Stealth business dress code, clothing office

 Stealth business dress code, women's dress code clothes at the office

Save the beauty and attractiveness on the job. Experts believe that for every human there are plenty of options to stay true business style and it does not die from the heat.

Summer Sales can be a maddening anyone, "tear" anything with a 70% discount even want people to another time completely indifferent to shopping.

But the most difficult in the busy season for those who have trying to include shorts, swimsuits and flip flops to find something suitable for the daily presence in the office in thirty-degree heat.

Style or uniforms

Traditionally, the office dress code requires a business dress code and a ban on open shoulders, bare feet, shorts and mini-skirts, jeans, shoes with open toes, bright colors and patterns, brightly painted nails, excessive amounts of jewelry, piercings and tattoos on exposed parts body. Its policy on business style, more or less strict, today there are many not even the biggest companies.

This is understandable: the provision of services increasingly require direct communication with the client, and therefore the appearance of the employee must be appropriate. Just in different organizations "appropriate appearance" is understood in different ways. The dress code exists today in most companies in some companies of the dress code allowed all but jeans and mini-skirts, in others - even in the hot summer banned all but black suits and white shirts.

And if somewhere behind the skirt above the knee 5 cm from the fire can then, for example, in the PR-director of the agency even allow themselves not only jeans on Fridays. That's because it's not just the rules of conduct, as part of the image and corporate culture. And the image is known to all, despite the summer heat.

There is an unspoken dress code, which is not registered anywhere, and eventually became a tradition

"We have 90% female staff and, of course, we want to be feminine, classy and elegant at any time of the year - says the head of recruitment specialists and managers AVANTA Personnel Novosibirsk Catherine Panferova.

- Requirements for the dress code there, but not rigid, but rather to comply with the recommendations of the office dress code for external contacts. But we have a "native style", which set a certain level, the background, and are guided by the staff once again come into the company.

Nice to see that after 3 - 6 months, "newcomers" already meet accepted standards of dress and look business-like in style. " The main thing to suit sat Whatever the dress code, if any, have to comply with it in all seasons, including summer, when the weather dictates one set of rules, and office - quite different.

"Of course, summer is more difficult to comply with office style, and that various deviations from the dress code. - Says Catherine Panferova. - For us, first of all the comfort of employees and match the style of clothing of time and place. " According to the HR-managers company TELE2 Novosibirsk Martyanova Yana, one of the features that characterize the corporate culture of the company, it is the lack of specific policies on the topic of the dress code.

"Yes, we look business-like, but do not force men to walk in the heat in three-piece suit, and do not check the presence of women stockings, - says Yana. - Although we are in every room air conditioning and work comfortably in any heat, Tele2 employees are free to choose their own style.

For example, one of the officers of the finance department came today in a dress with bare shoulders, but it does not prevent it from working efficiently and effectively negotiate with contractors. " Jan Martyanova believes that to ensure that employees are not abused in the heat of a loyal attitude to the dress code may be picking up these people who have business ethics, they say, in the blood.

"We give them the opportunity to choose its appearance in any given day. For one thing, if the employee is expected to meet with the media, quite another if the evening is planned corporate in nature, - says Yana. - The main thing is that it should look stylish, neat and beautiful. This is what we always say to our potential employees for interviews. " But not everyone is so lucky to have understanding, loyal to the dress code of the command.

HR Manager of one foreign company Irina Zykov told how company refused the applicant, brilliantly passed all stages, because in the summer he came to the interview in a shirt with short sleeves, from under which could see the tattoo.

"The company operated a strict rule - no tattoos on exposed parts of the body, - says Irina. - Even in the heat of a tattoo on the shoulders, wrists, calves should be closed. The applicant was refused. Perhaps for him it was just as well, because otherwise he would have had even 30 degrees to walk in a shirt with long sleeves. "

Fresh solution

Despite the rather stringent requirements of some employers, experts believe that for every human there are plenty of options to stay true business style and it does not die from the heat. "For this summer should give preference to things made of natural fabrics such as cotton, linen or silk - advises the director of modeling agency Model House, stylist Natalia Karelin. - They are light, hygroscopic and help cope with all the difficulties that arise in the hot weather.

Bright shades of summer are relevant in air-conditioned office with color clothes do not matter, but it seems to me in bright clothing emotionally easier to endure the heat. Women can be replaced with long-sleeved shirts to blouses with puffed sleeves or three-quarter length. Almost everywhere permissible length skirt at 2-3 cm above the knee. In the summer better to abandon the pants, tights and instead buy the most thin stockings.

This season, at the peak of the popularity of dresses different silhouettes and textures, which look quite businesslike. Classic "pumps" can be replaced with open shoes, because if you open toe is often prohibited by the dress code, the open heel has not been canceled. "

Another problem faced by businesswomen in the heat, it requires the presence of a minimum of makeup, while the skin to breathe and want to sunbathe without any cosmetics. "It is necessary to give up the dense texture of tonal resources in favor of light powder, - says Natalia Karelin. - I recommend that you avoid any summer matting agents, and the use of thermal water - it is perfectly refreshing and helps to cope with the heat.

Better choosing waterproof mascara as maintain business image with black circles under the eyes, it is impossible. The rest will make the sun - a natural tan and flush skin will look fresh and smooth. " Your guests should see the professionalism of the staff, not the extravagant look As for the men, according to Natalia, in the summer for their appropriate shirt with short sleeves, which (as in the heat is very important) is allowed to wear no tie.

Business suits are now sewn from natural fibers, while they look the same strict and stylish. Men are more difficult to pick up old shoes, because shale and slippers are prohibited almost everywhere. Options may be lightweight moccasins light shades.

Experience shows that for a man with intelligence, nothing is impossible: he has always come up with a stylish outfit for the office whatever the weather and understand that the air conditioner in the room should be only 2-3 ° lower than the temperature outside, to avoid discomfort when entering street.

Jan Martyanova sure: at any time of the year in compliance with the dress code is important one - always be yourself and wear the clothes that emphasizes the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. "It is important to remember that whatever the heat, office manager in a bathing suit looks, to put it mildly, inappropriate. However, as an engineer in shorts and a cowboy shirt.

Do not forget that at any time, the first thing you should pay attention to your guests - the level of professionalism of the employees, but not their extravagant appearance. "

Lydia Ratnikova

About Women's clothing tricks

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About Women's clothing tricks
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Men love multicolored. They respond to him as in the ensemble Igor Moiseyev rises from a whirlwind czardas.

Bruce, a former editor, says: "Think about how often you describe the man, using only the color -

girl in a red dress, pretty woman in a blue suit. "

Wear clothes of different colors, the main thing - that their combination does not hurt the eyes.


Video Games - the most common women's clothing among the employees! It is expensive, but in most institutions is hot, and work in a jacket or suit jackets from impossible, so the ladies they are usually removed, remaining in skirt and blouse.

In addition, fifty-two percent of employees dressed in suits, their appearance like the man says: "I want you to understand that I'm a nice girl ... nice, but boring!" Costumes deprive you of the figures - his short jacket, skirt curtailed.

And God knows why, the woman in the suit seems thicker. But if you so like, wear. And if you're like most girls do not like the costumes, do not feel guilty about Coco Chanel.

Nevertheless, every woman in the wardrobe need one or two business attire. No matter how many suits you, but one of them must be of high quality to wear it for five years. A nice little suit, crosslinked at the dressmaker, seamstress and let herself is!


In my opinion, full of women is much more suitable dress. And if you combine them with a jacket or a jacket, you get quite a decent band. One employee, who does not like costumes, describes his wardrobe:

"Basically my woolen dresses - straight, flared skirts, sleeveless, with narrow sleeves, plain, printed, simple cut, intricate style, smooth and fluffy. They have me in different colors, and the price they are different! In the summer I wear calico dresses, linen and silk. "


Once upon a time there was the assertion that one single dress can be varied so that their thirty-two. The usual way to change the outfit - a brooch pin or tie a scarf. A lover of dresses, which I have just quoted, says: "All of my favorite dresses are always at my disposal - black and white tweed outfit, which for five years now, the Italian olive green knit dress, a striped cotton dress with a chiffon scarf to match."

My best dress - wool in red and green cell. It I had a few years, but every time I open my wardrobe, though said to me: "Put me in. I - elegant. I - elegant. I - your image. For I can not see the dirt, I never seem crumpled. I - warm, and yet you are so quickly freezes. " How many more versatile things you need?

Minimalism tendencies

In recent years, many girls are subject to the cult of minimalism. They exclude all that adorns the dress: buttons, bows, collars, cuffs, pockets, ruffles, belts, ruffles. How wisely it one journalist: "You can exclude yourself from the business."

Easy to dress and gloomy colors may be your style. One time I was very fond of "small" black dresses, but they did not adorn. And I hope that someday you still want to wear a bright dress!

I assure you, men will be a kind of reaction, "Why do not you wear all the time the color pink?" Or, "I'm so like your motley dress!" No outfit will not discolor bright girl. Of course, the fall in life these days, when not in the mood to dress up brightly.

What if sometimes want to wear a cassock? Do not resist this desire! In your wardrobe have to be a couple of things that would help you to "hide", but tasteful.

SKIRTS and blouses

Anne, a member of the board of directors of a department store, said: "Any woman of full age, hardly go walk around the city in skirt and blouse. In these clothes any cutie seem a failure.

The only exception may be thick hand-knitted skirt and snow-white blouse. And this outfit is good only for the Sunday day trips. "If you're too fanatical priverzhenka blouses or sweaters and skirts, get at least a few vests or jackets of velvet, leather or cotton printed fabric.


I think that many girls do not like a coat, because they bought too large. So they look at them as the soldiers of Napoleon's army, retreating from Russia. I always buy outdoor clothing size smaller than the dress. In this case, a suitable length of the coat, it is sufficiently broad and even if sewn on the figure. I advise you to take advantage of my offer.



There is nothing wrong in what you wear jewelry, but it's better if it's expensive jewelry.

Remember that distinguishes women with jewelry taste of vulgar persons.

When you are going to go somewhere, smartly dressed and groomed, your toilet should be supplemented with a brooch or beads.

Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Have you looked better without decorations? Are you still unsure? Then remove them, evaluate results and slide it back on. Well, now you yourself like more? That's all right. Do not be afraid to give up almost all of their jewelry, leaving only a few of the favorites.

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