What prevents to lose weight, weight loss causes of failure

 What prevents to lose weight

You are on a diet, or even starve, waive different favorite goodies, reduced intake of high-calorie food, a lot of moving, but the extra weight will not go away. What to do, what really prevents lose weight? The most famous and common causes, you should pay attention to them.

1. If you have still left on the plate food, and you do not feel hungry, leave, do not forcibly shoving food into themselves.

2. You live sociable person and the interests of the collective. This is a good quality. However, it is not necessary to transfer this quality to the case when you eat for the company, but did not want to eat. You can not give up another piece-cake or pie, offers you a friend.

Try to explain that you are not hungry and do not scoff at the stomach. If there is no alternative and you are at a party, put on his little bowl of food and show everyone that you eat.

3. You have gathered courage and decided to go on a diet on Monday. But, oh, the horror! You always want to have. In your brain spinning thoughts about food and you feel the clock from breakfast to lunch, from lunch to dinner. You can not limit yourself to eating right, do it gradually. Go on a diet slowly, cutting one dish after another (including a portion of itself).

4. In the house no one except you and an opportunity not to cook. There are cupcakes, nuts, cheese sandwiches, yogurt and ... calories. Do not be lazy and cook every day. Then you will have a slim figure, and your stomach will thank you.

5. Viewing favorite series - a good thing. Usually it is accompanied by popcorn, chips, cake or a glass of beer, which of course prevents lose weight. The pleasure you get, but will gain extra calories and grams. It is not necessary while watching a movie to chew. It is better to eat after the session is completed.

6. Do not eat when to eat do not want to. This can be from boredom, or while working on a serious project.

7. Some people, seize the stress state. The more you worry, the more you want to eat. Here you have the extra weight. Then, it becomes a habit. Solve the problem without food.

8. If you do not like yourself in the mirror, gather the courage to start to lose weight. But, on Monday (it is not known from where) and tomorrow. Reduce the intake of high-calorie foods, make a menu of dishes that are not fat.

9. gaining patience. Not everyone from the first time it turns out to lose weight. Sadly, when after fourteen days of the diet, you do not lose a single kilogram. Do not throw the idea to lose weight. Reflection in the mirror tells you that you need to try again and again. Diets very much. Talk to your doctor.

10. Everyone understands that any diet - it is a stressful condition for the whole organism. Many people are hesitant to start losing weight, to do no harm. You want and you will not regret. But then it's nice to look at yourself in the mirror.

All of the reasons to lose weight and of course hampered need to pay attention to them.

Tips for healthy weight loss and diet

 Tips for losing weight

With our crazy rhythm of life, which often have accounts on the run, is not particularly sorting out what exactly you eat, maintain a healthy weight can be a real problem, and lose weight - even greater headache.

If in the past you've tried to lose weight and your attempt is unsuccessful, you may have an impression that the diet - not yours, they just do not suit you. Maybe you're even right: traditional diets do not really work - and if the work is short-lived.

However, there are many small but effective measures that will help you avoid the most common mistakes to achieve lasting results in weight loss and start a more robust relationship with food.

Your healthy weight - it is maintaining a delicate balance, but a way to maintain this balance is pretty simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight.

And vice versa: if you eat fewer calories than you burn, you lose weight. Since 3, 500 calories - about a pound of fat, if you reduce the daily consumption of 500 calories, you will lose about 500 grams of weight per week. Pretty simple, is not it? Then why losing weight is so hard?

Often we make weight loss much more difficult than it should be, if you sit on the extreme diet that make us irritable and always hungry, or do not opt ​​for the healthiest of habits, which minimizes all our efforts.

But there is a better choice! You can actually lose weight and do not torture yourself. Approach to diet wisely each day, you will be able to acquire new habits and preferences in food, will be quite satisfied with themselves - and win your battle with weight.

Of course, there is no universal, infallible tips on healthy weight loss at all times, but there are a few rules that you should start with:

• Diet - this is not a short-term event, it's a lifestyle. To throw off the weight and keep it in a normal diet "in a hurry" is not enough. Think of your diet as a permanent change in lifestyle, eating habits.

• Emotional support from others has a huge psychological significance, find your "support group" among friends and relatives.

• The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Aim at the loss of up to a kilogram a week, and you feel that your diet - an enormous burden for your body and for your emotional state.

• Set goals for themselves. Think about how many benefits you receive when you become healthier and easier.

And remember that in order to find the optimal diet, you need the time and desire to experiment. It is important that you are happy with the current weight loss program that you have set for themselves - in this case, it really will be able to stay with you for a long time.

If a program does not suit you, try another. There are many ways to lose weight, the key is to find the one that suits you personally.

Unusual ways to lose weight

 Slimming Methods

Surely you know that for effective weight loss is necessary to observe one rule: eat less and burn more calories. This can be achieved in various ways: diet, exercise and so on. However, such methods are not always acceptable to us. Let's look at the alternatives.

Unusual ways to combat obesity

If you are trying to lose a few kilos, you will need to rebuild your life. You need proper nutrition and exercise. However, not many of us are capable of such radical changes. Therefore, we offer you to use a little creative tricks that will help you in the fight against obesity:

1. First, you have to work with your subconscious. Before you start the fight against excess weight, you have to get the right mood. Tune in to a positive result can be a variety of ways.

The first way - relax. It stresses yavlyatsya often cause weight gain. If you can not do it yourself, try using special relaxation techniques.

The second way - to designate the target. The more accurate the better. Just to lose weight - is not a goal! Divide the problem in stages: suppose to lose weight by 5 kg to the new year. After the first stage, you can set yourself a new goal, and the successful completion of it will inspire you to new feats.

The third method - the psychological mood of luck. It has long been proven that our thoughts can materialize. Therefore, you should think more often about the positive result. Imagine yourself the way you want to become. Mentally put on a favorite dress, which was not enough for you or jeans to 2 sizes smaller. Try to present clearly, clearly thinking through every detail. In effect, the psychological impact is based is now a popular method of weight loss - 25 fps. You can buy a CD for weight loss 25 frame and try to lose weight without much effort. Important - you must be sure that everything will turn out, or any method fails.

2. Thus, the mood is. Now we can proceed to a revision of the food. It is not necessary to completely eliminate the fat. Instead, choose foods that are able to provide your body zharami. These may include: honey, eggs, part-skim cheese, dark chocolate, shrimp.

3. Reduce the reception of high-calorie foods. For example, you can add only one spoonful of ice cream in a bowl with fresh fruit, or eat only chips with sauce and fresh salad.

4. Drink plenty of water. At breakfast, you can afford to drink a glass of orange juice. However, during the day focus on the use of water. Remember that in the juices contain a lot of calories. However, they do not cause a feeling of satiety.

5. Keep a diary in which you celebrate all that you have eaten for the day. Studies show that people who lead a diary, eating about 15% less than men who do not.

6. Buy a pedometer and make the day an additional 1,000 steps. This will help you stop your current weight. If you do an additional 2,000 steps a day, you can get rid of a couple of extra kilos.

7. Eat often. You need to eat five - six times a day in small portions. Studies show that when people eat often, they consume fewer calories. Other studies have shown that frequent food intake helps maintain blood sugar levels and control hunger.
