How to lose weight on the type of figure banana, apple, pear

 How to lose weight on the type of figure

Banana, apple, pear. This is not a still life, a diet selected in accordance with the type of shape that every woman can adopt, if he knows its constitution. There are four types of shapes: banana, apple, pear, hourglass

Banana Body type:

• there is a pronounced waist;

• the width of the hips and shoulders practically identical;

• small breasts;

• thin bone.

How can you lose weight:

In this type of weight, if present, it is distributed evenly and the shape is not deformed. Therefore owners of such silhouette diet is not always necessary, but proper and healthy diet is necessary.

Eat a high-protein foods such as chicken, turkey, tuna, beans and seafood. Exclude from the diet of white rice, white bread and potatoes. From sugary drinks and foods high in sugar should be abandoned.

Apple Body type:

• rounded silhouette and the waist is weakly expressed;

• Heavy top figure by the total of the shoulders and chest.

As the need to lose weight:

Advice, you need to strictly follow the weight. Be sure to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and increase fiber intake. Choosing to your diet cereals (buckwheat, wheat), meat and a moderate amount of healthy fats.

It is necessary to eliminate white rice, white bread and potatoes. Drinks high in sugar, and fruits such as bananas, grapes, melon is not recommended.

Pear Body type:

• wide hips and heavy buttocks, calves and knees round;

• waist is well defined;

• shoulders substantially narrower the hips.

How to lose weight recommended:

For this type of weight loss is a very difficult task. Fat deposits in the buttocks and hips are passive, that is the last to be spent. Diet plan for owners of this type of eating protein and carbohydrates slowly digestible.

It is recommended to eat lean meat, dairy products, vegetables, fiber-rich, such as broccoli, squash and zucchini. Only unsweetened berries and fruit (apple green, cherry, plum and gooseberry).

Be sure to avoid all kinds of fast carbohydrates (fruits, sweet and cooked carrots, beets and potatoes), sweet drinks and desserts, nuts, butter, and in general, any fatty foods. The exception is fish, the most useful - tuna, salmon and herring.

Body type Hourglass:

• the same hips and breasts;

• thin waist;

• w is deposited uniformly on the top and bottom of the figure, very

• rare stomach.

How best to lose weight:

This type of shape is considered ideal, unfortunately, rare in nature. The best prevention of overweight for the lucky owners of this type - healthy eating habits.

Eat possible eggs, lean beef only, nuts, leafy vegetables, low-fat dairy products, brown rice. Eliminate sugar in all forms.

In accordance with the recommended products is not difficult to make a diet designed for a particular type, and effectively reduce weight.

How to lose weight on the type of figure banana, apple, pear

 How to lose weight on the type of figure

Banana, apple, pear. This is not a still life, a diet selected in accordance with the type of shape that every woman can adopt, if he knows its constitution. There are four types of shapes: banana, apple, pear, hourglass

Banana Body type:

• there is a pronounced waist;

• the width of the hips and shoulders practically identical;

• small breasts;

• thin bone.

How can you lose weight:

In this type of weight, if present, it is distributed evenly and the shape is not deformed. Therefore owners of such silhouette diet is not always necessary, but proper and healthy diet is necessary.

Eat a high-protein foods such as chicken, turkey, tuna, beans and seafood. Exclude from the diet of white rice, white bread and potatoes. From sugary drinks and foods high in sugar should be abandoned.

Apple Body type:

• rounded silhouette and the waist is weakly expressed;

• Heavy top figure by the total of the shoulders and chest.

As the need to lose weight:

Advice, you need to strictly follow the weight. Be sure to limit the consumption of carbohydrates and increase fiber intake. Choosing to your diet cereals (buckwheat, wheat), meat and a moderate amount of healthy fats.

It is necessary to eliminate white rice, white bread and potatoes. Drinks high in sugar, and fruits such as bananas, grapes, melon is not recommended.

Pear Body type:

• wide hips and heavy buttocks, calves and knees round;

• waist is well defined;

• shoulders substantially narrower the hips.

How to lose weight recommended:

For this type of weight loss is a very difficult task. Fat deposits in the buttocks and hips are passive, that is the last to be spent. Diet plan for owners of this type of eating protein and carbohydrates slowly digestible.

It is recommended to eat lean meat, dairy products, vegetables, fiber-rich, such as broccoli, squash and zucchini. Only unsweetened berries and fruit (apple green, cherry, plum and gooseberry).

Be sure to avoid all kinds of fast carbohydrates (fruits, sweet and cooked carrots, beets and potatoes), sweet drinks and desserts, nuts, butter, and in general, any fatty foods. The exception is fish, the most useful - tuna, salmon and herring.

Body type Hourglass:

• the same hips and breasts;

• thin waist;

• w is deposited uniformly on the top and bottom of the figure, very

• rare stomach.

How best to lose weight:

This type of shape is considered ideal, unfortunately, rare in nature. The best prevention of overweight for the lucky owners of this type - healthy eating habits.

Eat possible eggs, lean beef only, nuts, leafy vegetables, low-fat dairy products, brown rice. Eliminate sugar in all forms.

In accordance with the recommended products is not difficult to make a diet designed for a particular type, and effectively reduce weight.

How to achieve the desired results in losing weight

 Results in losing weight

Currently, almost every second drawback of the figure is not available. Many rushing to seek solutions to the problems identified. Some people start smoking, the other sports, it turned out during training that they build muscle mass, others sit on a rigid diet and so on. In the end, nothing helps. How to quickly and easily achieve the desired result in weight loss, read the article.

For effective results qualitatively thoughtful diet needs a comprehensive approach (which includes physical exercise), and the last but not least remains the individual predisposition to certain activities of a person trying to lose weight.

So, in the course of the drop weight should be noted that the result does not come directly to the second day. Here regime needs proper nutrition and of course support of complex exercises. After all, during his lifetime people with excess weight he gained it, and it will also lose weight gradually. It is necessary to "trim" your diet, but do not overdo it.

If something has attracted from the "tasty", you should not bump the number and sweep everything prepared. It should temper its appetite. Also, you should limit yourself to the number of weight measurements, because the result is fast, and the definition of the same weight just "go astray" you have the desire to continue the process of losing weight.

As a replacement for weights, you can resort to a photo before the start of the procedures, and, for example, 3-4 months for capturing spectacular results, and clothes will sag in places where before fitting, which will also encourage training.

For those who are accustomed to in their spare time, something "chew", you can access your favorite hobbies (handicrafts, fishing, reading books, etc.). So it will detract from the meal. Suffice it to 3-yoh meals a day, at each meal should follow the same rules. Eat in moderation, but do not overeat. It is possible to eat everything, but within reasonable limits. During the meal is recommended to focus on the food.

Bad stimulus will "fit" up to a significant event, and lose weight. In addition, many experts in the field of weight loss are advised not to visit the supermarket, if a person is hungry. Otherwise, you can buy a lot of excess. It should refrain from issuing food in a prominent place.

Some even resort to the institution of so-called weight-loss diary, where record their victories and moments of "acute" desire to overeat.

Thus, in compliance with all the rules of reception and buy food, keeping a personal diary and complex exercise anyone can achieve the desired result and the oppressed throw off excess weight.
