Fundamentals of beauty and a slim figure - the balance of calories and exercise

 A slim body

To get rid of excess weight, it is necessary to increase physical activity and reduce the excesses in eating. Consumption of large amounts of food is harmful. Meals should rational, but not only by reducing the number, but also by the diversity of dishes.

Much has been said about the fact that health and beauty is almost the same. By - this beautiful only healthy people. Beautiful skin, hair, nails partly health indicators. Unhealthy gloss shall not hide any makeup or hairstyle. Reach joy at the sight of myself in the mirror, it can only be properly organized power. It will help balance the health and mood.

Fundamentals of beauty and a slim figure

A small an effort and change of diet will be your allies in reaching appeal. Lack of regular exercise and exhausting low-calorie diets lead to falls in a faint from hunger, sagging skin and gray mind.

Teach yourself to split meals. This power does not allow fasting day and evening bouts of gluttony. Missed breakfast will result in a hearty meal, and fat stores at night will be delayed on the sides. A large amount of food at a time causes to produce insulin, which stimulates the appetite and stimulates the production of fat cells.

Split meals

Fractional power does not cause surges of insulin and reduces the desire of something else to eat. Additionally, gastric overload leads to a stretching of its walls. And each time to get saturation have to eat even more.

If it is difficult to organize a 6-7 one-time meal, start by dividing portions. Divide serving breakfast, lunch and dinner for the two parts. Even a simple sandwich, eat two times. Then divide divided again. So accustom the stomach to work in a different mode.

Get a notepad and count calories. Fats eat your waist, so I think the amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins eaten per day, and the next write that physically done. You see, what seizes stress at work - chocolate or fruit.

The balance of calories and exercise

Walking on the floor in the office, rather than riding the elevator, or walking on the near errands during the day, rather than on transport, too, exercise. Do not snack on the road fast fudami and coffee from a bag with a set of additives "E".

Low-fat foods often contain a lot of fat instead of sugar. See the label calorie products and not on the amount of fat. Manufacturers produce low-fat and fat product with a difference of only 50 calories.

In order not to overeat in the evening, start with a glass of water, a light salad. Zapivaniya food sips promotes rapid saturation. Use utensils smaller than used to.


Increase the amount of fiber in the diet. Fiber body can not assimilate, but it is like a broom, it passes through the intestines, reduces cholesterol.

Sources of fat are tasty foods - figs, dried fruits, beans, blackberries, peas, apple, raspberry, bran cereal, buckwheat, oats, rice, millet porridge. It will feel a burst of energy and observe the shape inclusion in the diet of different foods that satisfy hunger and purified of toxins, normalize digestion and do not create unwanted problems.

Losing weight with pleasure


All of the fair sex always want to have an attractive appearance and, of course, is slim and toned body. However, one desire is not enough, since any goal requires the application of certain effort.

To date, very popular all sorts of gyms and aerobics section, visits which help to maintain its normal shape and lose weight.

But the good sports section is quite a decent amount also do not always have the time to exercise. Also, many women admit that they go there with the sole purpose to lose weight without getting virtually no aesthetic pleasure. Really there is no alternative that could not only help the body, but also bring moral satisfaction and pleasure?

There it is called - a bike ride! It is riding a two-wheeled velobayke can relax and lose weight at the same time. As is known in the process cycling employs people mostly slow (red) muscle fibers, creating an aerobic stress on the body. This load is aimed at the muscles of the lower extremities and is optimal for shedding excess weight.

The process of burning excess fat is carried out as a result of saturation of blood oxygen molecules that activate and greatly accelerate the body's metabolism. But we should remember that weight loss is necessary to adhere to certain rules of riding, otherwise the expected results are achieved.

What are these rules?

The best time is the morning cycle trips. This is due to the fact that the aerobic activity in the first half of the day to give an average of 10% greater effect. In addition to the evening the body is exhausted and it is very difficult to overcome the laziness and go for an evening ride.

Also in the morning there is the opportunity to go skating on an empty stomach, forcing the body to use glycogen and fat deposits to restore lost energy. For maximum effect, should not ride in the same rhythm, and constantly change intensity, alternately increasing and decreasing the tempo.

The ride should be no less than forty minutes a day to load promote fat burning. This figure contains no accident. The fact that the fat is a hidden reserve that is used only in cases of prolonged starvation.

When riding a bike, the first half-hour of energy used to restore glycogen, which is stored in muscle tissue, and only then beginning to be drawn fat reserves. That is, fat burning, and therefore, the process of weight loss begins with a 40-minute (for every ten minutes lost 100 kcal). Thus, riding is less than this time will not make any sense in terms of the desire to lose weight.

For such studies do not need expensive and super velobayki, so you can choose any model. You can visit any bicycle shop in Moscow, for example, or to place an order through the online store. The second option would cost much cheaper, but in a real shop is possible to see and touch the bike and get professional assistance consultant.

Internet store to provide this opportunity is not always able to. When selecting velobayka very important to pay attention to build quality and availability of essential accessories. Color, the company manufacturers and other factors are not so important, so for them it will not be carried out.

The most important thing to remember: if you are in the first month dropped a little weight, it is not a reason to throw the job. The reason may lie that the body is just beginning to adapt to stress. In addition, the beauty demands victims, and you can tolerate a few months !!!

With that you can lose weight, weight loss unusual ways

 Weight Loss Tips

You really want to lose weight, but the fact is that all accepted methods and techniques, that is, exercise and diet do not bring a good and tangible results, or are very difficult? You want to find something new and interesting? Then this article is for you - here collected a few cheerful, pleasant and unusual ways to lose weight.

So, with the help of which you can lose weight

Love ...

But from the love of a girl really become slimmer! And at that - it is a scientifically proven fact, based on human physiology. Romance is not only dizzy, but also stimulates the production of various hormones: dopamine, adrenaline.

These hormones cause the weaker sex is not to think about food, but about higher feelings. Hence - the appetite is lost! So, everything is simple - you want to burn calories - fall in love!

Laughter, laughter, laughter! :)

Also very enjoyable way to lose weight. Ten minutes of laughter burned about 50 calories! And this, by the way, as much as is contained in a piece of chocolate.

Looking from a physiological point of view because of the laughter the heart is reduced in 2 times more often, that is, the body requires more oxygen. During laughter still does work the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. Otsmeyavshis 10 minutes you can get the same results that would have made from the three-minute charge. Agree, pretty nice and an unusual way to lose weight!

Breathing ...

It helps lose weight and aromatherapy! There are many different oils - and each oil has a different effect on the human body - orange, lemon oil improves metabolism, ginger also normalizes the gastrointestinal tract.

Oils violet, grapefruit, vanilla suppress the sensation of hunger, and the essential oils of peppermint, sandalwood, lemon balm and valerian to help implement relaxation. Lavender, basil, fir and bergamot can help relieve stress and get out of depression.

Because that's good advice - to urgently buy aroma lamp, and a few bottles of aromatic essential oils, which can also be added to the warm wellness bath. And aromamasla become excellent replacement spirits, and it follows that they can be applied directly to the skin, or on clothing.

Conclusion: a wholly-owned weight loss!

I am learning...

We need to breathe properly and you can not necessarily essential oils. It is necessary to examine tszyay-dryer - a Chinese technique literate breathing properly, is very effective for weight loss.

Through proper breathing metabolism is stimulated, the abdominal muscles will get the tone and fats are burned. We just need to learn to combine the principles of women's breath (thoracic) and male (abdominal).

Before you breathe, you need to make sure that the diaphragm has been omitted - for this you need to inflate the abdomen. Once let in the air chest, raising pre-treat. Then stand still for a moment, breathe slowly, and start over.

Now you know by means of what you can actually lose weight, choose unusual and new, interesting and fun ways of losing weight!
