In the last days of September is celebrated the professional holiday - the day of the teacher or the other can be said - the day of pre-school institutions. Kindergarten and other preschool education for all are respected.
After all, teachers lay the foundation of character and abilities of the children are taught to comprehend the secrets of the world, love their country, give the first communication skills in the team, raising self-confidence, the ability to overcome difficulties, to make decisions, take responsibility for their actions, to find compromises.
Day of the teacher and preschool worker in 2014
the date, the date when notice
Since 2004, by a group of Russian pedagogical publications September 27 celebrate their professional holiday of teachers of kindergarten and pre-school educators.
The professional holiday of workers of preschool education - is another reason to attract the attention of the public and authorities to the issues and problems of pre-school education.
Date Day celebrations kindergarten teacher and preschool workers in 2014 - September 27 - was not chosen randomly.
Holiday History
It was on September 27 in 1863 in St. Petersburg opened the first kindergarten. Its founder was the Adelaide Semenovna Simonovic, Russian teacher, a man with an extraordinary enthusiasm and imagination. In kindergarten children 3-8 years took with them conducted various games, engaged in designing and even taught a course "rodinovedeniya."
Adelaide Simonovic believed that kindergarten children should be prepared for school: in the game taught to perseverance, to get acquainted with the alphabet, writing, arithmetic. At the same time, together with his spouse A.S.Simonovich began publishing the magazine "Kindergarten", devoted to pre-school education.
The prototype of a kindergarten were started at the Demidov House diligence day nurseries where women workers Demidov plants could leave their children. The name "kindergarten" came to us from the German language; The term «kindergarten» has introduced the founder of the first kindergarten German educator Friedrich Froebel.
At first kindergartens in Russia were paid designed for children of wealthy parents. In 1868 in St. Petersburg it opened the first free kindergarten. In the future, various charities continued practice of opening free kindergartens. Since 1918, pre-schools have become part of the public education system.
Day kindergarten teacher
Today in Russia there are 60 thousand pre-school institutions; they employ about 1.2 million carers who care about our kids, develop children's talents and abilities, bring up worthy citizens of the country.
On this day, September 27 kindergarten teachers and support staff will be surrounded by much love, care and respect for children and their parents.
By tradition, the holiday - the Day of a kindergarten teacher, will be celebrations in kindergartens hold a matinee; bouquets, gifts, congratulations - everything in this day will be for the patient, sensitive and responsive educators!
Postcards and images for congratulations preschool teachers