The diet as a new lifestyle

 Choose a diet

Every woman knows how difficult it is to choose a diet. In our time, we can count a great many different ways to lose weight. But like all the same to understand which method is right for you?

Most importantly, I want to note that it would be more correct and safer for health, diet if you choose not to own, and together with an experienced professional - dietician.

Especially in these guidelines is to listen to those who are obese, which is accompanied by complications of hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease. No special survey, putting some analysis and advice dietitian can not do.

An important first step to successful weight loss will be the goal that you have to put in front of him. Believe that you can achieve the desired result. Just need to understand for itself, for what you need it, say the pros slimming mark motivation.

I understand and accept that the path to the goal is not a pretty simple and fast, but believe in what you really need it, and you the strength to let shazhochkami and slow to achieve the desired result. And also be prepared for the fact that the diet will last a lifetime. When you lose weight, you have to keep yourself in shape, unless of course you do not want short-term results.

In general, it should be noted that the correct and balanced diet - it's start, first of all, to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The phrase "a correct and balanced diet" does not imply that you have to give up on a variety of favorite delicacies. You just have to indicate for themselves what and when to eat.

After all, the fact that you can eat almost everything, of course it would be better if possible to give up junk food, such as different, fast food, convenience food, etc. after eating such foods, you are setting yourself up for his own extra weight. Slagging of the body from the use of hazardous products provided to you.

Simple tips:

1). It is necessary to have breakfast early. Breakfast will run all the important processes in the body. The last meal is best carried out in 18.00 - 19.00. In general, all meals should try to exercise at the same time.

2). Make as much as possible in your diet variety. In this way your daily diet will always be enjoyable.

3). Try to stretch every meal as long as possible. We know that the feeling of satiety comes in 15-20 minutes after eating (when nutrients enter the blood stream). If you're used to eat fast, you are likely to exceed the norm or go hungry.

4). Sometimes before a meal eat something sweet, such as a spoonful of honey or a slice of chocolate and not just to eat and hold a little longer in the mouth.

If you pick up the right diet, you will soon feel a surge of strength, you become energetic, increase performance, mood, but if there is a weakness and irritation, it means that it is better to change the system power.

Diet - should be your new way of life, the only way you are guaranteed success.

Author Victoria Skiba

Weight loss in the period to start

 Start losing weight

At the present pace of life, stress, and as a consequence of being overweight is not the last place in the list of life's problems. People are becoming more and more prefer the process of eating food as a way to reduce the impact of stress on mood. Without noticing how quickly begin gaining weight.

Especially this factor begins to grow in middle age, when the body's metabolism slows down. And all the more difficult to keep weight under control. One day we see in a mirror as the rounded shape of the body. Especially on the subject of women experiencing starting frantically to take all sorts of ways to lose weight quickly.

Weight loss in the period to start

Nowadays there are lots of ways that promise to quickly bring the figure back to normal, but not all of them are effective. Too strong psychological dependence on the saturation of the body a delicious meal. In stores, grocery supermarkitah a lot of diversity, and very hard to resist the buying something tasty. And such great food is certainly very high in calories and its caloric quickly begins to be reflected in the figure. And yet - yet where do you start when the scales crept up rapidly.

From the standpoint of science is considered to be the most appropriate to solve the problem of excess weight - a variety of used products in view of their daily calories. The average calorie content of products for daily nutrition should be about 1,600 calories per day. Of course, the effect is achieved in combination with physical activity.

If you can not go to the gym, then at least try to walk more, at least an hour a day. Do not forget to maintain the water regime. Drinking liquid in an amount not less than one and a half liters per day. This allows the body to better absorb the resulting food. But to get drunk before going to bed is not recommended, as this will be an extra burden on the kidneys, and fluid accumulates in the body.

If you do not analyze why the weight returns, neither what diet will not help, and the weight will come back again. First of all, we must understand for yourself why you get better. Maybe it hormonal failure, or what - the social causes. At any reason, we need to understand that to eliminate the cause of overeating and learn to find new interests and fun that do not involve food.

Several recommendations for return to normal weight.

Not superfluous will know this option as body mass index. Knowing this figure, you can choose the right path to losing weight. If he hesitates to 25 ot18 then your weight is normal if 25 to 30, that is, the threat of being overweight and of course if more than 30 - is obese, and 40 is a threat to your life. Therefore, to achieve good results you need to change your lifestyle and thoughts. Understand that the most expensive - it is our health that is directly related to our mood and body shape.

A few tips to help you lose weight and keep it normal:

- Throughout the day to drink the liquid in an amount of at least eight glasses;

- Always in the morning before going to work for breakfast;

- Carefully chew food slowly and stick to a fractional power;

- Finding activities that can distract you from thinking about food;

- And of course, having sex with someone you love can help lose weight;

- Refuse sweet foods made from flour and sugary drinks;

- The amount of salt consumed minimized;

- To wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Before you go on a diet, the basic rules

 Tips for losing weight

Today, many women are overweight. Article about the most important rules to be aware of women for weight loss to maintain your body strong and healthy.

What I want to have a slender figure wearing clothing that like, not to wear large, hiding everything. But how to lose weight !? Therefore, many of the fairer sex sit on the ruthless and brutal weight loss diet. But they did not know and did not even suspect that hunger and virtually anything to eat without using these ladies not only spoil your stomach, and then run the risk of extra weight gain.

Before you go on a diet

All nutritionists unanimously constantly told that you need to lose weight wisely! And to solve this problem, we will explain your actions, since any super diet requires strict compliance with the rules. Actions that will help you learn how to lose weight without any difficulty and harm to your body.

There are basic rules that are observing, you will not feel the harm of diet:

1) Sitting on a diet it is necessary to consult with your doctor. As a woman, the same diet can help, but only hurt the other. It's all related to the internal characteristics of the organism. Ideally, a dietitian to develop a separate diet, taking into account all the nuances.

2) Anyone losing weight you need to remember the golden rule: "The faster the weight goes, the faster he later returned." Therefore, in no case should not go on a diet, according to which week you can lose up to 10 kg of weight. Normally, the weight loss is considered no more than 2-3 kg per week.

The loss of a large number of kilos in a relatively small period of time, not only is the weight of a hundred per cent return during the transition to a normal diet, and at a rate of weight loss causes great harm to the stomach, which then can lead to serious illness.

3) sit on a rigid diet at once is impossible. It is necessary to gradually as if to sum up this body. Firstly, to stop eating overnight. Try dining maximum within seven o'clock in the evening. Limit servings. It is better to eat often, but in small quantities.

Once a week to arrange fasting days. But this does not mean that the whole day is prohibited, anything is. Dinner is a must, for example, to stretch the day 1-1, 5 kg of apples. Or drink throughout the day about 1, 5-2 liters of low-fat yogurt.

Already subject here such here is not complicated rules, a month can be seen a slight decrease in weight. And only after that you can go on a diet.

4) Sitting on a diet it is necessary to remember that for a long time to adhere to the diet of the power can not be in any case. Because the diet is intended to limit the benefit to a person fat or carbohydrates and long abandonment of their use also harm the organism as a whole.

5) After the diet, you can not immediately return to a normal diet. For the stomach it will be very difficult. Therefore it is necessary to gradually introduce a small amount of food in your diet, the use of which was prohibited during the diet. It is recommended to adhere to the then fasting days. This will help keep your figure in a decent condition.

Subject's just such simple rules, you can in a relatively short period of time lead figure in a proper condition. But we must remember one thing, a diet to keep the weight at the desired level would be extremely difficult. Therefore, it is also recommended to exercise, with particular emphasis on the problem of the body.
