Fruit diet for rejuvenation

 Fruit diet to cleanse, rejuvenate
Fruit diet

Fruit diet for cleansing, rejuvenating, healing and rapid weight loss. A huge benefit for the fruits of the human body no one questioned. It is so obvious that people are willing to have a useful and tasty fruit in unlimited quantities, enjoying not only taste good, but also to the addition of vitamins noticeable.

All lovers of fruit and offered his sympathy to erect them in and sit on the fruit diet.

In fruit diet - double action directly related to the properties of the fruit parallel to feed our body with nutrients (vitamins and minerals), and at the same time cleanses us from harmful contaminants toxins.

Therefore, the proposed diet focuses mainly on cleansing, but it gives you a week to lose about 7 kilograms.

In order to enhance the cleaning effect of eating fruit, it is important to recruit additional cleaning procedures.

The simplest of them - every morning to drink a glass of water, thereby purifying their own gastrointestinal tract. The same must be done in the evening and after six hours of drinking lots of water, again washing the stomach.

Moreover, the evening meal in the fruit diet is not provided, you are completely replacing its just such a solid vodohlebstvom (but here it should not restrict itself).

But breakfast and lunch, is allowed to make tight to your stomach was still a good reward for all previous and subsequent cycles of purification.

But it should be limited to flour, otherwise the desired effect will not receive.

Fans can indulge skadkogo teaspoon of honey. From this natural goodies you certainly do not reach the weight.

Lunch is recommended to make a hearty, but without the pastry: you can eat 200-300 grams of boiled meat (after dinner still is not).

Well, to confirm the orientation of the diet on fruits, you are advised to use them during the day in unlimited quantities.

There is only one limitation: Avoid bananas and grapes - they are high in calories. It is best suited to fruit diet apples, strawberries, strawberries, cherries.

Based on this list, it becomes clear that the perfect time for a fruit diet - summer or autumn, when the fruits are many and they are what is called, in the juice.

In winter, the need to restrict ourselves to lemons and oranges.

Therefore, resort to a fruit diet is advised once a year for cleaning, rejuvenation, healing and rapid weight loss on a certain number of extra kilos.

Living on a diet tomato juice exemplary menu


Tomatoes word comes from the Spanish "Pomo d'Oro", which means "golden apple". The Chinese have so far considered this juicy red fruit fruit.

Tomatoes grown Peruvian Indians in the fifth century BC. In the early 16th century, the Europeans tried tomatoes, and in Russia, this vegetable was in the middle of the 19th century, however, a long time in vain considered poisonous.

Now tomatoes are very frequent guest on our table, and tomato juice - one of the most common, especially in canned form.

Tomato juice normalizes metabolic processes in the human body, and as a result helps in the fight against obesity, that is working with the leading cause of weight gain.

The healing properties of tomato juice were due to the content of a large number of malic and citric acids, which supplements and a small amount of oxalic acid.

The organic form of the acid are especially useful and play an important role in the metabolic processes of the body.

Furthermore, the use of tomato juice practically no contraindications. Vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins contained in tomatoes, as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium bring invaluable benefits to all.

Therefore, the tomato juice is one of the very healthy juices. Naturally, that there was also a special diet based on natural natural elixir - tomato juice. It's simple, but effective.

Sample menu for the day

Those who wish to observe this diet to tomato juice for two weeks is recommended to eat as follows:

At breakfast - 1 cup tomato juice, two slices of rye bread, smeared with a thin layer of low-fat cottage cheese. For dessert - fruit.

At lunch - a glass of tomato juice and rice with vegetables and supplement the menu can be baked apple. Sometimes diversify the menu and cook your own rice instead of 150 grams of cooked lean fish, combined with a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, sprinkled with vegetable oil. For dessert, you can instead submit the apple and grapes.

At dinner - steak of minced beef, some rice (50 grams), and again a glass of tomato juice. Sometimes this can be added a little stewed mushrooms with onions and beef cutlet replace half of boiled chicken breast. Rice is sometimes replaced by two boiled potatoes.


However, be careful: do not stick to a diet with tomato juice for more than two weeks.

At observance of the specified regulations should also pay attention to the quality of the juice.

The ideal situation is, of course, fresh tomato juice, home-cooked.

If sometimes you use the juice of the purchase, pay attention to its composition. It is best to buy, of course, one hundred percent tomato juice produced domestically.

Fish diet and tea for quick weight loss

 Fish diet and tea for quick weight loss

Fish diet will help you not only to rapid weight loss . but also helps the body to acquire the missing material, mainly calcium and phosphorus.

In addition, the regular use of fish will increase daily dose important polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids.

Do not be afraid that it will add you own Zhirkov. These substances are more likely to help you strengthen your immune system and get rid of depression.

According to recent studies, it is the omega-acids help the brain produce chemicals that allow us to feel more relaxed.

So, in addition to rapid weight loss, fish diet will help you to fix and improve your mood.

Just 10 days for fast growing thin (and so much lasts this diet) - and you are in full physical and emotional manner. Start each day diet should be with a glass of carbonated water. It is at the same time your body will adjust to the fact that during the day he would have to accommodate not less than one and a half liters of the same drink.

Menu day

Breakfast you will not fish. Do you eat 1-2 eggs cooked your favorite way (soft-boiled, hard-boiled or scrambled eggs as). If you do not ate, you eat another bowl of nonfat cottage cheese or simply drink a cup of yogurt, but complement the meal tablet ascorbic acid.

Breakfast washed down with 2 cups of tea, preferably green. (After all, green tea cleanses the body of toxins)

At 11 o'clock to arrange a lunch - now a fish. First of all, drink a glass of water, then eat a small piece of lean fish (cod, saffron cod, bream). After this warm-up, which will help to pacify the sharp hunger pangs, paused for a moment, and then eat the rest of the fish, adding to its raw and cooked vegetables.

Feel free to use as pepper, garlic, onion, coriander, basil and other spices and condiments. It also helps to reduce the amount of salt richly saturate the taste buds other flavors. For dessert, eat some fruit.

Before dinner, do not forget to drink two large glasses of water. After 30 minutes, you're ready for dinner.

At lunch you will find 250 grams of fish (baked, boiled, baked in foil without fat), can be replaced by any other fish seafood (mussels, calamari, shrimp). Add the seafood delicacies lettuce, raw or cooked non-starchy vegetables (such as peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green beans).

Vegetables are not the best season with butter and low-fat yogurt with a spicy greens. Better yet, simply sprinkle them with lemon juice. For dessert, you can eat yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. But drink after dinner should not be over 2 hours.

Dinner is organized in 17 hours. Its Line up along the same lines as lunch. First, drink a glass of water, then eat the fish combined with vegetables. For more variety you can bake or cook for a couple of raw ingredients. It should also alternate hot and cold, fish and seafood.

It will make your fish diet enjoyable and easy.

Before going to bed make sure to provide the body with additional liquid.

The recipe for a special tea for quick weight loss

For maximum effect of discharge diet is best to drink a special tea for weight loss. If you do not want to spend money on a purchased drug, you can cook it yourself alone.

Mix 20 grams of the root elderberry and horsetail, 10 grams of flowers of cornflower, strawberry leaf and cuff, 100 grams of birch leaves. You will need a tablespoon of this mixture in a glass of water. Boil 2 minutes herbs and let them infuse for 15 minutes.

Drink this tea for quick weight loss in addition to their diet of fish every 10 days and can definitely lose 3-4 kilos overweight.
