Change the number of calories


The principle of the diet is the following statement: for any diet, even the most effective addiction occurs the body, and as a result - at some point you stop to drop excess weight, because the body begins to save calories.

But if you ever change the number of calories consumed, the slow metabolism will not occur, and to lose excess weight to continue.

An important rule: from your diet does not eliminate fat, just use them as little as possible.


This diet is very hard to bear, especially the first few days.

If you are from the beginning completely eliminate fats from the menu, this could affect the condition of your skin. Because simply reduce to a minimum the amount of fat consumed.

The diet plan in kilocalories

Driven cycle diet is designed for 3 weeks.

The first three days - 600 kcal per day

The next 4 days - 900 kcal per day

One Week - 1200 kcal per day

3 days - 600 kcal per day

And 4 days - 900 kilocalories per day

A series of this diet, you can go to their usual diet. But the weight will not be as fast dialed, after many diets.


If you do exercise every day, or gymnastics for 30 - 40 minutes you discard the excess weight of 8-9 kg per week.

If you do not take time to exercise, you can lose weight from 3 to 7 kilos in 3 weeks.

The result is stored in the diet for quite some time, if necessary diet cycle can be repeated.

Watermelon diet will lose 8 kg in 2 weeks


When watermelon diet you get two nice effect: a comprehensive cleansing of the body and weight loss, your weight will decrease by eight kilograms in 2 weeks.

Watermelon - the world's biggest berry and the biggest one of those who suffer from hypertension, circulatory failure, nephritis, gout, liver and biliary tract, obesity.

As a diuretic, and dietary properties of watermelon help people with these illnesses to facilitate their health, especially if you make it a rule five times a day to arrange a snack from this valuable fruit (at one time, you can eat 300-400 grams).

In watermelons much fructose, vitamins, trace elements. And with all this watermelon flesh you will not add extra kilos, as it is low-calorie (only 38 calories per 100 grams). However, it should follow some basic rules: do not eat watermelon before or immediately after a meal, so as not to make digestive problems, and especially not the watermelon jam black bread as recommended by some experts.

This giant berry grown by the ancient Egyptians 4,000 years ago. Out of Africa came to us and watermelon. His birthplace - the Kalahari Desert and Nabib in the south of the African continent. In Russia the first watermelons began to grow only in the late 17th century. Before that, they were brought from overseas countries as an exotic delicacy. Moreover, they have feared raw, cooked with peppers and only then eaten.

When Peter the Great they were soaked in sugar syrup and serve royals for dessert. However, even then, since no one had not occurred to taste the fresh juicy watermelon flesh without any treatment.

But those who have decided to resort to the following proposed watermelon diet, it is recommended, on the other hand have a watermelon in a pure form. And then the watermelon will be your faithful companion during fasting days. However, please note - sweet watermelon days should be no more than five.

This period is ideal to get rid of one problem (toxins, excess water, unwanted salts) and earn more. If you decide firmly on the path of watermelon mono-diet, all you have to do - is to stock up a fair amount of watermelons.

During the day, you have to eat a kilogram of juicy watermelon pulp 10 kilogram of bodyweight. Such rigid discharge mode is not necessary to resort to those with diseases such as diabetes, pancreatic disease, urolithiasis.

And the rest of you must also closely monitor their condition and sensitively listen to your body. Perhaps such a harsh diet was for him too big a load. This he can signal to you such features as the severity of abdominal pain, bloating and other discomfort.

If the alarm of this kind has been received, safely keep diet due time.

In addition to the comprehensive body purification watermelon diet when you get another nice effect: losing weight, your weight will decrease by about three kilograms.

If you are not going to stop there, you can continue your watermelon marathon another ten-distance. This period is built much softer. Breakfasts and lunches you would consist of ordinary food, and for dinner you can treat yourself to a giant dollop of your favorite fruit - the rate of 1 kg of flesh in the 30 kg weight.

However, such discharge dinner try to previous meals were also not much "boot." Recommended for breakfast to eat unsweetened oatmeal and a little cheese for lunch - vegetable salad with a small amount of fish, poultry or meat.

Reset 8 kg for 2 weeks

So for 2 weeks sweet diet you can lose weight by 8 extra padding.


And at the end of the diet you can even treat yourself to dessert diet again from watermelon. This will help you to direct your diet on track and not rub directly on the usual high-calorie treats to reward themselves for such a long period of ascetic.

So, try to make your own watermelon jelly, and maybe you want to permanently abandon the heavier sweets. For the preparation of this jelly you need to whip in a blender cubes of watermelon (4 cups) with sweetener (to taste), then connect the gelatin (1 pack) with any fruit or berry juice, let the mixture stand for 5 minutes, and then put on a slow fire to dissolving gelatin.

The following connect gelatin mixture with watermelon, frozen in the freezer and then break the resulting mass into pieces, put them in a blender and blend until the mixture becomes soft and fluffy. And then the mixture should be frozen again for 6-8 hours.

The beauty of this dish is that almost every transitional stage it is already possible to feast on. Perhaps for someone perfect would it not the final product, and some of its variants nedoprigotovlennyh.

Healing grape diet for 4 days

 Grape diet for quick weight loss

Grapes since ancient times been used as a remedy. There was even a separate science called "Ampelotherapy", ie treatment of grapes. In the mid-19th century, this method of therapy practiced in many European countries, it came a little later in Russia.

Such a direction of healing occurred around grapes wonder: have a great curative effect glucose, organic acids, potassium, contained in its berries. Organic acids, by the way, also help to stabilize the fat metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. That is why the grapes used in dietary cuisine.

There is even a special grape diet.

For four days she lets lose about 2 kilograms.

In addition, the miraculous healing properties of grapes helps cleanse the body of toxins and normalize nutritional balance.

In addition, such a diet will provide you with additional vitamins: vitamin C starting from and ending with such rare visitors to our kitchen as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP. It is important to observe a few simple rules to food grapes bring the most benefit.

Pick grapes with seeds - this, by the way, and cheaper. A benefit of this grape is much more: the bones will provide your body an extra dose of polyphenols, which would slow down the aging process. In addition, grapes are the best there is at least two days after collection: freshly picked can cause fermentation in the gut.

After reviewing the elementary safety rules, you can safely proceed to the grape diet.

Everything is painted by day.

Day One, the menu

At breakfast, you eat a mixture of life-giving: muesli with grapes, oranges and yogurt. For lovers of fine proportions: take 150 grams of yogurt, muesli - tablespoon orange - mate, grapes (dark) - 100 grams. Lovers of spicy flavors is recommended to add the roasted sunflower seeds.

Lunch awaits salad with pumpkin and grapes. Its preparation will take you a little longer than breakfast. The process itself is as follows: take 250 grams of pumpkin, cut into cubes, fry in butter. Next, 100 grams of grapes are divided into halves, add 150 grams of chopped lettuce and mix with the pumpkin. Salad dishes are prepared as follows: in the oil, where roasted pumpkin, pour a quarter cup of vegetable broth, add a little vinegar and mustard. Sprinkle the finished dish nuts. If hunger is not dim, you can seize it's a small amount of lean pork.

For dinner you cook your own delicious fruit salad. To do this, you mix 100 grams of white grapes, 50 g pineapple, papaya a quarter, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a quarter cup of water. Can you afford as a piece of chicken breast.

As a result, one day this food into your body received only 800 - 850 kcal.


At breakfast you will have the lemon yogurt. To make it, you mix 150-200 grams of low-fat yogurt, a tablespoon of lemon juice and whipped in a blender grapes (150 grams).

For lunch, cook their own rice with shrimp as follows: Boil 5 tablespoons of rice, mixed with 100 grams of grapes. A complete this garnish 5-6 prawns lightly fried in olive oil with salt and pepper.

For dinner, you have potatoes with vegetables. At 100 grams of potatoes 1 carrot, stalk of leeks, a little celery. All that you cook in a cup of broth for 10-15 minutes, pre-cut and seasoned with salt, pepper, bay leaf. The finished dish add a teaspoon of sour cream. For dessert - dark grapes.

This day will bring you all the 750-780 kcal.

Day Three

For breakfast, eat a sandwich with cheese curd. The basis of the sandwich, take a bun, meal, decorate it and on top of the cut halves of the grape (no more than 30-50 grams).

At lunch you eat fish with stewed cabbage and grapes. To enjoy this dish, take 150 grams of sauerkraut and simmer it for 10 minutes with a finely chopped onion. Then, on top of the cabbage lay out 300 grams of fish fillets and 50 grams of dark grapes. Another 10 minutes of heat treatment - your dinner is ready. For completeness of sensations can add pepper.

At dinner - grape jelly. It is obtained by taking a packet of 5 grams of gelatin, 150 ml of grape juice, 50 grams of grapes, apple half. Juice combine with the dissolved gelatin in water and pour grapes and apple slices. An hour stay in your refrigerator dessert is ready.

After the whole day you will enjoy themselves this exotic grape kitchen, you can also indulge in a number of reduced calories. Now they became even less than in the previous days - only 650-700 calories.


At breakfast, in addition to the traditional grapes - wholemeal bread with cheese, seasoned with salt and pepper generously sprinkle with green onions. After such a sandwich you enjoy a snack of 100 grams of dark grapes.

For lunch, prepare yourself grape pancakes. Knead the dough from 100 g of water, 1 egg and 2-3 tablespoons of flour. For the stuffing take 100 grams of low fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of mineral water, 50 grams of grapes. The finished dish is sprinkled with ground cinnamon.

On the last day of the dinner diet cook turkey with vegetables and mushrooms. Of course, in addition to 50 grams of turkey breast, 100 grams of broccoli, carrots, 50 grams of mushrooms, and 2 tablespoons of sour cream dish it includes also 50 grams of red grapes. It is added at the very end with sour cream.

To begin toasting slices of turkey and stack into the pot along with a little boiled broccoli, grated carrots and mushrooms cut in half. Pour all the broth and simmer for 10 minutes. And then refuel dish grapes and sour cream. For garnish you can take a bit of boiled rice.

This day will bring you 800-850 calories that will prepare you to return to a normal eating pattern. So do not worry, it has more calories. It provides the logic diet.

So you can go more smoothly to the usual diet, without shocking your body with sudden changes.
