As always, be in good shape

 Women's tips

Every woman dreams of harmony, so how can it make, as always, be in good shape? Sitting on a diet exhausting. The answer is incorrect, there are many other more gentle ways, is only really want it. Tips for women about losing weight.

Many diets not only useful, but even harmful to the body. Diet can develop only by specialists, dietitians, sit on a certain diet alone nelzya.S where do you start? Review your diet. Whether you eat? What products to use? Are they helpful? If you answer honestly, of course not.

So, try to eliminate from your daily menu, some of the products, or at least reduce their number. These are: sweet, flour, fatty, salty foods. Instead they try to add fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, water, cereals (particularly useful oatmeal and buckwheat), dairy products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt).

Believe me eat these foods are much healthier than fill your stomach heavy food. Following this diet you will immediately easier behind grow wings!

Another tip if you want to always be in good shape: not to load at night, thus you harm not only figure, but also the stomach (other than a day, you do not give it a rest, even at night!). It is advisable to eat small meals, less is better and more frequently than once and at night!

Periodically arrange a fasting days are, for this you need to choose a couple of products on which you can sit all day. This may be apples and yogurt, yogurt can be oranges, milk and cooked potatoes. Choose to suit your taste, but the products should be useful!

Next, let's talk about the benefits of exercise, no one forces you to go to a fitness club or become a master of the sport. Rather banal morning exercises, by the way, not necessarily just in the morning and in the evening you can. To do this, focus on problem areas.

And of the most effective and simple exercises - rocking the press, sit-ups, push-ups, the use of gymnastic hoop, and so on. D. Charging does not take much of your time, even for 10-15 minutes will be enough. But there is another important condition - it should be a regular! Charging can be replaced by jogging or other active sport such as skiing.

The third step consists in aqueous procedures. Water - a symbol of health and beauty.

If you have the opportunity to use the pool - great, but if not, do not worry, there are many other options! In the summer - this is a mandatory bathing in ponds, exercises in water, at other times of the year - a contrast shower, sponging, sauna / sauna, tempers procedure. The latter include: pouring, sponging (including snow), bathing in cold water, and others. The most important thing gradual!

All of these tips we need not only for beauty and harmony, but also for health. That is why it is so important to live a healthy lifestyle and to be always in good shape!

How to make yourself lose weight, motivation, advice

 How to make yourself lose weight

Many women want to lose extra weight hated, but at the same time, they find it very difficult. Of course, you need to find a way out of this situation and force yourself to start to realize your desires!

It is worth to begin to figure out why so hard to force yourself to start losing weight, and how great a role in the process of weight loss a positive attitude, motivation, as well as the people around them and our habits.

It is necessary to first determine the motivation

To force yourself to lose weight, you need to start, specifically and clearly know what you need. According to psychologists, for the vast number of women who want to lose weight, the main motives is the desire to appeal, or health care. It is necessary to focus on these goals.

Just imagine how many problems will be solved, health-related, when you lose weight. Diabetes no longer be a threat to you, so you become less likely to experience infections, as well as you do not threaten problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as other diseases. We need to understand it, and then you will get a real desire to lose weight to be healthy and beautiful and will no longer force yourself to lose weight.

Even when the weight will leave no doubt you will change the attitude of those around you. You do not like what you see in the mirror? It is difficult to make an effort to lose weight for the acquisition of attractive appearance?

You do not just notice how men look at women with a slender figure? And do not you want to catch the same views on yourself? And if you touch the stylish clothes? It certainly is not time you had to leave the store without the things you like, because you require a large size was not there.

A very important point in the successful weight loss is a positive attitude. Who said that definitely need to force yourself to lose weight? Was it really necessary to force a person to do what gives him pleasure and enjoyment?

Useful and, moreover, tasty food - a delight! Fitness classes with friends - too! A jog in the morning when no one around, only you, the fresh breeze, the trees and songbirds wake up - all heavenly delight.

We must take to the process of weight loss or as a prison, as well as the source of the sea of ​​positive emotions. Swim in the pool a couple of kilometers, to stand on the scales and behold, that same weight decreased slightly! Luxury news! Total: minus low weight plus a good mood.

However, women are often not able to tune in a positive way, because they are afraid of defeat in the fight against excess weight. There is fear, "and suddenly I was after a week spent on a diet, stand on the scales, and my weight all the same?". Well, so what? It should look the truth straight in the eye than ever before will not be worse! Well, better - could be! There is a difficult moment - will have to change their preferences and habits. For most people, the problem of weight loss is expressed as the time this fear - a change in life, because will change the rhythm schedule.

But no one interferes with the other to develop a habit - a healthy and correct. It also helps you force yourself to lose weight! Soon after, you start to lose weight, you are addicted to a delicious and healthy salad instead of fast food, instead of lying on the couch, on the nature of love to ride with friends, or play sports. Therefore, we must not only begin to change their habits, but also to remember the benefits of new habits! And it is necessary to give yourself credit for any such achievement!

Another, rightly acting method that supports the desire to make yourself lose weight - communication. You can force yourself to lose weight by talking on this subject with those who support you, who grew thinner and thinner, but you need to avoid those people who do not believe in anything. It is necessary to notify your friends and family that you have decided to start losing weight and already acting.

And then you will simply have nowhere to retreat, because around you will watch your progress. Well, you will, who tell about their successes, and it maintains a fighting spirit.

The problem of excess weight, how to solve the problem of obesity

 Tips for losing weight

Interview with a nutritionist and a nurse Diana Helen, who deal with problems of overweight and obesity. Diana and Ellen agree that a diet with a limited amount of carbohydrates and an increased amount of protein (meat) can help to lose weight.

However, in their opinion, if a long time to eat well, it can lead to negative consequences. This is also evidenced by a medical document "Maintain a healthy weight" (Eng.). It states: "Diets that eliminate carbohydrates can be dangerous, especially if you stick to them without the supervision of a physician."

Then it says: "[Such diets] cause rapid weight loss due to the body of unwanted accumulation of ketone bodies (burning fat). If you want to sit on such a diet, consult your doctor first.

Pyramid nutrition for the day:

Confectionery (rare; up to 75 calories per day).

Fats olive oil, nuts, avocado (3-5 portions, with the expectation portsiyu- 1 h. Spoon oil or 2 hours. Nuts).

Fruits and vegetables varied (in unlimited quantities, at least three times a day) only.

Dairy products, legume protein, fish, eggs, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, cheese (3-7 servings; one portion - 100 grams cooked meat or fish).

Carbohydrates are especially whole grains - pasta, bread rice, cereals (4-8 servings, 1 cup - a piece bread).

We are not advocating any diets and methods of weight loss. We just acquaint readers with some possibilities. And every man, before starting physical activities or go on a diet should consult a doctor.

(for advice clinics Mail)

Advice for those who wish to prevent the problem of excess weight and obesity

1. Keep track of the number of calories in foods and beverages. Note that the beverage can be quite a lot of calories, especially sweetened juice. Also, a lot of calories contained in alcohol and soft drinks popular today. Pay attention to the number of calories listed on the label. Figures may shock you.

2. Avoid the temptation. If you hold about yourself chocolate or cookies, you are sure to eat them! Replace them with something low-calorie, such as apples, carrots or fresh crackers whole grain.

3. Before lunch or dinner a little snack. So you pereb'ete appetite and eat less later.

4. Do not eat anything you offer. Be choosy. Avoid high-calorie foods.

5. Do not rush. Eat with relish, comforting taste and smell what you consume. Listen to your body when he says, "Enough. I'm full."

6. Stop eating before you feel like satiety.

7. Some restaurants serve very large portions. Leave polportsii or someone share.

8. Lunch or dinner is not necessary to finish the dessert. Best eat some fruit or something low-calorie.

9. Remember that food producers are interested in you to eat as much as possible. After all, if their profits would rise. They will try to use your weaknesses. Do not fall into the trap of advertising and attractive designs. Learn to say "no" to you then do not have to solve the problem of obesity! Tips taken from the book by Walter Willett, "Drink, eat and be healthy."

