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Free blood group diet food
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Diet by blood group for women and men
It allows you to plan your own individual diet program for weight loss, healing and rejuvenation. Diet for blood group proposes to build your diet based on scientific data on physiological characteristics of women and men with different blood groups.
In fact, any group of blood - the result of a complex evolutionary process, so if you do not take into account the special features associated with this major component of the human body, you can easily earn a lot of problems. And the reason for their appearance, we usually can not podozrevat.Takim way, check out the important principles of diet, constructed taking into account the blood group and you'll see what your key strengths and weaknesses.
If you have a first blood, you treat facial features "Hunter".
You will be able to carry themselves with pride to the people with the oldest blood group, which took place later on the rest. All of your blood brothers around the world - 33, 5%. These are people with a strong character, self-confident, prone to liderstvu.U have strong digestive and immune systems, effectively pass metabolism and preservation of nutrients. At the same time it is not easy for you to get used to the different conditions of diet and environment.
The strength of the immune system sometimes becomes your weakness: the main defense against any internal problems often turns external ugly side effects, expressed in the form of allergii.K important features of your blood is clotting bad, that's why you have the body often undergo various inflammatory processes including arthritis. People of this kind are subject to the same gastric ulcer due to its increased kislotnosti.Chtoby improve their weaknesses, you need to choose high-protein menu, eat fish and seafood, all kinds of meat (not pork).
To balance the weight you will approach special diet for myasoedov.Dlya solve blood clotting you definitely need foods that contain vitamin K: eggs, cod liver oil, greens, meat, liver, seaweed, salaty.Samye different vegetables can be safely included in the diet, in addition to cabbage and sour fruit beware not to have problems with the acidic environment of the stomach. But pineapples are fully suitable for people with a first group krovi.Iz cereals need to beware of oatmeal and wheat, and all its products, including wheat bread.
On the contrary, rye bread in small amounts will only benefit. Cereals may be safely added to the menu of dishes made from buckwheat. All legumes also benefit health. An exception will be kukuruza.Ketchupy, pickles, and similar products require less use or eliminate. For your stomach, these dishes is quite harmful and opasny.Zamechatelno impact on the health status of this kind of drinks like green tea, a variety of herbal tea rosehip, ginger, mint, liquorice, lime, cayenne pepper.
Occasionally allowed to allow yourself a beer, red and white wine, as well as camomile tea, ginseng, raspberry leaf, sage, valeriany.A need to beware of strong drinks, coffee, tea and aloe, strawberry leaf, St. John's wort, echinacea, senna.
Slimming excluded from the diet legumes, wheat, fresh cabbage, pickles, corn, citrus fruit, ice cream, potatoes, sugar. On the contrary, special emphasis needs to be done on the algae (brown kelp), fish and seafood, meat, especially lamb, liver, beef.
Feel free to add to dishes of salads, broccoli, parsley, spinach, radishes. Complete menu, nutritional supplements containing vitamins B and K, calcium, manganese, iodine (iodized salt is suitable even). At the same time it is not recommended to add vitamin complex supplementation of vitamins A and E.Dopolnite this diet program of intensive physical activity, and after a while you do not recognize myself.
People from the second group of blood are typecasting "farmer."
Mankind's transition from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle and the switch from hunting fun at agrarian classes coincided with the emergence of the people of the second group of blood. In our time, in 37, 8% of the world's population blood flows in the veins of the group, so that these people demonstrate good adaptability to work in a team, their organization, the desire to settle down, consistency haraktera.K physiological characteristics of people with this blood type are a weak immune system, a sensitive digestive system, increased sensitivity of the nervous system.
Indeed, people in the second group of blood may vary and strong immunity, if they comply with a vegetarian diet. This also would strengthen other weak system - digestive tract. And besides that insure against diseases of the liver and gall bladder, diabetes type 1, heart disease, cancer problem.Edinstvennaya problem is not solved vegetarianism - is anemia. But this diet will help allowable fish, turkey and chicken.
From fish dishes should be excluded just flounder, halibut, herring. It is not recommended to indulge in caviar and too diverse moreproduktami.Vegetarianskuyu diet program you need to enrich the variety of bean dishes, and, of course, cereals and vegetables. From fruit need to be careful with tangerines, papaya, pineapple, sour oranges and other fruits and berries, do not forget about the delicate stomach.
Reduce the need and dairy products dairy products, low-fat cheese, replacing them with soy products (soy milk, tofu) .Raznoobrazit vegetarian diet program you might eggs. This will enrich the body protein, vitamins and trace elements (Zn, Ca, B, B-carotene) .Predstoit exclude from power all kinds of spicy foods: mayonnaise and spices, pepper, vinegar, salty foods, ketchup and even tomatoes. From vegetables advise not to use potatoes and garlic, carrots, onions, on the other hand, adding in all the dishes at every opportunity.
In addition, it is not recommended for the lack of meat on the menu shokoladom.Iz drinks Preference give red wine, coffee, green tea, such as a carrot juice, grapefruit, pineapple, cherry. Lemon juice is recommended only in a diluted form with vodoy.A's all soda, black tea, orange juice are a group of banned and harmful beverages.
For weight loss and maintaining good physical shape vegetarian diet is also required to adjust to the side very small consumption of products from corn and peanut oils, wheat, pepper, cream, sugar. At the same time, it makes sense to include in the diet of a variety of vegetable oils: linseed, rapeseed, olive. Very useful are all products containing vitamins B, C, E, chromium, selenium, iron, zinc and calcium. Great impact on the health and figure herbal teas of the thistle, echinacea, ginseng, Astragalus *, valerian, hawthorn.
* Astragalus - a Chinese herb, has become famous in the West for its medicinal properties for the treatment of cancer. Astragalus contains flavonoids that improve blood circulation and the blood, helping to prevent stagnation, which can cause the formation of tumors. The Astragalus contains polysaccharides, which also prevent the development of tumors.