How to lose weight without harm to the hair


Often, due to diet hair color becomes dull, the ends are cut or even begins to fall. In this case, you must change your diet. We offer you food that will not only help lose weight, but do not harm your appearance.

It is necessary to know the features of the different diets. If you are on a vegetarian, then it can lead to a lack of iron and silicon. With a lack of these substances your hair to become brittle and visited.

If you have excluded from the diet of eggs, nuts and seafood, then be prepared for a shortage of copper. In this case, the hair will lose their elasticity and become unruly. Well, if you eat mostly dairy products, supplementing your diet with eggs, seafood and nuts, it is fraught with lack of zinc, which slows down hair growth.

Particular damage hair and skin cause "fast" diets. The lack of many elements and vitamins greatly affects the condition of skin, nails and hair. So think carefully, since such a diet, because to restore your hair will be very difficult.

In order to avoid trouble with the hair, in any case is not excluded from the diet protein which saturates organism useful amino acids that are involved in the construction of new cells.

If your body for a long time will not receive the proteins, the hair will grow slowly and fall. Therefore, making your menu, be sure to note it in fish, poultry, grains, lean meats and dairy products.

Do not forget about important energy source - carbohydrates, which contribute to the restoration and growth of hair. Include in your menu fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, potatoes, and whole-grains. But note that in the sugar and flour contain harmful carbohydrates, they are best avoided.

For beautiful hair requires a balanced intake of fats, both plant and animal.

A few tips on weight loss:

• To make your hair look good, eat 500 to 1,000 grams of white meat per week.

• No semis. Besides the fact that they harm your figure, in which very little nutrients.

• Include low-calorie diet and healthy seafood, opting for low-fat types of fish and seaweed, eating at least 500-700 grams per week.

• should eat at least 200 grams of green vegetables: broccoli, green peppers, lettuce or spinach.

• Be sure to eat any fresh fruit, not less than 100 grams per day.

• Eat at least 100 grams a day cream, containing a protein.

• It is advisable to eat each day one tablespoon of nuts: walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews and pine.

• To improve hair growth and healthy shine good wheat and oat porridge.

How to lose weight without harm to the hair


Often, due to diet hair color becomes dull, the ends are cut or even begins to fall. In this case, you must change your diet. We offer you food that will not only help lose weight, but do not harm your appearance.

It is necessary to know the features of the different diets. If you are on a vegetarian, then it can lead to a lack of iron and silicon. With a lack of these substances your hair to become brittle and visited.

If you have excluded from the diet of eggs, nuts and seafood, then be prepared for a shortage of copper. In this case, the hair will lose their elasticity and become unruly. Well, if you eat mostly dairy products, supplementing your diet with eggs, seafood and nuts, it is fraught with lack of zinc, which slows down hair growth.

Particular damage hair and skin cause "fast" diets. The lack of many elements and vitamins greatly affects the condition of skin, nails and hair. So think carefully, since such a diet, because to restore your hair will be very difficult.

In order to avoid trouble with the hair, in any case is not excluded from the diet protein which saturates organism useful amino acids that are involved in the construction of new cells.

If your body for a long time will not receive the proteins, the hair will grow slowly and fall. Therefore, making your menu, be sure to note it in fish, poultry, grains, lean meats and dairy products.

Do not forget about important energy source - carbohydrates, which contribute to the restoration and growth of hair. Include in your menu fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, potatoes, and whole-grains. But note that in the sugar and flour contain harmful carbohydrates, they are best avoided.

For beautiful hair requires a balanced intake of fats, both plant and animal.

A few tips on weight loss:

• To make your hair look good, eat 500 to 1,000 grams of white meat per week.

• No semis. Besides the fact that they harm your figure, in which very little nutrients.

• Include low-calorie diet and healthy seafood, opting for low-fat types of fish and seaweed, eating at least 500-700 grams per week.

• should eat at least 200 grams of green vegetables: broccoli, green peppers, lettuce or spinach.

• Be sure to eat any fresh fruit, not less than 100 grams per day.

• Eat at least 100 grams a day cream, containing a protein.

• It is advisable to eat each day one tablespoon of nuts: walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews and pine.

• To improve hair growth and healthy shine good wheat and oat porridge.

What will help to lose weight? Interesting Weight Loss Tricks

 Help in losing weight

Interesting tricks 100% super enjoyable weight loss! Is it worth a lot to rant on the subject of how many women in the world are now trying to lose weight? All kinds of methods are not, helps to lose unnecessary weight. Dizzy from these numerous variations. Still, the right diet, which relates directly to food, you can only make a nutritionist.

Learn to help lose weight!

But this does not mean that you should sit back and wait until a proper diet will make you slimmer. It certainly does, but much later than if you were not sitting on the ground.

So, our first piece of advice from the list of the most simple advice to help lose weight:

1. Do not sit still. Move. The more you move, the less you will want to have. A move aimlessly not pleasant, of course. When a person appears an interesting case in which he is interested and he carried away - this is not only conducive to raising a good mood, and saturation of his life, but also makes it slimmer and helps to lose weight, because the time to eat, as a rule, lacking. Incidentally, the thirty minutes that you spend at the wheel of his car, instead of having to go pehom added three percentage points to the probability that you will become a victim of obesity. At the same time, if you during the day is not stomped at least two kilometers, you will increase the chance by seven percent.

2. Tip number two - do not succumb to stress, relax and take it easy. That stress drives the people in distant corners of their apartments, close to the TV and a refrigerator, which forced them to relax and to live their lives the life of a TV screen heroes crunch of chips or something else harmful. One has only once overcome this depressing mood, and then it will be easier. Once again - commit yourself to anything. Find a hobby, because 21st century offers us as many courses as recreational activities - dancing, singing, Thai boxing, crafts - are endless. Do you want a course, go up on household chores. For example - make cleaning places where hands did not reach. Believe me, once you do, and it also helps to lose weight!

The most interesting tricks for weight loss

3. You do not have sufficient time to do something else besides work that oppresses you? Then you should pay attention to such a useful thing as time management. Thanks to her, you will be able to properly dispose of their time, which saves you from the constant rush. This in turn will give you confidence and peace of mind. Ideally, of course, is familiar with the techniques of relaxation. It is a meditation and auditory training.

4. Visit the Mother-bath in the end. Once again the same choice here is great - Turkish, Russian, Finnish - what you want, and health but the strength of spirit is more suitable. Bath has long been considered not only a relaxing place, but also a place excretes unwanted harmful elements. The same, for example, slag. Ie, in the bath or in the sauna, you kill three birds with one stone. But it is not confined to one room, treat yourself to the same wrap, face mask (no, no not the carnival), brew yourself in addition to all the delicious cup of herbal tea and enjoy. Such procedures are perfectly invigorate and give strength to new feats.

5. The Community will help to lose weight! Exciting new people or chat with old friends and comrades always distract from routine days and elevate mood. Exchanged another refrigerator in the evening with friends over a cup of this, again, tea, you give yourself only better. It is important that these evenings are not turned into a feast. Often it happens that it is in the company of people eat a lot. It's Mother Nature and undefeated herd instinct. Unbeaten it? Remember what we said Dima Bilan at the time - "I know exactly the impossible is possible." Therefore, with all you can handle. The main thing - to want. With friends, you can not sit in various cafes, and, for example, they prefer active forms of recreation - from walking to descents from the mountains on skis.

6. Speaking of friends - they are too different. For example, animals. You do not have a four-footed friend? It is in vain. Wow, if this is the dog - with it you will be walking on the street every day, no matter who wins walks - you have it or it. And hurry home immediately after your four-legged friend to cover their needs - not necessarily. Why do not you play? The ball is thrown or stick you in this great help. And again the same - it's not just the minimum charge, and discharge for the brain - believe that the courage and good humor have in your pocket. In addition, the younger brother of delighting your daily walks, you will rejoice, and your back, mash it, as it follows the slopes of the stick, and for one and oxygen in the blood increased. That this is the key to success in the fight against excess weight. With that, good in this case is not just a dog. Kittens, rabbits, and other animals cheer you up, and will protect against stress. By the way cats and all the people considered to be good healers.

7. Be curious, develop memory and expand horizons. Explore the first, for example, the area that you are interested in right now. And if you're reading this, then you are just interested in the topic of nutrition. Learn a little more about the beneficial and harmful properties of foods that you eat every day. Read how to cook, and how one or another way of cooking affects the properties of food, for example, on its calorie, as it requires calories to your body, and how it will absorb them. Perhaps one of your head erode the stereotype that eating a low-fat granola and diet, you start eating in the morning, for example, oatmeal, and even then become wearing clothes a size smaller.

8. Carefully read the composition of those products that you put in your cart. Statistics says that people who pay attention to him, lighter than their compatriots indifferent about 10 kg. In both help to lose weight! Of course, not every manufacturer is honest with the consumer and does not always provide accurate information on the composition and the energy value of foods. But this does not negate the usefulness of the habits and skills to properly search, analyze, evaluate and use information.

9. Massage. Do you think this is the most enjoyable way to lose weight? Surely, you do not fall into the hands of professional masseurs, which makes massage, it is aimed at weight reduction and body shaping. Not a pleasant feeling, believe me. But there was - "Beauty demands ...". Centimeter by centimeter fat accumulation will disappear because the stagnant fluid in the tissues will be gradually eliminated. Moreover, the skin will acquire more elasticity, smoothness and elasticity. Types of massage, again, is not enough. But! Which of them would not fall your choice, trust only the professionals, which will take into account the characteristics of your body and your wishes. Gentle massage can be done personally by the use of quality cosmetics, which improves the general condition of the skin and at the same time relaxing.

10. Why not devote one day shopping? It helps to lose weight! Stylish little thing that you are fine uplifting. And if it also hides flaws figures, and then all is fine! Like, you do not know that with the help of a couple of outfits, you can hide, "kilograms"? See item 6: It's time to ask cunning tricks stylists.

11. Do not forget about posture, of course. Direct straight back and tighten your stomach - everything is interconnected, you see.

12. In fact, the roads leading to the harmonious life in every sense - the mass. But you probably already realized that it does not matter which road, and then, in what mood you go over it to the target.

13. And of course, the last tip - why do not you fall in love? 100% super slimming sweet !!!
