What prevents to lose weight, weight loss causes of failure

 What prevents to lose weight

You are on a diet, or even starve, waive different favorite goodies, reduced intake of high-calorie food, a lot of moving, but the extra weight will not go away. What to do, what really prevents lose weight? The most famous and common causes, you should pay attention to them.

1. If you have still left on the plate food, and you do not feel hungry, leave, do not forcibly shoving food into themselves.

2. You live sociable person and the interests of the collective. This is a good quality. However, it is not necessary to transfer this quality to the case when you eat for the company, but did not want to eat. You can not give up another piece-cake or pie, offers you a friend.

Try to explain that you are not hungry and do not scoff at the stomach. If there is no alternative and you are at a party, put on his little bowl of food and show everyone that you eat.

3. You have gathered courage and decided to go on a diet on Monday. But, oh, the horror! You always want to have. In your brain spinning thoughts about food and you feel the clock from breakfast to lunch, from lunch to dinner. You can not limit yourself to eating right, do it gradually. Go on a diet slowly, cutting one dish after another (including a portion of itself).

4. In the house no one except you and an opportunity not to cook. There are cupcakes, nuts, cheese sandwiches, yogurt and ... calories. Do not be lazy and cook every day. Then you will have a slim figure, and your stomach will thank you.

5. Viewing favorite series - a good thing. Usually it is accompanied by popcorn, chips, cake or a glass of beer, which of course prevents lose weight. The pleasure you get, but will gain extra calories and grams. It is not necessary while watching a movie to chew. It is better to eat after the session is completed.

6. Do not eat when to eat do not want to. This can be from boredom, or while working on a serious project.

7. Some people, seize the stress state. The more you worry, the more you want to eat. Here you have the extra weight. Then, it becomes a habit. Solve the problem without food.

8. If you do not like yourself in the mirror, gather the courage to start to lose weight. But, on Monday (it is not known from where) and tomorrow. Reduce the intake of high-calorie foods, make a menu of dishes that are not fat.

9. gaining patience. Not everyone from the first time it turns out to lose weight. Sadly, when after fourteen days of the diet, you do not lose a single kilogram. Do not throw the idea to lose weight. Reflection in the mirror tells you that you need to try again and again. Diets very much. Talk to your doctor.

10. Everyone understands that any diet - it is a stressful condition for the whole organism. Many people are hesitant to start losing weight, to do no harm. You want and you will not regret. But then it's nice to look at yourself in the mirror.

All of the reasons to lose weight and of course hampered need to pay attention to them.

Japanese method of losing weight with a towel, losing weight lying in Japanese

 Japanese method of slimming with towel

It is no secret that many plump girls dream to lose weight so that then, even briefly, to be slim. There is one unusual method of Japanese "lying losing weight and becoming slim."

Invented by a Japanese doctor Fukutsudzi it. He is 20 years explores the nature and struggling with the problems of the pelvis. Studies have shown that the hips are enlarged when diverge pelvis. And when the costs thighs, upper torso starts to gain weight. The scientist has made a set of exercises in which you can put the bone ribs and pelvis to its original position.

To use this Japanese unusual method of weight loss you will need to do exercises with a towel: twist the rigid roller towels, prepare the rope, hard couch and ... 5-7 minutes of free time each day.

So, losing weight lying in Japanese

1.Polotentse must be twisted together into a tight roll and tie into a bundle. Roller twist in diameter equal to your fullest.

2.For order to get the effect of exercise, you need a hard surface (couch, floor).

3. It is necessary to measure your height and waist.

4.Nado sit on the floor or a hard couch and put it back cushion.

5.Nuzhno lie so that the cushion was below the navel. Then, you need to place the legs and connect the thumbs up.

6. Now you need to pull your hands up and put her hands above the head down so that little fingers joined.

Lie down at this position at least 5 minutes. You would think that this is quite a simple exercise with a towel, and you can easily learn the Japanese way of losing weight.

Alas! Since, in this exercise, stretch your muscles and bones are taking the right position, you do not soak. It will hurt, either during or after exercise. If you feel that you can not be in this position for 5 minutes, lie as much as suffer (one to two minutes is sufficient).

Once the exercise is carried out, measure the height and waist. You will not believe, but your growth will be increased and decreased waist. The spine will begin to rise in its place, as well as the bones of the hips and pelvis.

Because of long-term observation of Dr. Fukutsudzi I concluded that after 2-3 sessions of exercise, your waistline will decrease by 4 cm, and the growth will start to increase. To fix the effect of exercise, the process should be longer (without breaks - every day). Put a cushion under his chest and do the same exercise. You will see how your posture will improve. If the roller is placed at the beginning of the hips, the waist is more clearly defined.

It is not necessary to wonder: will you become leaner or not using the Japanese method of weight loss. Begin the exercise with a towel. Is it safe. If you have damage in the spine, then consult a podiatrist if you should do this exercise.

Many women in Japan, many countries in Europe and America tried method Fukutsudzi. The method of "losing weight while lying on the Japanese" gives good results. But the results will be purely individual. If you feel pain during exercise, start with one minute. Time gradually increase. We just want to, and a little sweat.

How to lose weight in the winter and maintain a slim figure

 How to lose weight in winter

Who does not dream of a beautiful and slim figure? Question trite, but to-date, is not it. Oh, and most importantly how to keep the weight after a long time of abstinence and self-torture, do you want to reward yourself for overwork! Article on how best to lose weight in the winter and how to maintain a slim figure during the cold season or recommendation prey protein diet.

And if the summer issue of weight loss is not as prevalent due to the abundance of fruits of vegetables on the table with the approach of autumn, followed by the winter and we begin to despair. Physical activity is reduced, food becomes more severe depression begins, and as always her comes her inseparable friend - excess weight.

So how do you not only lose weight but also maintain a slim figure in the cold season?

Not an easy task, but not from the bad. Undoubtedly, the winter is hard enough to lose weight, because our bodies at this time, on the contrary trying for our good, it tends to survive harsh times of the year. Such activist demands and the respective diets are the best option would be protein diet.

Is it possible to lose weight in winter, eating meat products, you ask. To begin with, we define that a diet is not always hungry fainting and self-torture, we must remember that the diet was invented as a means to achieve beauty, not the destruction of health and psyche.

Of course in the winter on a diet to lose weight can be a protein, it is no wonder it is considered one of the most effective, and what's more you'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you will achieve this.

Let's see what it is based and that it involves. So, the list of allowed-to-eat foods, as you may have noticed, the name reflects this diet. Protein is primarily meat products, but without fanaticism, it also has its own nuances.

Prefer not fatty meats such as beef, chicken, turkey, pork and that's about the best forgotten. As for fish and seafood, they are subject to the same rules, fatty can wait in the wings until the end of the diet. The best option preparations for meat and fish to be grilled or dry frying pan. You can also afford a small amount of soup or chicken broth.

An excellent source of protein perform all kinds of dairy products. Among them is the undisputed leader of low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, milk. It should be clearly understood that not all dairy products are useful for the diet should forget about words such as yogurt, pudding and milk dessert. But the low-fat cheese and eggs you can afford once a week.

Will not the discovery that should be excluded from the diet all kinds of fast carbs - bread, pasta, sweets, pastries, sugar and butter. But do not be so hard to be upset, the diet allows you to enjoy any number of fruits.

Best assistant here will grapefruits, oranges, kiwi, but will have to forget about bananas and grapes. With meat and fish will be perfectly combined vegetable side dishes and salads, just turn on the imagination and experiment with flavors, excluding only the potato.

Add to such a diet sufficient water and light physical activity and extra weight for a long time you will not stay, even in winter. You can easily lose weight and maintain a slim figure elegant.
