6 fun ways to reset the hated kilograms

 How to lose weight

If insatiable extra kilos already "twist" his cozy nest in different secret places of your body, pay attention to what you eat and drink.

Slow metabolism - the main cause of weight gain. The low speed body "does not want" to burn carbohydrates, but instead lays. In such a power saving mode may be present in the body for a long time. 6 fun ways to lose those extra kilos hated.

Do you want to be slim! Accelerate the exchange!

Take 14 - 44 minutes before eating food refreshing cup of green tea (about 120 ml). It contains unique substances act as an activator of metabolism and you begin to lose weight after a while. This curative drink helps to burn calories, subject to the same diet. Regular consumption of green tea helps reduce body fat, and waist becomes thinner.

Eat seafood!

They supply your body with the missing iodine: when shortages metabolism slows, vitamin A is no longer absorbed. In this case, no matter how much you do not eat foods that are rich in beta - carotene, no benefits will not be - the process of biosynthesis is not running. In the case of vitamin A is present in abundance in your body, the fat burned.

Drink lemon and orange juice

Fat-burning effect is present in all the juices, especially orange and lemon. You can mix them with one another, diluted pineapple juice. Favorable of all, if the juices are freshly prepared.

Avoid cabbage in all its manifestations!

If you eat cabbage, radish, radish, more often than 3 times a week, then your metabolism will slow down, and you start to gain weight rapidly. The point is that these products accumulate harmful substances that disrupt the compound stimulating hormone metabolism. Because of this, many women in the cabbage diet is not something to not lose weight, but rather fattening.

I love black coffee!

Caffeine, which enters into it, improves metabolism. Pour yourself a cup of coffee in the morning (but without sugar!). Typically, hunger is felt when glucose levels fall. In order to pick it up, of course, you can eat and biscuits, lightning recovered. And you can just have a coffee and lose weight at the same time.

Drink herbal tea between meals

As the tea leaves can be used yarrow, motherwort, pine buds, sweet flag root. The taste of this divine drink give compounds that successfully neutralize acid formed in the body.

Losing weight with the help of ginger

 Losing weight with the help of ginger

In their desire to lose weight, each woman chooses a diet that is more suitable, and she likes the rhythm of life. In this article, you can learn about losing weight with the help of ginger, its mineral properties and beverages that are recommended to drink to everyone who seeks to find a graceful and slender figure.

Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity is very aware of this situation: hardly worth survive a couple of days on a diet, you can immediately find the person who will constantly try to entice you into a cafe and a restaurant with high-calorie and very tasty food.

What can you do in this situation, to refuse a person and say that you are on a diet or simply to carry your meeting at a more appropriate term, so as not to give in to temptation and do not forget about their strict diet regime.

In the above situation, every woman can decide for herself whether she should go to a restaurant during this diet or sit at home. To solve this problem there are so many outlets. Dietitians in this case it is recommended to choose such dishes that will make a compromise for you and your loved ones. It should also be guided by the principle of elected regime.

If a woman adheres to the Kremlin and vegetable diet, which contains very few carbohydrates, in its menu to be included snacks and meals, salads, lean meat, vegetables and lean fish. The main ban could extend to the fat sauce that is used for appetizers and salads.

The best diet is considered a diet ginger. Wonderful properties of ginger are well known to so many, and with the most ancient times, evidenced by the works of many authors of ancient times. And in losing weight with the help of ginger very many girls have achieved excellent results.

Ginger tea with lemon

In Tibet, ginger lemon tea - the most popular beverage. It can give a sense of tone and vitality, as well as regular coffee invigorates. In addition, a tea to cure a runny nose and cough, he is very good for colds.

Ginger tea for weight loss can improve the immune system. Ginger can also help your body in getting rid of accumulation of toxins. In addition to reducing the weight of the use of ginger drink can improve the color of your face and improve skin tone.

What is important in losing weight with the help of ginger

A diet ginger root is very well suited for someone who can not use a traditional diet, with its considerable limitations. Losing weight with the help of ginger does not force you to redraw the diet and constantly think about the selection of products.

All you have to do is necessary - simply apply for a day ginger liqueur. In no case do not restrict you to eating what you habitually, but also the feeling of hunger during a diet you will feel well.

Useful properties of ginger

Ginger helps to increase male potency and helps in the treatment of asthma and infertility, liver disease, and more. It improves blood circulation and the immune system and has beneficial effects on the thyroid gland, ginger is also very effective for the flu. Crushed ginger root can be used anywhere and everywhere, and as a disinfectant agent for sedation.

The use of ginger for weight loss is possible in many dishes, it is very good at cooking and drink tea. Fresh root gives a new flavor to sauces and soups, pickled ginger can complement rice dishes can promote complete digestion and eliminate toxins. The food itself using ginger acquires new taste characteristics.

Summarizing all the above, we can say with certainty that losing weight with the help of ginger not only save many from unnecessary and hateful kilograms, but is good for your health.

Fundamentals of beauty and a slim figure - the balance of calories and exercise

 A slim body

To get rid of excess weight, it is necessary to increase physical activity and reduce the excesses in eating. Consumption of large amounts of food is harmful. Meals should rational, but not only by reducing the number, but also by the diversity of dishes.

Much has been said about the fact that health and beauty is almost the same. By - this beautiful only healthy people. Beautiful skin, hair, nails partly health indicators. Unhealthy gloss shall not hide any makeup or hairstyle. Reach joy at the sight of myself in the mirror, it can only be properly organized power. It will help balance the health and mood.

Fundamentals of beauty and a slim figure

A small an effort and change of diet will be your allies in reaching appeal. Lack of regular exercise and exhausting low-calorie diets lead to falls in a faint from hunger, sagging skin and gray mind.

Teach yourself to split meals. This power does not allow fasting day and evening bouts of gluttony. Missed breakfast will result in a hearty meal, and fat stores at night will be delayed on the sides. A large amount of food at a time causes to produce insulin, which stimulates the appetite and stimulates the production of fat cells.

Split meals

Fractional power does not cause surges of insulin and reduces the desire of something else to eat. Additionally, gastric overload leads to a stretching of its walls. And each time to get saturation have to eat even more.

If it is difficult to organize a 6-7 one-time meal, start by dividing portions. Divide serving breakfast, lunch and dinner for the two parts. Even a simple sandwich, eat two times. Then divide divided again. So accustom the stomach to work in a different mode.

Get a notepad and count calories. Fats eat your waist, so I think the amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins eaten per day, and the next write that physically done. You see, what seizes stress at work - chocolate or fruit.

The balance of calories and exercise

Walking on the floor in the office, rather than riding the elevator, or walking on the near errands during the day, rather than on transport, too, exercise. Do not snack on the road fast fudami and coffee from a bag with a set of additives "E".

Low-fat foods often contain a lot of fat instead of sugar. See the label calorie products and not on the amount of fat. Manufacturers produce low-fat and fat product with a difference of only 50 calories.

In order not to overeat in the evening, start with a glass of water, a light salad. Zapivaniya food sips promotes rapid saturation. Use utensils smaller than used to.


Increase the amount of fiber in the diet. Fiber body can not assimilate, but it is like a broom, it passes through the intestines, reduces cholesterol.

Sources of fat are tasty foods - figs, dried fruits, beans, blackberries, peas, apple, raspberry, bran cereal, buckwheat, oats, rice, millet porridge. It will feel a burst of energy and observe the shape inclusion in the diet of different foods that satisfy hunger and purified of toxins, normalize digestion and do not create unwanted problems.
