A quick and safe way to lose weight and maintain health

 How to lose weight quickly

In a world ruled by strict standards of beauty, almost every woman would like to have perfect proportions. And if you rely on the standard of the 21st century, the most to achieve the goal the girls have to come on the warpath with the tough overweight. A quick and safe way to lose weight, how to lose weight quickly and maintain health.

I, as a man of experience, would like to share with you the experience, in order to accelerate your way to the finish line. My journey lasted three long years ... But through trial and error, I still managed to achieve the desired weight! Armed with my advice, I hope you will succeed in a few months, put himself in the proper form and maintain an ideal weight on the mark.

Short-term diets do not work

So, the first conclusion to which I came, has long been replete with titles of many articles on weight loss, but we desperately miss it by eye as "diet" is very hyped and even fashionable term. It is true now, "I'm on a diet" - sounds proud.

I hasten to disappoint you, short-term diet is not working. And even if someone manages, and using them to lose more than 5 kg, it has inevitably leads to health problems. And that we need not agree. There are, of course, a balanced diet, but to them, most of all, the weight dropped slowly, reluctantly.

Beauty and harmony

Our body does not want to get rid of stocks of Zhirkov, if tomorrow there will be a famine? And if we even scared ever begins and ends quickly hunger strike on a "hunger-hanging ice dams", then he will do every effort to spend in order to keep the coveted reserve energy. All this theory, I checked on her, I tried a huge variety of diets that are deducted in many forums slimming.

In three years, the maximum weight that I was able to lose - is 6 kilograms in six months, enough for me to feel confident. Yes, contrary to the opinion of our men in actual fact we need a slim figure is not enough to appease them, but in order to feel more confident. You can not imagine how I was nice to walk down the street to chat with people, take pictures and try on clothes in the end!

A quick and safe way to lose weight

And now, the conclusion of the second, I finally found a quick and safe way to lose weight. We come to the aid of the products from childhood are the most useful and strongly advised in the use of all the nutritionists of the world - it is vegetables, fruits and herbs. All brilliant - just. It is this storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, structured water and energy must be part of the foundation of the diet losing weight.

Sweet Tooth let overlap the fruit, and, in spite of the reigning myth that you can eat bananas and grapes, but of course in moderation. And for those who can pull in the salty, I advise lean on tomatoes (all eaten without salt, the salt should not be used at all!), They are in pure form have a specific taste.

If you suddenly wanted cakes, candies, chocolates, there are a great alternative - honey. Of course, it regularly spoons have not. However, once a week you can afford and polstakanchika in the morning. Eat these foods delicious raw, not yet feel the saturation, but do not overeat.

The ideal number of meals - 4 times: breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner. Fruits desirable to use up to 3 hours of the day. There should be stopped for four hours before bedtime. If strongly torments hunger, you can eat something neutral, such as cucumbers and carrots. Generally, if you are interested in the whole mechanism of action of this power system popodrobey, then read articles on the topic Raw food diet - it is this style of food is considered to be the most optimal for the human body.

Quickly lose weight and maintain your health

So, to sum up. To lose weight fast and keep your health requires only a couple of months "sit" on fruits, vegetables, herbs, and sometimes afford to eat honey, dried fruits, and nuts and try to move more. By the way, I personally by itself awake to the need for movement. That just got up one morning and went to run, because they wanted to.

I reset the two and a half months of the last 9 kg and reached almost the model parameters. So like the way some feelings on the system power, that they accept it as the norm of life, simply by adding to the diet, after reaching an ideal weight, nuts, more honey, sprouted grains and cereals, dried fruits. At first I very wary of such "diet", because we all go on about a possible shortage of protein, then, the practice shows the opposite.

Gifts of Nature - a health, beauty and harmony!

If all known protein-carbohydrate alternation of girls have problems with the skin, fatigue, irritability, then adhering to the principles of raw food diet, I note only positive, in addition to dropped kg, I have gone acne on the chest and back, the skin is no longer dry, almost disappeared smell of sweat , without any creams and painful cellulite massages gone! So, dear readers, try, to forge a diet for yourself and watch your condition.

It is not necessary to continue any power system or a diet, if you suddenly feel any serious sickness or Notice the deterioration of the skin and hair, do not forget, we are all unique. Look for what is right for you. After all, beauty - is not only harmony, but also health!

Counting calories to meet your weight loss food


Every woman aspires to be beautiful and slim. In order to monitor their weight or lose weight enough to count calories.

To calculate the useful exercise books, pens, kitchen / household scales and a table of caloric content of products (for vegetables, fruits, etc.), or a calculator to calculate calorie ready meals (based on indicated on the package).

Thus, the essence of calorie counting to before eat something weigh it and calculate its caloric content. Let's say you decide to treat yourself to a cheese sandwich. Bread (30 oz.) + Oil (about 5-10 g) + cheese (15-20 g). It is enough to calculate the calorie content of each product and put all together to get the total number of calories entering the body.

When counting calories, there are some nuances:

- Coffee and tea without sugar and cream are almost calorie 0 - 2, depending on the variety;
- Cooked foods are not deprived of their calorie content;
- When frying is necessary to take into account the calorie oils which are prepared;
- When calculating the calorie dry food (pasta and cereals) need to pay attention - your source contains the energy value of dry or finished products.

Kitchen scales simplify counting calories and make it as accurate as possible, but with a long habit of counting calories may learn "by eye" to determine the calorie content of almost any dish.

The purpose of counting calories - create a menu that will meet the task of losing weight. It is necessary to determine for themselves in advance as to count all of their physical activity. This table will help the cost of energy, which is easy enough to find on the Internet.

Due to the table amount of energy can count the number of calories the body spends a day on its existence. In order to lose weight is not enough to consume in excess of this norm, or less than this standard. Do not forget that the body spends calories and on digestion and overall metabolism.

When counting calories it is possible to keep track of how many calories you can consume in order to compensate for the body was the lack of energy by digesting fats. Or enough to increase their energy - to do sports or just start to walk more.

Today, there are many sites and programs that can help a lot when counting calories. They help to analyze and define recipes in which not only the number of calories, but the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Counting calories to meet your weight loss food


Every woman aspires to be beautiful and slim. In order to monitor their weight or lose weight enough to count calories.

To calculate the useful exercise books, pens, kitchen / household scales and a table of caloric content of products (for vegetables, fruits, etc.), or a calculator to calculate calorie ready meals (based on indicated on the package).

Thus, the essence of calorie counting to before eat something weigh it and calculate its caloric content. Let's say you decide to treat yourself to a cheese sandwich. Bread (30 oz.) + Oil (about 5-10 g) + cheese (15-20 g). It is enough to calculate the calorie content of each product and put all together to get the total number of calories entering the body.

When counting calories, there are some nuances:

- Coffee and tea without sugar and cream are almost calorie 0 - 2, depending on the variety;
- Cooked foods are not deprived of their calorie content;
- When frying is necessary to take into account the calorie oils which are prepared;
- When calculating the calorie dry food (pasta and cereals) need to pay attention - your source contains the energy value of dry or finished products.

Kitchen scales simplify counting calories and make it as accurate as possible, but with a long habit of counting calories may learn "by eye" to determine the calorie content of almost any dish.

The purpose of counting calories - create a menu that will meet the task of losing weight. It is necessary to determine for themselves in advance as to count all of their physical activity. This table will help the cost of energy, which is easy enough to find on the Internet.

Due to the table amount of energy can count the number of calories the body spends a day on its existence. In order to lose weight is not enough to consume in excess of this norm, or less than this standard. Do not forget that the body spends calories and on digestion and overall metabolism.

When counting calories it is possible to keep track of how many calories you can consume in order to compensate for the body was the lack of energy by digesting fats. Or enough to increase their energy - to do sports or just start to walk more.

Today, there are many sites and programs that can help a lot when counting calories. They help to analyze and define recipes in which not only the number of calories, but the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
