How to choose the best diet girls

 How to choose a diet

When you need to get rid of extra kilos, the first thought, of course - a diet.

The article detailed description of how to choose the girls the best and most suitable diet.

There are many recommendations for weight loss. And not always starting to lose weight, women know in which direction to move better. The right choice for beginners - to try to find their diet.

A brief guide to the best diet will help to understand and without violence against yourself really lose weight and keep making to continue to enjoy life every day.

Diet seven days

Menu of the day: in the morning freshly brewed leaf tea (green or black) with no sugar at lunch, cheese with low fat 40 g, lunch boiled beef 100 g, and hard-boiled egg, dinner consists of a vegetable salad with boiled meat of not more than 100 c. Before going to bed, it is desirable to drink a decoction of mint to relieve tension.

Diet Buckwheat

Eat within a week steamed buckwheat and kefir. Perhaps the ideal solution for weight loss.

Diet favorite

Eating foods with an interval of three days: yogurt, apples, boiled chicken and the last days of the thirty grams of low-fat cheese for one glass of dry red wine, the number of individual choice.

Diet Chocolate

Adhere to five days. Can two candy bars to three times a day, and organic coffee without sugar. Allowed to replace the dark chocolate bars.

It should be noted that there are certain criteria that will help in the selection of food. Looking through the regular diet, it is important to pay attention to the list of products.

If most of the products do not belong to your favorite, look for another option. Customized to lose weight on a diet of fish is useless if you do not make friends with the fish.

Pick a diet that contains your favorite products to the maximum. Adequately assess the rules, for example on a diet yogurt is contraindicated if a large part of the day you spend in the movement.

Ration with 4 meals a day is suitable, if used to, there are 4 times a day. Prefer to eat, there is no way to nutritious food, then look for a fractional diet.

A key success factor for mental attitude. Everything is done on the positive. And take a new diet as a way to regain a slender silhouette.

These are simple rules to choose the best diet. Following them to easily choose a style of food that will suit you one hundred percent.

To maintain the results achieved must be observed always moderation in eating. Remember, a slim figure - it's not just a matter of aesthetics, but also the guarantee of health and good mood.

Cinnamon for weight loss, beneficial properties, drink recipes

 Cinnamon for weight loss

With such spices as cinnamon know almost every woman. Fragrant cinnamon adds a special flavor desserts, coffee, pastries and oriental dishes. But slimming this spice has been applied recently. In this article you'll learn about the useful properties and recipes for drinks: yogurt and tea with cinnamon and honey for effective weight loss.

The beneficial properties of cinnamon for a successful weight loss

Scientists have conducted a series of experiments confirm cinnamon's ability to reduce appetite and reduce blood sugar levels. In addition cinnamon is a fount of useful elements. In the east, has long been used in medicine cinnamon.

But kneading both cheeks cinnamon rolls, the body will not be sated with useful substances. But a cup of tea with a pinch of cinnamon could have a truly beneficial effect. And healthier body and figure embellish.

The main property of cinnamon is the ability to accelerate the metabolism of sugar about 20 times. Scientists explain this effect tsinamelatsetata high in the essential oil of cinnamon.

Not full teaspoon cinnamon significantly speed up the absorption of sugar, and reduce blood glucose levels. In addition cinnamon perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger, contributing to rapid weight loss.

All the beneficial properties of cinnamon to the body

Do not underestimate the beneficial effects of cinnamon on the whole body. This is especially true of the gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon helps the absorption of nutrients and speeds up the disposal of waste materials.

This spice has a positive effect on the kidneys. Without complete the work, which the weight loss is impossible.

On top of everything else cinnamon has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis and the work of the brain, eliminates cholesterol, improves mood and visual memory.

So with the help of herbs can not only get rid of the extra kilos, but also improve the body. It helps spice softly and gently cleanse the body of toxins.

How can I lose weight using cinnamon

In the markets and shops of cinnamon sold in the form of a hammer and a stick. To scent of cinnamon lasted longer, it should be stored in a glass jar lid closed in a cool, dry place.

Eat a cinnamon for effective weight loss in several ways. Hammer spice can be safely added to the tea, coffee, yogurt, and cinnamon sticks can stir herbal tea or hot chocolate.

And now a few recipes for drinks: yogurt and tea with cinnamon and honey.

Wonderful Kefir drink with cinnamon

Connection with cinnamon sour-milk products are often referred to as food top models. As a rule, they like to diet to replace a similar drink for breakfast and dinner. Not bad this drink for fasting days and snacks.

To prepare this drink you need a glass of 1% kefir and fourth of the dessert spoon cinnamon. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and eat. To reduce the amount of food consumed is better to drink a drink just before a meal.

This drink is not only satisfies hunger but also relieves sugar cravings. To improve the effect of added beverage to help him ginger.

Tea with honey and cinnamon for weight loss

Brew Flavored black or green tea and added a third dessert spoon cinnamon. Do not use sugar substitutes and sugar. It is better to add a tea honey. It is also possible to add a bit of skim milk.

We wish you a very easy and effective weight loss!

Cinnamon for weight loss, beneficial properties, drink recipes

 Cinnamon for weight loss

With such spices as cinnamon know almost every woman. Fragrant cinnamon adds a special flavor desserts, coffee, pastries and oriental dishes. But slimming this spice has been applied recently. In this article you'll learn about the useful properties and recipes for drinks: yogurt and tea with cinnamon and honey for effective weight loss.

The beneficial properties of cinnamon for a successful weight loss

Scientists have conducted a series of experiments confirm cinnamon's ability to reduce appetite and reduce blood sugar levels. In addition cinnamon is a fount of useful elements. In the east, has long been used in medicine cinnamon.

But kneading both cheeks cinnamon rolls, the body will not be sated with useful substances. But a cup of tea with a pinch of cinnamon could have a truly beneficial effect. And healthier body and figure embellish.

The main property of cinnamon is the ability to accelerate the metabolism of sugar about 20 times. Scientists explain this effect tsinamelatsetata high in the essential oil of cinnamon.

Not full teaspoon cinnamon significantly speed up the absorption of sugar, and reduce blood glucose levels. In addition cinnamon perfectly suppresses the feeling of hunger, contributing to rapid weight loss.

All the beneficial properties of cinnamon to the body

Do not underestimate the beneficial effects of cinnamon on the whole body. This is especially true of the gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon helps the absorption of nutrients and speeds up the disposal of waste materials.

This spice has a positive effect on the kidneys. Without complete the work, which the weight loss is impossible.

On top of everything else cinnamon has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis and the work of the brain, eliminates cholesterol, improves mood and visual memory.

So with the help of herbs can not only get rid of the extra kilos, but also improve the body. It helps spice softly and gently cleanse the body of toxins.

How can I lose weight using cinnamon

In the markets and shops of cinnamon sold in the form of a hammer and a stick. To scent of cinnamon lasted longer, it should be stored in a glass jar lid closed in a cool, dry place.

Eat a cinnamon for effective weight loss in several ways. Hammer spice can be safely added to the tea, coffee, yogurt, and cinnamon sticks can stir herbal tea or hot chocolate.

And now a few recipes for drinks: yogurt and tea with cinnamon and honey.

Wonderful Kefir drink with cinnamon

Connection with cinnamon sour-milk products are often referred to as food top models. As a rule, they like to diet to replace a similar drink for breakfast and dinner. Not bad this drink for fasting days and snacks.

To prepare this drink you need a glass of 1% kefir and fourth of the dessert spoon cinnamon. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and eat. To reduce the amount of food consumed is better to drink a drink just before a meal.

This drink is not only satisfies hunger but also relieves sugar cravings. To improve the effect of added beverage to help him ginger.

Tea with honey and cinnamon for weight loss

Brew Flavored black or green tea and added a third dessert spoon cinnamon. Do not use sugar substitutes and sugar. It is better to add a tea honey. It is also possible to add a bit of skim milk.

We wish you a very easy and effective weight loss!
