Rice diet menu for the week

 Rice diet for weight loss
Rice diet for weight loss

Rice belongs to the healthy and wholesome food, which helps to look attractive, be healthier and slimmer.

Rice is low in calories, delicious and nutritious, and besides rice diet for weight loss contributes to the overall improvement of the human body.

No wonder the people of Asia use rice for a long time and is made from a huge amount of dishes. This helps them to be slimmer and generally to maintain and strengthen the health of the entire nation.

If you regularly replace the potatoes with rice, you will reduce the problem of obesity. However, you can organize a chaotic eating rice and try for a certain period to comply with the special rice diet to lose weight.

Rice Diet very well suited for handling days, as 100 grams of rice contains only 109 calories. The total period of fasting days can vary from 3 days to 2 weeks, relying on their own experience.

The most important thing in a rice diet for weight loss you need to use a crude brown rice. And it is preferable to prepare steamed. Everything else is easy. Basically, this diet is a vegetarian, so you can combine the rice diet Orthodox Lent.

In addition, it is recommended after the rice diet to change the menu slightly to the side vegetarian: eat bread from wheat flour with bran, train more raw grains, and meat and dairy dishes limit.

Sample menu for a week:

First day

Breakfast: apple, rice with lemon zest, a little sprinkle with lemon juice. (Feedstock for the preparation of rice - 60 grams). Green or herbal tea.

Lunch - vegetable soup and vegetable salad. Finish the meal with rice flavored with herbs, teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of fruit vinegar. Do not forget that it is recommended to cook rice for a couple.

At dinner - vegetable soup, rice with carrots and zucchini.


At breakfast, you have orange and rice, seasoned with orange peel, and if you choose to add a teaspoon of sour cream. The initial quantity of uncooked rice remains the same - 60 grams.

At lunch - a traditional vegetable soup, boiled vegetables and, of course, the next portion of rice.

For dinner, you can repeat the same thing for lunch.

The third

For breakfast: some fruit and rice with unconventional aroma, flavor. At this time, you eat a pear and rice flavored with cinnamon.

For lunch: Traditional vegetable soup, cucumber salad, dressed with vinegar and olive oil. A cook rice with fried mushrooms in olive oil (150 grams).

For dinner, vegetable broth to cook the rice with broccoli.


At breakfast - Pamper treat: fruit salad with rice flakes (2-3 tablespoons). And in addition - rice with milk or cream.

For lunch, you eat rice with carrots (steamed), radish salad with lettuce. A wash down all this familiar vegetable broth.

For dinner awaits you, in addition to vegetable soup, and even rice with parsley, spiced with a pinch of sunflower seeds.

Day Five

For breakfast, rice with grapes or raisins and a teaspoon of grated almonds.

For lunch, in addition to the traditional vegetable broth as you eat rice with vegetables and lots of greens, seasoned with a tablespoon of olive oil.

For dinner, a vegetable broth applying rice, which add a tablespoon of chopped walnuts, a couple of tablespoons green onion and grated celery root or parsley, and spinach.


For breakfast, eat in addition to rice 2 dates, 4 walnuts, 1-2 berries figs and pears.

Lunch - vegetable soup and rice, in which you add raw cucumber and sweet pepper, mint and a tablespoon of olive oil.

For dinner, pamper yourself familiar vegetable broth combined with rice, which you have added a couple of pre-sliced ​​apples, a tablespoon of cream or sour cream, half a spoon of honey.


For breakfast, rice, where you are at this time we add the chopped apple and a pear, a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Maybe add a half servings of yogurt.

Lunch - vegetable soup, a portion of green salad, rice with tomato and green beans.

At dinner - vegetable soup, rice with zucchini, flavored with a teaspoon of unrefined olive oil, with 5 olives, basil.

And in addition to all of the dishes on the menu, rice diet, you can eat a variety of healthy drinks: mineral water, green or herbal tea.

And if you find the opportunity to regularly drink a glass of fresh juice, consider that their rice perfectly balanced diet for weight loss the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

Especially because at any cleansing diet should not forget that along with the harmful substances from the body can also be displayed and helpful. So extra vitamins does not interfere.

Healing rice - oatmeal diet


Oatmeal diet, along with cleansing and healing of the body, is very good for quick weight loss, so it is a healing and "cosmetic" diet.

Oatmeal diet is well suited for people who have different problems and diseases of the digestive system. Oatmeal affects the gastrointestinal tract as a real elixir.

There are even occasions when oat diet helps get rid of stomach ulcers.

And of course she will not be able to harm the digestive system, can not be said about some of the illiterate diets.

Oatmeal contains fiber and beta glucan, which reduce cholesterol in blood and help create good conditions in the gastrointestinal tract. This positive effect on the recovery, and weight loss.

Rice - oatmeal diet aims at cleansing the body through the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, the first preliminary stage - purification of the gastrointestinal tract using rice diet.

Total last 7 days of this diet you will lose 3 to 5 extra kilos.

During this week, you eat for breakfast rice cooked in a special way. Soaked in the evening for the night 4 tablespoons of rice per liter of water, and in the morning boil it all at a minimal heat 40-60 minutes.

As a result, you get a rice pudding that you drink with pleasure.

The most important thing in the next 5:00 you anything else is not to be excluded, even tea or coffee. Just after 5 hours it is possible to eat something low-fat and low-carb.

And in the evening before bedtime if you are left with only 5 hours, again, you can not eat and drink neither tea nor coffee, nor even yogurt. The only thing that you can allow yourself, it's a bit of fruit. During the day, allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water.

After this week, cleanse go directly to the oatmeal diet.

Your menu is now oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if hunger tormented recommend include fruit menu.

So we eat for a whole month. Then, six months to relax and enjoy a positive result.


Even if in six months you will want to repeat the cleaning rice-oat diet, pay attention to your body and care.

Too often, this method can not be applied because the constant period such cleaning may de-energize your body, depriving vital nutrients.

Effective Valley kefir diet for 7 days

 Kefir diet for weight loss

For you, the weekly Valley kefir diet for weight loss 7 days efficiency and results how to get out of kefir diet and how much kg you can reset you will learn in this article.

Kefir   - useful and healthful fermented milk drink.

Useful properties of kefir:

normalizes metabolism in the body,

It helps strengthen the immune system,

overcome chronic fatigue, insomnia,

support to shatter the nervous system,

It has a calming effect,

stabilizes the intestinal microflora,

It cleanses the body of toxins.

For adults will be refreshing yogurt drink of the day, it contains vitamins and amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body.

And most importantly, healing week kefir diet provides an effective sustainable weight loss.

That's why this diet for 7 days - one of the most popular and common. It has become very popular due to the effect, which made the singer Larisa Dolina, using this diet.

Choosing this diet, you spend almost a week unloading at a yogurt.

The basic principle - drink a day for a half liter of kefir one percent fat. Thus it is necessary to exclude from the menu of salt and sugar.

Kefir diet weight loss diet painted by leaps quite severely.

The first day is proposed to add to the kefir boiled potatoes.

On the second day should be included in the menu of low-fat cottage cheese.

On the third day you can prepare your own any vegetables.

On the fourth day, you can add cooked chicken breast or fish.

On the fifth day you eat only fruits and dried fruits. So you prepare the body for the final phase of the effective discharge diet.

The sixth day you spend only yogurt.

The seventh day in one mineral water and a light vegetable salad: tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. On this last day of yogurt is not included in your menu. This is your kefir diet ends.

Performance and results

Of course, everyone is interested in how much you can lose voporos kg on this diet?

To the great joy and satisfaction as a result of the week you reset excess weight up to 5 kg.

Important advice: keeping kefir diet for greater efficiency can be carried out regular bowel cleansing using enemas. In this case, you can lose weight up to 8 kg.

But for people with dysfunction and gastrointestinal disease, such measures can act on health. These people who want to lose weight is better to use kefir diet to stabilize and improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, in any case without the use of additional intestinal cleansing.

How to go

Just do not relax much. In the first week after kefir diet eat carefully, largely excluding the menu fat, sweet, flour and sharp.

The only way you will be able to consolidate the results obtained and to keep the effect of the diet.
