Top 5 reasons to lose weight by A. Praytu

 Remove the excess weight

For information on how to lose weight, it is written thousands of articles and thousands of tips are given. But if it were so obvious, that all fat people would have long since lost weight and joined the ranks of stroynyashek! Expert weight loss Prayt Alexander proposed a new approach to the problem.

There are 5 main causes of excess weight and to be slim, you need to understand what exactly was the cause of your overweight.

Reason 1. Chronic overeating

It's simple. You eat more calories than you spend. This problem - one of the most popular causes weight gain.

DECISION: Learn to hear your body and load up to 80%. This, incidentally, is true Japanese habit. They even have a phrase, "Hara hati bumne" that oznachat "Eat until naeshsya 80%."

Reason 2. Violation of metabolism

Your digestion forgotten how to convert food into energy. You eat a piece of candy, and it turns it into fat. You eat an apple - the same thing. And because our body should convert these calories energy rather than fat mass! But the body has failed and all the correct settings "flew".

DECISION: To lose weight, you need to .... There is. There are small, frequent meals and to give preference to food, accelerating metabolism: lettuce, dark green fruits and vegetables, fish, whole berries. Do not forget to drink plenty of water.

If we have a lot, and once daily, the body will begin to heavily stock up fat. If you eat a little bit during the day, the body will not be afraid to remain without food and transforms food into energy instead of fat.

Reason 3. Psychological trauma

Perhaps in your past was traumatic events that had an impact on your life. Our body can react to the psychological trauma in a specific way: to build "protective layer" - fat.

DECISION: Serious psychological trauma should be treated psychologist (such serious problems are diagnosed in about 1% of people), and the remaining 98% plagued resentment that we may resolve themselves. It is necessary to carry out a serious inventory of their offenses and let them go, free and easy to go through life on.

Reason 4. Violation of hormonal

With a lack of several hormones magic you'll get fat, even on the water.

DECISION: To hand over analyzes on hormones. Perhaps they - the cause of your overweight.

Reason 5.   Distress

Alexander Prayt divides the stress on the harmful and helpful. Useful Stress - is a joyful, colorful event that causes a rush of adrenaline in the blood. Children's attractions - a useful stress, bright love - a useful stress. Under the influence of the useful stress calorie burn like wood in the fire.

But if the stress caused by long and, for example, stress at work - this distress. That is, stress, harmful to the body. It serves the cause of overweight, gray complexion, hair loss and premature aging.

DECISION: Regularly experiencing vivid emotions, causing a surge of endorphins: falling in love, bungee jump from a parachute and watch good movies, having fun with friends and easy to relate to life.

Stay slim and happy!

Author: Inge

6 fun ways to reset the hated kilograms

 How to lose weight

If insatiable extra kilos already "twist" his cozy nest in different secret places of your body, pay attention to what you eat and drink.

Slow metabolism - the main cause of weight gain. The low speed body "does not want" to burn carbohydrates, but instead lays. In such a power saving mode may be present in the body for a long time. 6 fun ways to lose those extra kilos hated.

Do you want to be slim! Accelerate the exchange!

Take 14 - 44 minutes before eating food refreshing cup of green tea (about 120 ml). It contains unique substances act as an activator of metabolism and you begin to lose weight after a while. This curative drink helps to burn calories, subject to the same diet. Regular consumption of green tea helps reduce body fat, and waist becomes thinner.

Eat seafood!

They supply your body with the missing iodine: when shortages metabolism slows, vitamin A is no longer absorbed. In this case, no matter how much you do not eat foods that are rich in beta - carotene, no benefits will not be - the process of biosynthesis is not running. In the case of vitamin A is present in abundance in your body, the fat burned.

Drink lemon and orange juice

Fat-burning effect is present in all the juices, especially orange and lemon. You can mix them with one another, diluted pineapple juice. Favorable of all, if the juices are freshly prepared.

Avoid cabbage in all its manifestations!

If you eat cabbage, radish, radish, more often than 3 times a week, then your metabolism will slow down, and you start to gain weight rapidly. The point is that these products accumulate harmful substances that disrupt the compound stimulating hormone metabolism. Because of this, many women in the cabbage diet is not something to not lose weight, but rather fattening.

I love black coffee!

Caffeine, which enters into it, improves metabolism. Pour yourself a cup of coffee in the morning (but without sugar!). Typically, hunger is felt when glucose levels fall. In order to pick it up, of course, you can eat and biscuits, lightning recovered. And you can just have a coffee and lose weight at the same time.

Drink herbal tea between meals

As the tea leaves can be used yarrow, motherwort, pine buds, sweet flag root. The taste of this divine drink give compounds that successfully neutralize acid formed in the body.

How to make a flat stomach

 Slim stomach

Like it or not, and a flat stomach - it's a dream of many women. But, unfortunately, most of the body's torment diets and exotic power systems for anything, except to the damaged nerves, do not lead. Yes, some of the weight of the leaves, but after a woman stops diet kgs come back faster than disappeared. The most offensive that during a diet is not only the stomach is flat and looks flabby.

The reason for this lies on the surface. Any restriction in the diet, including diet, the body perceives as stress. After myocardial infarction shock passes, the program works postponement of fat "in reserve". The vast majority of diets leads to the "reserve accumulation". Of course, do not need to after reading these lines to arrange the stomach holiday is all that there is in the refrigerator. Power priori to be correct, with no additives, dyes, with a minimum of sweets and starchy foods, and with a maximum of fruits and vegetables.

Ensure that the stomach has become flat, you can use the sports loads. But here we must be careful. Even daily exercise for the press with the load do not produce results? Stomach still looks unsportsmanlike and not aesthetically pleasing? The fact that the press you have, but it is hidden a layer of fat. If you have noticed that after an intense run the entire body radiates heat and burns, and stomach remained cool, then his body fat poorly supplied with blood. And to burn fat cells just blood and needed, because it carries oxygen, which deals with the hated fat reserves.

To achieve a flat belly and beautiful, you need to do the following:

Doing very simple abdominal exercises , Pump and continue to hold the abdominal muscles in tone. As far as possible, reduce the amount of fat on the abdomen.

In nature, there is no single, universal set of exercises for the press. Each person should individually choose the convenient and efficient for a series of exercises and loads, always taking into account the peculiarities of their constitution, genetic factors, and so on. It is necessary to independently adjust any exercise, so their effect was maximal. For example, look at where your fat is concentrated? Perhaps you need exercises lower abs And you've always done - to the top?

To disappoint the beauty and fit the press did not hide the fat, it is necessary to systematically burn. The choice of means is huge and diverse. This can be a regular jogging, sports dancing, cycling and aerobics if you want to really make the stomach flat.

Great value plays and restore blood circulation in this area. Will be effective wiping hard massage mitten hot and cold water alternately. After all kinds of training and exercises, as well as water treatment, it is possible to use anti-cellulite creams.
