Top 5 reasons to lose weight by A. Praytu

 Remove the excess weight

For information on how to lose weight, it is written thousands of articles and thousands of tips are given. But if it were so obvious, that all fat people would have long since lost weight and joined the ranks of stroynyashek! Expert weight loss Prayt Alexander proposed a new approach to the problem.

There are 5 main causes of excess weight and to be slim, you need to understand what exactly was the cause of your overweight.

Reason 1. Chronic overeating

It's simple. You eat more calories than you spend. This problem - one of the most popular causes weight gain.

DECISION: Learn to hear your body and load up to 80%. This, incidentally, is true Japanese habit. They even have a phrase, "Hara hati bumne" that oznachat "Eat until naeshsya 80%."

Reason 2. Violation of metabolism

Your digestion forgotten how to convert food into energy. You eat a piece of candy, and it turns it into fat. You eat an apple - the same thing. And because our body should convert these calories energy rather than fat mass! But the body has failed and all the correct settings "flew".

DECISION: To lose weight, you need to .... There is. There are small, frequent meals and to give preference to food, accelerating metabolism: lettuce, dark green fruits and vegetables, fish, whole berries. Do not forget to drink plenty of water.

If we have a lot, and once daily, the body will begin to heavily stock up fat. If you eat a little bit during the day, the body will not be afraid to remain without food and transforms food into energy instead of fat.

Reason 3. Psychological trauma

Perhaps in your past was traumatic events that had an impact on your life. Our body can react to the psychological trauma in a specific way: to build "protective layer" - fat.

DECISION: Serious psychological trauma should be treated psychologist (such serious problems are diagnosed in about 1% of people), and the remaining 98% plagued resentment that we may resolve themselves. It is necessary to carry out a serious inventory of their offenses and let them go, free and easy to go through life on.

Reason 4. Violation of hormonal

With a lack of several hormones magic you'll get fat, even on the water.

DECISION: To hand over analyzes on hormones. Perhaps they - the cause of your overweight.

Reason 5.   Distress

Alexander Prayt divides the stress on the harmful and helpful. Useful Stress - is a joyful, colorful event that causes a rush of adrenaline in the blood. Children's attractions - a useful stress, bright love - a useful stress. Under the influence of the useful stress calorie burn like wood in the fire.

But if the stress caused by long and, for example, stress at work - this distress. That is, stress, harmful to the body. It serves the cause of overweight, gray complexion, hair loss and premature aging.

DECISION: Regularly experiencing vivid emotions, causing a surge of endorphins: falling in love, bungee jump from a parachute and watch good movies, having fun with friends and easy to relate to life.

Stay slim and happy!

Author: Inge

Losing weight with pleasure


All of the fair sex always want to have an attractive appearance and, of course, is slim and toned body. However, one desire is not enough, since any goal requires the application of certain effort.

To date, very popular all sorts of gyms and aerobics section, visits which help to maintain its normal shape and lose weight.

But the good sports section is quite a decent amount also do not always have the time to exercise. Also, many women admit that they go there with the sole purpose to lose weight without getting virtually no aesthetic pleasure. Really there is no alternative that could not only help the body, but also bring moral satisfaction and pleasure?

There it is called - a bike ride! It is riding a two-wheeled velobayke can relax and lose weight at the same time. As is known in cycling person zadeystvuet mainly slow (red) muscle fibers, creating an aerobic stress on the body. This load is aimed at the muscles of the lower extremities and is optimal for shedding excess weight.

The process of burning excess fat is carried out as a result of saturation of blood oxygen molecules that activate and greatly accelerate the body's metabolism. But we should remember that weight loss is necessary to adhere to certain rules of riding, otherwise the expected results are achieved.

What are these rules?

The best time is the morning cycle trips. This is due to the fact that the aerobic activity in the first half of the day to give an average of 10% greater effect. In addition to the evening the body is exhausted and it is very difficult to overcome the laziness and go for an evening ride.

Also in the morning there is the opportunity to go skating on an empty stomach, forcing the body to use glycogen and fat deposits to restore lost energy. For maximum effect, should not ride in the same rhythm, and constantly change intensity, alternately increasing and decreasing the tempo.

The ride should be no less than forty minutes a day to load promote fat burning. This figure contains no accident. The fact that the fat is a hidden reserve that is used only in cases of prolonged starvation.

When riding a bike, the first half-hour of energy used to restore glycogen, which is stored in muscle tissue, and only then beginning to be drawn fat reserves. That is, fat burning, and therefore, the process of weight loss begins with a 40-minute (for every ten minutes lost 100 kcal). Thus, riding is less than this time will not make any sense in terms of the desire to lose weight.

For such studies do not need expensive and super velobayki, so you can choose any model. You can visit any bicycle shop in Moscow, for example, or to place an order through the online store. The second option would cost much cheaper, but in a real shop is possible to see and touch the bike and get professional assistance consultant.

Internet store to provide this opportunity is not always able to. When selecting velobayka very important to pay attention to build quality and availability of essential accessories. Color, producer company and other factors are not so important, why talk about them will not be carried out.

The most important thing to remember: if you are in the first month dropped a little weight, it is not a reason to throw the job. The reason may lie that the body is just beginning to adapt to stress. In addition, the beauty demands victims, and you can tolerate a few months !!!

As always, be in good shape

 Women's tips

Every woman dreams of harmony, so how can it make, as always, be in good shape? Sitting on a diet exhausting. The answer is incorrect, there are many other more gentle ways, is only really want it. Tips for women about losing weight.

Many diets not only useful, but even harmful to the body. Diet can develop only by specialists, dietitians, sit on a certain diet alone nelzya.S where do you start? Review your diet. Whether you eat? What products to use? Are they helpful? If you answer honestly, of course not.

So, try to eliminate from your daily menu, some of the products, or at least reduce their number. These are: sweet, flour, fatty, salty foods. Instead they try to add fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, water, cereals (particularly useful oatmeal and buckwheat), dairy products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt).

Believe me eat these foods are much healthier than fill your stomach heavy food. Following this diet you will immediately easier behind grow wings!

Another tip if you want to always be in good shape: not to load at night, thus you harm not only figure, but also the stomach (other than a day, you do not give it a rest, even at night!). It is advisable to eat small meals, less is better and more frequently than once and at night!

Periodically arrange a fasting days are, for this you need to choose a couple of products on which you can sit all day. This may be apples and yogurt, yogurt can be oranges, milk and cooked potatoes. Choose to suit your taste, but the products should be useful!

Next, let's talk about the benefits of exercise, no one forces you to go to a fitness club or become a master of the sport. Rather banal morning exercises, by the way, not necessarily just in the morning and in the evening you can. To do this, focus on problem areas.

And of the most effective and simple exercises - rocking the press, sit-ups, push-ups, the use of gymnastic hoop, and so on. D. Charging does not take much of your time, even for 10-15 minutes will be enough. But there is another important condition - it should be a regular! Charging can be replaced by jogging or other active sport such as skiing.

The third step consists in aqueous procedures. Water - a symbol of health and beauty.

If you have the opportunity to use the pool - great, but if not, do not worry, there are many other options! In the summer - this is a mandatory bathing in ponds, exercises in water, at other times of the year - a contrast shower, sponging, sauna / sauna, tempers procedure. The latter include: pouring, sponging (including snow), bathing in cold water, and others. The most important thing gradual!

All of these tips we need not only for beauty and harmony, but also for health. That is why it is so important to live a healthy lifestyle and to be always in good shape!
