Unusual ways to lose weight

 Slimming Methods

Surely you know that for effective weight loss is necessary to observe one rule: eat less and burn more calories. This can be achieved in various ways: diet, exercise and so on. However, such methods are not always acceptable to us. Let's look at the alternatives.

Unusual ways to combat obesity

If you are trying to lose a few kilos, you will need to rebuild your life. You need proper nutrition and exercise. However, not many of us are capable of such radical changes. Therefore, we offer you to use a little creative tricks that will help you in the fight against obesity:

1. First, you have to work with your subconscious. Before you start the fight against excess weight, you have to get the right mood. Tune in to a positive result can be a variety of ways.

The first way - relax. It stresses yavlyatsya often cause weight gain. If you can not do it yourself, try using special relaxation techniques.

The second way - to designate the target. The more accurate the better. Just to lose weight - is not a goal! Divide the problem in stages: suppose to lose weight by 5 kg to the new year. After the first stage, you can set yourself a new goal, and the successful completion of it will inspire you to new feats.

The third method - the psychological mood of luck. It has long been proven that our thoughts can materialize. Therefore, you should think more often about the positive result. Imagine yourself the way you want to become. Mentally put on a favorite dress, which was not enough for you or jeans to 2 sizes smaller. Try to present clearly, clearly thinking through every detail. In effect, the psychological impact is based is now a popular method of weight loss - 25 fps. You can buy a CD for weight loss 25 frame and try to lose weight without much effort. Important - you must be sure that everything will turn out, or any method fails.

2. Thus, the mood is. Now we can proceed to a revision of the food. It is not necessary to completely eliminate the fat. Instead, choose foods that are able to provide your body zharami. These may include: honey, eggs, part-skim cheese, dark chocolate, shrimp.

3. Reduce the reception of high-calorie foods. For example, you can add only one spoonful of ice cream in a bowl with fresh fruit, or eat only chips with sauce and fresh salad.

4. Drink plenty of water. At breakfast, you can afford to drink a glass of orange juice. However, during the day focus on the use of water. Remember that in the juices contain a lot of calories. However, they do not cause a feeling of satiety.

5. Keep a diary in which you celebrate all that you have eaten for the day. Studies show that people who lead a diary, eating about 15% less than men who do not.

6. Buy a pedometer and make the day an additional 1,000 steps. This will help you stop your current weight. If you do an additional 2,000 steps a day, you can get rid of a couple of extra kilos.

7. Eat often. You need to eat five - six times a day in small portions. Studies show that when people eat often, they consume fewer calories. Other studies have shown that frequent food intake helps maintain blood sugar levels and control hunger.

How to lose weight on vacation. All inclusive is not an obstacle but a source of harmony

 Losing weight on vacation. All inclusive is not an obstacle but a source of harmony

Summer - time travel, bright impressions, new acquaintances and other pleasures to which so wants to dive on vacation. You've already seen in the dreams themselves - tanned, slim and fit under the warm Mediterranean sun.

Envious glances and enthusiastic women - men who escorted you to the beach, disco, trips. Rest was a success, and you will take away with them pleasant memories and souvenirs. But, unfortunately, dreams are often at odds with reality.

All year you have worked up a sweat, because the eternal rush job, and you did not have time not to get in that gym, and an elementary walk in the park on weekends. Every Sunday, you solemnly promised myself to adhere to dietary another newfangled diet weight loss programs.

You even bought all the necessary products, but the yogurt diet safely moldy in the far corner of the refrigerator, replaced chocolates instead of dinner and late supper. And as a result the day before departure scales give you a disappointing figure, as previously bought a swimsuit sits not as a girl with advertising.

And in front of you waiting for a serious test in the form of breakfast, lunch and dinner at the restaurant of your All inclusive hotel. And you know in advance that you can not resist the abundance of delicacies and sweets, from which a groaning buffet tables.

How to lose weight on vacation on the power circuit All inclusive

But all is not lost. In fact, the power supply circuit The all inclusive, has made the most popular hotels in Turkey, will not only help you not gain weight, but also to lose weight. And on returning from vacation, many will not find in a slim tanned beauty, to gain weight during the long, cold winter for you.

Suffice it to adhere to reasonable rules of supply have the willpower and the weight goes effortlessly. In addition, there is no need to cook yourself a nice bonus and will help to focus on achieving this goal.

The basis of weight loss on vacation take three meals a day with a meal during the day. Serving size for 1 meal: for protein products (meat, fish) - a hand for carbohydrate (cereal, pasta) - Fist, fruits and vegetables equate to a handful.


For breakfast fit: fresh juices, herbal teas, organic coffee, toasted whole-grain bread, cereal, low-fat cheeses, scrambled eggs, fried eggs with vegetables, eggs poached or boiled and salad mixes or just fresh vegetables.

Also, do not forget the magic milk drinks, ayran, which wonderfully quenches thirst and nourishes the body with the necessary lactic acid bacteria.

Sample lunch: salad from fresh cabbage with raisins, grated carrots and fennel, dressed with natural yoghurt, boiled egg, toast with a slice of cheese and blueberry jam, a cup of organic coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch in the hotel restaurant

At lunch we prefer the Turkish national supu- Cerba of chickpeas, lentils and tomato. Also suitable vegetable or chicken broth, but if you prefer the side dishes, the best choice would be the couscous.

It's wonderful oriental dishes, based on a certain way is treated wheat semolina (couscous), with the addition of vegetables, herbs and spices. Couscous is a great source of protein, despite the fact that this cereal, as well as a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

If you prefer meat dishes, then give preference to tender, braised veal with vegetables, rice with seafood or chicken shish kebab. Do not forget the vegetables.

Sample lunch: Cerba portion of green lentils, chicken grilled, baked eggplant with sauce of herbs and natural yoghurt.

Easy and enjoyable snack will be a fruit that should be eaten separately from the rest of the meal, but not earlier than 2 hours after the last meal. You can not limit yourself enjoying your favorite kinds of fruits and berries, but without forgetting that their total should not exceed two folded hands.


Dinner in the hotel restaurant - usually the rich and varied meal of the day. Cook the most delicious meals, snacks and desserts. And here we must carefully pick up a menu, because that evening the digestive processes slow down, and all the excess is deposited particularly intense on the sides.

You can safely enjoy seafood stew, roasted meat, vegetable stews or cell, fish, warm salads and grilled dishes. You may want to supplement the dinner glass of red or white dry wine, depending on what kind of meat or fish you will eat.

Wonderful desserts can be cooked on the national Turkish recipe, cooked in honey pumpkin with walnuts and tahini sauce.

Sample dinner: levrek (a type of sea bass) cooked on the grill, salad with avocado, arugula and cherry tomatoes, a glass of Chardonnay with dried figs for dessert.

How to speed up the process of weight loss on leave

Also do not forget that speed up the process of losing weight can be located at the hotel gym, hammam, SPA-center. And if you deal with a boring alone - to join the group, which are sports animators, and enjoy daily programs step-fitness, aqua aerobics, yoga, oriental dance. Or just ride a bike, play beach volleyball, and a dance at the disco.

And when you will pass unnoticed such short days of rest, you're quite unexpectedly found that not only recovered from the delicacies of hotel and got rid of the extra kilos, which unsuccessfully fought for a long time.

And returning home can share with your friends surprised by a new method How to lose weight on vacation, called The all inclusive!
