Happy accountant greetings sister poems

 Congratulations accountant sister poems


My sister valiant accountant

And it always, always, I am proud!

Let it be always golden character

And a lot of happiness in life will be it!

Let you luck always and everywhere

And now let's Day Accountant

All your life is like a miracle,

That came in the fate of a beautiful paradise!

And may you always will be fair,

To measure the yardstick of their exploits!

And stay beautiful forever!

And only the best boys love!


Sister I have a nice accountant

And her work is like a hundred times!

I am an accountant's Day I want to say one thing:

You want a lot of awards!

Let your work be nice of course,

Let a career waiting for wonderful off!

Work is fun only fail!

Better to let you in the waiting!

And let the fate of everything will be as before,

Let God loves you, and the heavens ...

Let it be forever in my soul is hope!

Let happiness shine in your eyes ...


I hasten the day of accounting with recognition

And congratulations joyful hurry!

I would like to wish fulfillment sister

Wanting today for sure! I'm not kidding!

I want to wish to become famous affairs

And in numbers and know the meaning and the hidden sense ...

You congratulate the best words,

Let poetic stream flows ...

And let the dream you nurture so skillfully,

To all of them were fulfilled in time ...

Live, work, love - everything is done safely,

That heart ardor never be extinguished!


I am proud of his sister tirelessly -

And I'm proud of her all the more!

You as an accountant in your life constantly

Is at work a success!

And now congratulate the Day of Accountant

Thee I hasten his verse!

I want you in a world of glory,

To enjoy the attention you then!

I want to wish to age in your work

It was as if for the first time!

And, to a career I was on the rise!

To fate gave a better chance!


My sister, on the Day of Accounting, native,

To congratulate you on this day I want!

Let there be no happiness in your land!

Let there be many displays of affection!

And let everything in life is going well with the business,

Let God helps you in everything!

Problems are solved let yourself!

In a career promises to let you rise!

And let longing and sadness you do not gnaw,

May the joy of age only lives in you ...

Let nothing in the world do not worry!

Let the best of life is waiting for you!


It is time for bright congratulations

Today, my sestrenochki!

Let the happiness only from different directions

You will wait at your door!

Thee I congratulate the Day of Accounting,

To wish fulfillments and victories!

In memory verse you leave one,

That was no sorrow, no troubles!

And let all so sincerely and tenderly

You're going to do in this life!

Let there be happiness in your boundless!

Let the positive work bears!

Congratulations to day accounting favorite poems

 Congratulations accountant favorite poems


A favorite with the Day of Accountant MESSAGE

I am ready to send all day today!

I want you to pay attention

And congratulations to send is not lazy!

I want to wish you that at work

There has always been held in high esteem you all!

To surround all you care,

That waiting for you in all a great success!

And you to be happy with all-over,

That was always happy with me!

That the world was worthy of all the awards!

And to stay you myself!


I fondly will send congratulations

That girl that I love!

And on the Day of accountants today without doubt

I'll tolerate your whims!

I want you to be always happy,

To smile at every moment of life ...

I want you to stay beautiful,

That was more intrigue you!

I wish you will not be perfect,

That ideal could be a hundred times ...

I want to be in the work of a genius,

To ladilis always your deeds!


I gathered together the inspiration,

To the holiday congratulations to you now!

You give me a moment of time,

I have to say I want to add:

Good Day Accountant cute,

To make it a star always shone!

To have the knowledge and power,

That was all just as she said!

And I also want to wish from the heart,

That feeling grew stronger between us just ...

That passionate life was like with pepper!

And so the questions we decided to really!


You chose this profession,

To tinker with the numbers necessary century ...

And to him you sometimes I'm jealous,

Forgive me, well, I do so I'm a man!

But I send your holiday greetings,

To know how I cherish you ...

And I want to express my admiration

And that's what I did in the verses say:

Work and work enjoy!

Always go straight and just go!

And all the more likely to achieve the goals!

But remember: at home waiting for your favorite!


I loved for itself in the world

Today I want to send congratulations!

And on the Day of accountant you found earlier,

That is very strong hug from the heart!

I want to wish you, my dear,

May you all have always been happy!

That faith in yourself you are not lost

And I never give up in life ever!

That was very hard for you dreams!

To reach all the goals as quickly as possible ...

To always-always be with me!

And that always, always been mine!


In such a wonderful holiday, my dear,

You can not do without congratulations!

And I hasten congratulations, my dear,

To wish good luck and patience!

All that on the day you wish accountant

Suppose that you soon realize ...

And what has long been dreaming

I wish that could come true one day ...

Let got on the case and, of course,

Everything will be in life if the notes ...

You stay always the best!

And surround me with their care!

Congratulations accountant girl in verse

 Congratulations accountant girl in verse


You're in the accounts almost a goddess!

You know all about the annual report ...

I congratulate you Happy accountant now,

Suppose that in front of you at work waiting for luck!

Let converge calculations, debit, credit,

Let digits love you every moment ...

Let your boss rewards the, sorry

You will probably let the bridegroom!

Let your talent flourish,

Let it be a place of joy of the soul!

Let the problems in life are not afraid,

You deeply every moment breathe!


I intend to congratulate

You today with a great holiday!

And on the day you send poems accountant,

It is not no reason to congratulate today!

Let the only foldable will

Suppose that tomorrow will be better than yesterday!

Let no one in life is not to condemn!

Let there be joy in the morning from the night before!

And let your fate indulge more often

Suppose that gives the meeting, affection and love ...

Let your life is just sweet!

From the passion boils often let blood!


Today comes a wonderful holiday

And each with congratulations in a hurry!

You today congratulates each

And take your arms tries!

And with the wonderful afternoon I also Accountant

I hasten to congratulate you as quickly as possible!

May God in all things you can help!

Let sends more news!

Let the happiness in life will be a lot,

Let the glory will be forever a work!

Go straight road of his age!

Let all the way to the love you are!


I want to congratulate the Day of Accountant

With all my heart today you now!

And you to remember this verse leave,

He could to please you every time!

I want to wish you that your figures

You listened to the reports every time!

To the complexity of life, like myths,

Just have fun, do not scare you!

To progress you have made valiant,

To make it nice, as an expert!

To the better always, always wanted to!

That conscience was clean slate!


Carefully, naive, but seriously

I hasten to congratulate the Day of accountant you!

Let there be in your life, everything is possible!

Let fall for you a great chance!

May be able to prosper in all of life,

May joy always walks on the heels ...

Let every day be impeccable,

I have a lot of happiness all at once I wish you!

And let the gloomy depths of calculation

You will wander happily ever!

Let it be your joy in all the work!

You just relax sometimes!


And again, accountants beautiful day

COLOUR morning the brightest colors!

And the soul of light today, it is clear

And it seems that the life of kinship with the fairy tale!

I'm just a girl beautiful

I hasten to congratulate more!

And today, if you'll let me,

I say you're in the world all the sweeter!

And I wish you much affection,

To melt the ice of your suffering ...

Let the light from the eyes of happiness forever!

I wish fulfillment of dreams!
