Yoga for weight loss, yoga at home

 Yoga for Weight Loss

The benefits of yoga has been known since ancient times. It is useful to all people regardless of age and gender.

Yoga not only strengthens the muscles, keeps the overall health, but also can be used effectively for weight loss at home.

The basis of yoga is the principle that the human body needs to be healthy and strong and sturdy enough for the adoption of the asanas. A strong, healthy body and stamina, by definition, can not have extra weight, otherwise it will automatically lose any of the above characteristics.

Yoga at home

Systematically taking poses for weight loss, or as they are called asanas, which are listed below, the result will please you, and after two or three months, the body will be transformed, dropping a couple of extra kilos.

Pose intense traction

Rising smoothly, it is necessary that the feet are shoulder-width apart, arms raised to the ceiling, you need to pull up the whole body, so that the spine is stretched as much as possible. Then follows the bend as close as possible to the legs. The palms of the hands can grasp the calves of the legs. Out of the postures should slowly inhale.

This position is struggling with fat deposits in the waist, it promotes weight loss, as well as the formation of beautiful hips.

Asana yoga War

Standing straight, you need to jump to place feet at a distance of about 130 cm from each other, with the right leg should be bent at right angles and rely on her left leg relative to the body back, both feet must be on one line.

Hands out to the sides and parallel to the legs. The head should be turned to the right, the view is directed over the palm of your hand. Repeat the exercise with the other leg, as a reference.

This position gives a beautiful relief of the muscles of the legs and arms, and also strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and back.

Pose sage slimming

Lying on your left side, legs on each other and perpendicular to the floor, it is necessary to raise the entire body of the body, while support should be the left arm to the elbow, and the left foot.

The human body needs to stretch toe the line, right arm extended upward, stomach in, pelvis pushed forward. Repeat the asana on the right side.

Exercise trains the obliques, as well as arms and legs.

Asana Yoga chair

In a standing position with your feet need to put shoulder-width apart, arms lifted over your head, palms touching, you need to exhale, lower the body back, as if crouching on a chair.

You need to go down until your thighs will be parallel to the floor. The loin should be bend, and fixed up the chest.

When yoga at home this exercise a strain thighs and calves.

Locust Pose

Lying on his stomach right hand along the body tend to back, you need to exhale, lift the head, chest and legs off the floor as high as possible. The legs have to be pressed against each other, while the belly to the floor.

Exercise strengthens the muscles of the back.

Asana Yoga Boats

Sitting on the floor, you need to lift your feet off the floor so that the fulcrum was only the buttocks. Legs must be raised so that the heels were at eye level. Back straight, arms outstretched parallel to the floor.

This asana Slimming effective for abdominal muscles, it improves the overall tone of the body.

Pose staff

Lying on your stomach, you need to exhale lift the body, relying on the palms of the hands and toes. Palms of the hands should be around the waist. The housing body should be straight, tight and parallel to the floor. Asana strengthens the press, muscles in the arms, legs, and supports the posture.

Taking positions, as mentioned above, it is necessary to stay in them for a minute, which corresponds to eight breaths.

Thus, using the lessons of yoga asana, women and men can slowly but surely, to achieve weight loss and recovery at home.

How to make yourself lose weight, motivation, advice

 How to make yourself lose weight

Many women want to lose extra weight hated, but at the same time, they find it very difficult. Of course, you need to find a way out of this situation and force yourself to start to realize your desires!

It is worth to begin to figure out why so hard to force yourself to start losing weight, and how great a role in the process of weight loss a positive attitude, motivation, as well as the people around them and our habits.

It is necessary to first determine the motivation

To force yourself to lose weight, you need to start, specifically and clearly know what you need. According to psychologists, for the vast number of women who want to lose weight, the main motives is the desire to appeal, or health care. It is necessary to focus on these goals.

Just imagine how many problems will be solved, health-related, when you lose weight. Diabetes no longer be a threat to you, so you become less likely to experience infections, as well as you do not threaten problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as other diseases. We need to understand it, and then you will get a real desire to lose weight to be healthy and beautiful and will no longer force yourself to lose weight.

Even when the weight will leave no doubt you will change the attitude of those around you. You do not like what you see in the mirror? It is difficult to make an effort to lose weight for the acquisition of attractive appearance?

You do not just notice how men look at women with a slender figure? And do not you want to catch the same views on yourself? And if you touch the stylish clothes? It certainly is not time you had to leave the store without the things you like, because you require a large size was not there.

A very important point in the successful weight loss is a positive attitude. Who said that definitely need to force yourself to lose weight? Was it really necessary to force a person to do what gives him pleasure and enjoyment?

Useful and, moreover, tasty food - a delight! Fitness classes with friends - too! A jog in the morning when no one around, only you, the fresh breeze, the trees and songbirds wake up - all heavenly delight.

We must take to the process of weight loss or as a prison, as well as the source of the sea of ​​positive emotions. Swim in the pool a couple of kilometers, to stand on the scales and behold, that same weight decreased slightly! Luxury news! Total: minus low weight plus a good mood.

However, women are often not able to tune in a positive way, because they are afraid of defeat in the fight against excess weight. There is fear, "and suddenly I was after a week spent on a diet, stand on the scales, and my weight all the same?". Well, so what? It should look the truth straight in the eye than ever before will not be worse! Well, better - could be! There is a difficult moment - will have to change their preferences and habits. For most people, the problem of weight loss is expressed as the time this fear - a change in life, because will change the rhythm schedule.

But no one interferes with the other to develop a habit - a healthy and correct. It also helps you force yourself to lose weight! Soon after, you start to lose weight, you are addicted to a delicious and healthy salad instead of fast food, instead of lying on the couch, on the nature of love to ride with friends, or play sports. Therefore, we must not only begin to change their habits, but also to remember the benefits of new habits! And it is necessary to give yourself credit for any such achievement!

Another, rightly acting method that supports the desire to make yourself lose weight - communication. You can force yourself to lose weight by talking on this subject with those who support you, who grew thinner and thinner, but you need to avoid those people who do not believe in anything. It is necessary to notify your friends and family that you have decided to start losing weight and already acting.

And then you will simply have nowhere to retreat, because around you will watch your progress. Well, you will, who tell about their successes, and it maintains a fighting spirit.
