charming, and your clothes, perfume, etc. I will not live a separate life from you, then you have hit the mark, and found exactly what you need.
Perhaps tomorrow in the streets of the city you bragging rights as a person with their opinions and impeccable taste.
Be of good cheer! And then you do not have a lifetime dream of a distorting mirror.
Elena, a designer-stylist