Congratulations educator happy birthday poems

 Congratulations educator birthday


Happy birthday, educator,

Heavy your labors,

You're a builder, a creator,

Children, little soul,

In the morning you meet,

Kids at you,

We sometimes come to the rescue,

Educators praise,

In the charging and porridge

Our behaving kids,

Past crying or coughing,

Do you not pass,

Happy birthday, educator,

Congratulations accepted,

Smile, our favorite,

This evening do not miss!


Know you are loved by children,

You're the parent of a second,

Dedicated to these verses,

Man our gold,

I am happy to be in his career,

Let salary grows,

You spend less your nerves,

Respect and honor!


Foster is given by God,

Our little daughters and sons,

Trouble even with them very much,

You love them without further ado,

Happily meet at the entrance,

Greet those who are led,

You walk in any weather,

I hasten to say, as the day passed,

You know about each child,

All that we do not know,

And like film frames,

Ran working hours

Health to you, the teacher,

Thank you for everything,

You are our helper, our rescuer,

Your work is indispensable for us!


Happy birthday, educator,

More Awards and accolades,

Justified, to hope,

All had long dreamed of,

Strong you health,

Malyshni and obedient,

Parents were given,

You flowers every day!


Happy birthday, educator,

From you, we are crazy,

You're the best friend of the children,

You give them love the full,

Surround them with care,

Care and tenderness throughout the day,

No honorable work,

Play kids are not lazy,

Howcast, povtoryashki,

Are you close to all day long,

Bears, dolls, dolls,

You can only dream of peace,

Happy birthday, educator,

Be healthy, always, always,

Take care of your nerves you,

Do not worry ever!

 Audio Greetings educators


Birthday is a very important,

Congratulations all you,

You're not just an educator,

Mom was always you,

Do you like our children strong,

You know they're good,

Taught to eat porridge,

Return good for evil,

Happy birthday, educator,

Happiness, joy to you,

Let luck,

At work and at home!


Educator congratulate,

A matter of honor,

Very we love it,

With children together,

In the garden happily in the morning,

We walk,

Because all of you,

I love it

Always smiling,

We are on the threshold,

Do not be sad that resulted,

Many children,

Be always just so,

Not me,

The best for children,


Postcards and images for congratulations preschool teachers

Congratulations educator in prose

 Happy educator

Pleasant, beautiful words, festive greetings, wishes text in prose teachers, colleagues, thanks to the head of the kindergarten, pre-school attendants and all employees in your own words.


Dear teachers and nurses!

Congratulations on this wonderful, wonderful day with their professional holiday educator! We give you the grateful smiles of genuine kindness, inexhaustible patience, tireless care! It's you warm motherly hands gently wiped tears small children, expertly explained to them the rules of friendship, blew tiny abrasions on her knees!

That you for the thousandth time shifting spoonful of baby left hand to the right, gave them affectionate glances and patiently taught! You know how to turn the kindergarten into a good story, full of interesting and unexplored! You are in full voice singing the national anthem a happy childhood, and it is becoming a reality right before your eyes!

Suppose that in life is always in lockstep with you is magical spring! The path is wide, easy and successful! Colorful flower carpets let scrambles to his feet luck! And a bright rainbow spreads over your heads luck! Warm rain to wash away the health of the soul fatigue, boredom and sadness!

And you will rise above the bright sun execution cherished desires! Light white clouds float heart let calm and quiet joy! And carries them across the sky free wind of eternal youth and beauty! A fly in the sky white cranes family well-being!

Low bow for affection, warmth, care, attention! How many of you are waiting for light and dark eyes curious as watching every day with hope and emotion! You lit the flame of his work little heart of his pupils! And now thousands of little lights are blinding lights for the success of their country!

We wish you, our dear teachers and nurses to multiply joy, shared work dodavalos inspiration and takes away the boredom! A true love was presented to the power!

Happy kindergarten teacher, you! Teach, go ahead, create! Amuse, enjoy, cherish!

Congratulations to all preschool workers in prose

 Audio Greetings educators


Dear teachers, nurses and all the staff of kindergartens and pre-school education! Take this professional holiday sincerest congratulations educator!

Thank you for your wisdom, patience and attention to children, because thanks to your warmth, openness and reverent attitude every kid has a wonderful childhood and shoots prosperous future.

The institution to which you devote all of your life, that's why is called kindergarten. This place is truly fertile for growth, development and maturation of individuals. Where every child is surrounded by care, sincerity and your warmth.

After this, you are laying the foundation of personality and health. And each of you is making an invaluable contribution to this process. Thank you all for a teacher!

After all, it is you - the teacher, so tenderly and gently instilling in him the basics of courtesy and politeness. That you develop a desire for knowledge, and only because of you, reaching school age this yesterday child becomes an adult and ready to rise to a new stage of his life.

After all, it's your soft hands and good heart, dear nurse, never left the child unkempt, hungry and abandoned. Thank you for your attention and care. Your work is invaluable. Let the physical health, family well-being and joy in the house accompany you always!

Thanks to the head of this institution - the head of the kindergarten!

You have the wisdom to manage this place.

It is thanks to you, your organization and tolerance surprising results on the face of every child. Both children and their parents are really happy.

Happy educator!

Let your days always be full of light, generosity and peace. I wish you success in all his thoughts and endeavors! Let Now the child is still small, but time flies. And the work of each of you will certainly be rewarded in his thoughts and feelings.

We wish you are grateful for your noble work!

Postcards and images for congratulations preschool teachers
