Faithful and easy way to fine figure

 the way to the beautiful figure

Everyone loves a tasty meal, but at the same time, wants to have an amazing figure. Sorry, but this is not possible, and so we have to Toli something to deny yourself, felts actively engaged in sports and limited to food, or go with the flow, and to complain about the appearance. It's time to think about the fact that the body is designed so that the desire of delicious food and stunning figure will never be able to come together.

How to arrange a fat burning diet?

Everything is quite simple. There are a number of true and accurate way to find remarkable figure, while, eat healthy and tasty food. Undoubtedly, from the cakes, candy, chocolate, pies, and other goodies will have to gradually get rid of because they are fast carbohydrates that small amount of time to satisfy our hunger and deposited in the most difficult places in the form of fat.

We get rid of it and so it's time to forget about such carbohydrates and include in the diet of more cereals, protein, fiber. Here it is necessary to observe a measure, because they do not always bring benefits to our body shape and body. For example, complex carbohydrates should be consumed for breakfast, because it saturate us with energy. Fruits need to eat in the morning, because then our body is more difficult to process them.

Vegetables such as green cucumbers, tomatoes, you can eat in unlimited quantities, because they contain fiber, which is so important to us. Try to add as much as possible, the protein in your diet. These may include: eggs, chicken, fish and more. They had a great impact on your figure and encourage active fat burning.

Products that are perfectly reflected on your figure, you need to include in the diet of their food and for all put to him that our appearance depends on what we eat and therefore need to rethink their habits, tastes, and forever remain content with his body and gain complete harmony, not only with him but also his thoughts and soul.

Proper nutrition is the key to success and allow the dreams of remarkable figures translate into reality. It's not as hard as you can at first seem.

We accelerate the burning of fat by using products that perfectly reflected and affect the figure. We offer you a list of magic products that can afford to buy each person. For example: pineapple, green tea, ginger, lemon, water, grapefruit, dairy products with low fat, protein, spices.

It's time to unlock the secrets of weight loss and a great figure.

So, in this article we'll show you how to achieve excellent results and reveal little secrets, following which, it is possible to achieve incredible results.

Rule №1:

Eating fractionally, by 3-4 times, female body burns 70% more fat. The ideal is to eat every 4 hours, and even if the calculation time of your last meal will be after 22.00, you must eat. Remember that the last meal should be an hour or two before bedtime, and in any case, a "window" between meals should not reach more than 5 hours. The body will try to put everything into fat, so stock up on hard times. For him, it is stressful!

Rule №2:

Breakfast is the most important and, therefore, it can not miss him at all. Best breakfast includes complex carbohydrates and fruits.

Rule №3:

Most proteins - the best result. Protein helps to speed up metabolism, which allows not to postpone fats.

Rule №4:

Green tea should be your best friend, because it helps to fight carcinogens and speeds up metabolism.

Rule №5:

Drink plenty of water. This is probably the most important rule of good nutrition and success.

Do not forget about the exercise of power, because through them you can achieve a better result. Remember Movement - Life! Go up the stairs on foot, spend less time behind the wheel of the car, longer walk, run, join a gym, and then the result will be stunning.

We accelerate the burning of fat by means of refusal of alcohol, which slows down the metabolism, allowing the body to postpone the fats in the most difficult places. Then from it will be difficult to get rid of alcohol and therefore should say "No! ". The maximum that you can afford, it's a glass of red wine and in rare cases.

If you stick to a healthy way of life, in all. Scientists have confirmed that in any case can not be combined, and combining alcohol with high-calorie food, because then the body will be difficult to overcome is the amount of calories and so it burns less fat and more delays in the most inappropriate places.

Also, try to eat more to add different spices, because they help to speed up the metabolism temporarily. In particular, it copes perfectly with red pepper. Sharp spices stimulate the body to release adrenaline, speeding up metabolism and burning calories. Besides all this, thanks to them, dramatically decreases the appetite, because after taking spicy food a person feels full for a long time.

Remember that fast in any case impossible, and all the grueling diet, which is so rich and various online bookshelves to no good you will not. Our body does not understand that you fast for the sake order to get rid of the extra kilos and perceives hunger as difficult times and therefore puts more fat that was plenty to take energy and feed.

"Beauty requires sacrifice" - a phrase gets right on target. If you have a great desire to throw off the extra kilos that are firmly entrenched in your figure, not allowing it to show off all the charms, then we suggest you to take the right path that will lead you to the goal. Then, most importantly, do not give up and do not give yourself a weakness, not off.

The main thing is not to sit on the eternal diets, just to review your lifestyle and make it all the right adjustments. Good figure - proper nutrition and sports. That is why we felts we eat what we want without any restrictions, while complaining about the genetics, wide bone and stuff, just to somehow justify the extra 10-20 kilos on your body, felts are actively engaged in sports and adhere to the correct supply. We have to learn to look after themselves, to be able to catch the admiring glances of people.


Ideal figure of the deposit is not only success, but also harmony with itself. Feeling beautiful is not only inside, but outside, the person is able to be happy and enjoy life, giving love to others. It is therefore necessary to monitor their appearance, not allowing to give in to temptation in the form of cake, candy and other sweets. Do not argue, too, need to pamper yourself, but within reason and not as often as we did before. Since you want to look beautiful, attach to this effort!

Author: Marina Kuzmenko

Lose weight quickly - and correctly?

 Proper nutrition

One of the most popular topics in the Internet space - the topic of weight loss. And as information for those who want to lose weight - "Klondike". And all sorts of diets and slimming teas and coffee, and a variety of secret techniques: choose - I do not. It is important to understand that most of the proposed "effective" ways to lose weight not only have a positive impact, but also harmful to health.

So, before you look for the answer to the question "How to lose weight quickly," you need to know what dangers you may be exposed by the wrong diet.

One of the most harmful to the health, nutritionists say fast diet. At the same time, they are most popular. On the one hand - this is understandable, because the opportunity to get rid of the extra kilos in a few days looks very tempting. But on the other hand, this popularity is due to the fact that most dieters do not understand the operating principle of fat burning. Indeed, excess weight fast diet goes, sorry for the tautology, quickly. However, the same rapid pace, and he returned at the end of the diet, taking with him a couple of extra kilos.

The reasons for these phenomena are quite simple and clear. The fact that when the body is severely limit the food that occurs during rapid diets automatically slows down metabolism and fat starts to save, to save energy reserves. The first days of weight loss is due to dehydration and subtraction of muscle mass, and only then slowly opens up access to the body fat reserves, and, he does it very reluctantly. Thus, it is obvious that the most rapid weight loss occurs in the first three or four days, and the longer it will last starvation, the more difficult it is to part with body fat.

Well, if the person chosen as "Slimming" quick diet will not last long, and it is time to fall through it. If willpower is no less great than the desire to lose weight? With long-term compliance with strict starvation diet has all chances to become rich variety of ailments, and this harmony will be a rather painful. This gastrointestinal disease until gastritis and gastric ulcer, and problems with the cardiovascular system which occur because of the increase in blood viscosity. The elementary shortage of vitamins will certainly affect on the immune system. And about nerves and say nothing! Irritability and mood swings - the first satellites fast diets.

Why is the weight back? Imagine that the shelves of grocery stores suddenly deserted, and while you were forced to eat only from his own stocks the refrigerator and pantry, saving, and not knowing when it will end. And then again filled with food shops ... What would you do first? To stock up for the future! Who knows - maybe tomorrow will not be eating again? Just the stress and our body works diligently to store fat "rainy day" after the termination of the hunger strike. Therefore, if you still decide to subject themselves to a quick diet is very important to observe the rules of the slow exit from it, and it is sometimes even harder than starve.

Another very bad moment, accompanying fast diet - sagging skin. This happens not only due to the burning of body fat. As mentioned above, in this case, leaves and muscle mass. Therefore, quite naturally would increase the Council fasting exercise. However, this same advice seems blasphemous in relation to the body, if we remember that he was deprived of feeding - and so if the energy is not enough, the additional load can lead to malnutrition.

Long-term and frequent harassing "fast" diets are very harmful to health. However, doctors recommend to arrange fasting days which help in cleansing the body and at the same time contribute to weight loss. How often they can carry out for you, and what products you need in this case to include in your diet, it is best to help find a nutritionist advice. If you get a per se is not possible, then you need to select a menu handling, in which you will feel as comfortable as possible.
