How to eat and lose weight, eat delicious and not gain weight

 Tasty food

Article on how to eat and lose weight for women. Eat tasty and healthy and not gain weight at the same time, it is real! Fried chicken with leaner crust, canned cucumbers, various kinds of muffins, donuts - delicious. It seems to eat, but eat. And someone is eating, but eating without ceasing, and one day cease.

But not because perehotelos, but because it is no longer possible. First grade is known that in such products a high content of cholesterol. And if, to put it simply, a food abuse, you can put your own heart, gall bladder and blood vessels.

Eat tasty or useful?

Do you think that everything useful, must necessarily be a nasty taste. Not at all, and if you try to search, you can find a lot of recipes that will be suitable for you and enjoy while in your diet will include healthy food. If you still prefer nutrition - the amount of cholesterol in your body decreases, which is logical, and limit your health will decrease not so fast.

Keep working with plant food, trying to interfere with the smaller dairy products - supply of animal fats in the body decrease - decrease the risk of heart disease, stomach, blood vessels, and what else.

An indispensable assistant to help eat tasty and not gain weight

Carrot, nuts, beans, citrus fruits, various cereals, seafood, onions, garlic and juices - excellent resist cholesterol, attempting to ruin your health.

We present to your attention several options menu without cholesterol:

How to eat and lose weight: Let's start with breakfast   (as the day you start, so spend it, as they say):

- Fresh carrot juice - a glass, or two, if you like (not hurt), drink a duet with a little toast and seized all this beauty of a handful of nuts.

- Again the same - 150 ml of freshly squeezed juice and 130 g of cooked mushrooms. - You can have breakfast, and 100 grams of boiled beans and snack orange, for example, or grapefruit.

- Well, as without cereals? Of course, every morning you can start with small plates of oatmeal you boiled water, and treat yourself to baked apples without sweeteners.

Lunch - you need to eat delicious and not gain weight :

- At lunch you can afford and one hundred grams of boiled chicken, make a vegetable salad with olive oil, but you can do without oil - just watering the salad with lemon juice. And in order to secure a good mood - for dessert, take orange tangerine.

- Soup vegetables (they are generally desirable to eat more often), a small piece of bread, again - a salad, but this time made from unsalted cheese, and for dessert orange. - Another variation: 100 g of boiled chicken, salad of fresh vegetables (carrots, cabbage) as well as a side dish is perfect boiled rice.

- A couple of sandwiches from bread under the meat tuna in its own juice, again - vegetable salad and a few plums - here's a tasty, healthy meal.

Dinner - you can eat and lose weight :

- Three boiled potatoes, vegetable salad in lemon juice, 100 grams of boiled turkey and orange - an excellent dinner.

- 150 grams of fish, baked in tomato and herbs, boiled potatoes and a small apple.

- Turkey steak, made on the grill, cooked brown rice - 150 g to cooking vegetable salad. Tasty and healthy!

- Boiled rice, seafood salad and a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice.

And that's not all recipes and dishes.

You can create your meals - important to know what ingredients should be used to eat delicious and not gain weight.

The problem of excess weight, how to solve the problem of obesity

 Tips for losing weight

Interview with a nutritionist and a nurse Diana Helen, who deal with problems of overweight and obesity. Diana and Ellen agree that a diet with a limited amount of carbohydrates and an increased amount of protein (meat) can help to lose weight.

However, in their opinion, if a long time to eat well, it can lead to negative consequences. This is also evidenced by a medical document "Maintain a healthy weight" (Eng.). It states: "Diets that eliminate carbohydrates can be dangerous, especially if you stick to them without the supervision of a physician."

Then it says: "[Such diets] cause rapid weight loss due to the body of unwanted accumulation of ketone bodies (burning fat). If you want to sit on such a diet, consult your doctor first.

Pyramid nutrition for the day:

Confectionery (rare; up to 75 calories per day).

Fats olive oil, nuts, avocado (3-5 portions, with the expectation portsiyu- 1 h. Spoon oil or 2 hours. Nuts).

Fruits and vegetables varied (in unlimited quantities, at least three times a day) only.

Dairy products, legume protein, fish, eggs, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, cheese (3-7 servings; one portion - 100 grams cooked meat or fish).

Carbohydrates are especially whole grains - pasta, bread rice, cereals (4-8 servings, 1 cup - a piece bread).

We are not advocating any diets and methods of weight loss. We just acquaint readers with some possibilities. And every man, before starting physical activities or go on a diet should consult a doctor.

(for advice clinics Mail)

Advice for those who wish to prevent the problem of excess weight and obesity

1. Keep track of the number of calories in foods and beverages. Note that the beverage can be quite a lot of calories, especially sweetened juice. Also, a lot of calories contained in alcohol and soft drinks popular today. Pay attention to the number of calories listed on the label. Figures may shock you.

2. Avoid the temptation. If you hold about yourself chocolate or cookies, you are sure to eat them! Replace them with something low-calorie, such as apples, carrots or fresh crackers whole grain.

3. Before lunch or dinner a little snack. So you pereb'ete appetite and eat less later.

4. Do not eat anything you offer. Be choosy. Avoid high-calorie foods.

5. Do not rush. Eat with relish, comforting taste and smell what you consume. Listen to your body when he says, "Enough. I'm full."

6. Stop eating before you feel like satiety.

7. Some restaurants serve very large portions. Leave polportsii or someone share.

8. Lunch or dinner is not necessary to finish the dessert. Best eat some fruit or something low-calorie.

9. Remember that food producers are interested in you to eat as much as possible. After all, if their profits would rise. They will try to use your weaknesses. Do not fall into the trap of advertising and attractive designs. Learn to say "no" to you then do not have to solve the problem of obesity! Tips taken from the book by Walter Willett, "Drink, eat and be healthy."


Lose weight quickly and easily

 Tips for losing weight

Many women dieters are turning to diet. However, quite often this weight loss method does not bring the desired result. What's the matter? Every body is different and specific, so that a diet that came one can be completely useless for another.

Lose Weight correctly, quickly and easily

When choosing a diet, it is necessary first of all to build on the fact whether it is suitable for the body. But how to do it without the help of a nutritionist? It turns out very simply. It is enough to spend a couple of days, adhering to the chosen diet to feel the body takes a technique to get rid of extra kilos, or, on the contrary, rejects.

In the case of hunger itself is not felt when physical and mental condition has not deteriorated, it is safe to resort to this method of weight loss. If the transition to a diet to accompany degradation - both physical and mental, of this technique is better not to give up. Before you begin testing a new diet, you should make a break.

After unsuccessful experiment of the body need to gain new energy. One week would be sufficient. During this time, you should try to have at full strength (do not abuse too sweet and starchy foods) and spend more time outdoors. Excellent charging yield river trip. Fresh wind in the face, clean air, beautiful scenery - what could be better? Boat on the Moscow River run regularly from the mid-spring to late autumn.

To bore fruit diet, you need to approach it comprehensively, and not to use on occasion. Any weight loss methods imposes certain limitations. Therefore, you must prepare yourself in advance for difficulties. If the ideal figure - is the main dream, then why not go for it at any sacrifice?

Quite often, the desire to lose weight is visiting a woman on the eve of important events - New Year celebrations, weddings, anniversaries. I would like to appear before family and friends in a new light. However, in order to lose weight without compromising their health, it takes time. If left just a couple of weeks, it is better not to risk it and do not go on a diet. During the celebration, the event will still have to eat more than usual.

A single meal can nullify all the results achieved by that time. Another thing - to be on holiday and still stick to your diet. Of course, such a spectacular event, like a wedding, it may be overshadowed by the failure to sample a variety of delicacies. And what can be more thoroughly organized the event, the more offensive. For example, rent of the ship to the wedding feast involves directly on board. So, there is provided a richly laid table. However, if a woman got on the trail of diet, the return journey can not be.
