East 10 days for skin beauty and youth

 Eastern diet for slimming and beauty face and body

East is known for its own riddles. Exquisite nature, mysterious rites, rich history of culture and traditions and of course full of mysteries oriental women. East strict diet is effective for skin beauty and youth for 10 days, the menu

Oriental woman intriguing dance, sing and fascinate its inaccessible beauty that only becomes more attractive by the fact that it hides in every way. The unusual form of art - this oriental dance. For a beautiful dance requires attractive and slim figure.

But the secret of a great shape is not so much in harmony, as in elasticity and roundness. Beautiful woman's body may not be depleted to the point, which is called the "skin and bones". The beauty and splendor of the eastern body in its looseness, skladnosti organically, flexibility.

One of the most important principles of beauty that the inner and outer world are required to be combined with each other. Of course, this is not an allusion to the Russian proverb "a good man should be a lot."

That's why dietitians and scientists have made a diet that is called Eastern diet for slimming and beauty face and body. Restrictions in the diet is too serious. And Eastern diet is considered to be quite strict.

The diet completely eliminates the flour, salt, sweet, fat.

Limit the use of even dark bread - no more than 110-150 grams per day.

But different is not limited to drink.

The duration of the eastern diet designed for ten days. Menu regulates not only the amount of food and mealtimes.

Diet for 10 days, the menu

The first meal at 8 am, it consists of a cup of tea with one slice of sugar.

At 11 o'clock the day should start to lunch. In these hours consume 1 hard-boiled egg and 8 prunes.

Dine in 14 hours - recommended 200 grams of cooked lean, lean meat, 100 grams of a side dish, which can be represented cabbage or carrots, 1 orange, which, for a change, you can replace the apple.

In 17 hours, you can eat 30 grams of low-fat cheese, an apple or an orange.

In the evening for dinner at 8 o'clock drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

After ten days of the diet you need to give your body a rest from such a strict diet. This means - go to four meals. But while food proposed to limit themselves.

To achieve this will have little and go from the table a little hungry. In addition it is recommended to limit the consumption of products such as pastries and other flour products, rich in carbohydrates, salt, sugar and fat.

How to lose weight fast at home, emergency diet

 Emergency Diet How to lose weight in 3 days
Emergency Diet How to lose weight in 3 days

This emergency diet to lose weight in 3 days free, how fast to lose 5 kg, which do not allow you to have a slim figure.

In fact, use of the diet should be only in order to achieve the objectives of emergency because of its fast weight loss results in 3 days, and just as quickly lost when you return to a normal diet.

But I imagine that you will soon no small solemn event for which you have to fit into an amazing beautiful dress, you become small due to the extra 3 - 5 kilograms, insidiously appearing without your knowledge and you need to lose weight in 3 days.

First, for three "model" days you completely give up sugar and salt. It will be easy, because your main meal will be cottage cheese, needed - degreased. Only salt-free breakfast can seem very bland: you need to eat a soft-boiled egg.

Later on schedule three hours later you have a second meal called dinner, which you eat 175 grams of low fat cottage cheese and drink his tea is not sweet. Then three hours later you have some sort of dinner in the same way: 175 grams of cheese and tea.

It feeds you so much as 3 days, and then happily run on the scale and admire the effect of your labors: four or five kilograms is gone.

However, it is recommended not to forget that this result is purely cosmetic. Do not rely on what your weight will remain the same after returning to a normal diet stereotype.

This result emergency quick weight loss diet for 3 days due to the fact that the constructed under this scheme food causes the body to give mainly the excess water, and also a bit of fat mass.

That's why extra diet How to lose weight in 3 days should not be practiced too often, as frequent dehydration can greatly undermine your health.

In addition, salt-free food also has its pitfalls. Sol - the first component of our blood. And if we do not regularly get the daily requirement of salt, your body simply will not function well.

Therefore, for those who really like to take care of your appearance, you need to find a more comprehensive weight loss program that allows and lose weight, and improve my health at the same time.

After all, if the body adjust to the correct rhythm after an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, he will throw it all unnecessary weight. And you will have perfect slim figure and beautiful skin!

Diet for a beautiful, clean skin

 Diet to improve skin

There are many diets that allow you to lose weight, but few let you become beautiful, to make your skin clean and beautiful. And here you go, postroynevshaya, but pay attention to your skin, for example, not the waist. Beauty Diet for a beautiful, clean and problem skin will help improve the appearance by proper nutrition, your skin will be perfect.

The skin condition is constantly talking about the fact that your body is a lack or overabundance of something which substances. If you have excessive redness or peeling, acne bother, we recommend to think about their diet and adjust it to the desired direction.

The recommended diet for a beautiful, clean skin is treated individually for each specific problem.

Excessive dryness and peeling of the skin

Those who are keen on all kinds of diets, such a problem is known as excessive dryness and flaking of the skin. To get rid of this problem, you should re-use the fat in their menu. As it enters the fat in our body vitamin A, which allows the skin to remain flexible and prevents premature aging.

In the event that the human body receives less than 20 grams of fat per day, it would immediately signal the lack of the required vitamin A via his dryness.

To keep your skin become healthy and beautiful, you need to add to the salad a little olive oil, nuts and avocados consumed. This will return your skin to the desired substance to her, and she immediately react healthy shiny look.

Redness, reddish skin tone

For example, if your main problem is that the color of a person you often gives easy redness, reduce or discontinue the consumption of smoked meat, red wine and spices.

These products provide the body with such substances that dilate blood vessels and somehow lead to the fact that your cheeks redden, and the skin gets a reddish hue.

Problems with wrinkling and inflammation

In that case, if your skin problems have led to the appearance of wrinkles and inflammation, you need to immediately add to the menu, varieties of fish having the fatty amino acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6. These substances are smoothed various inflammatory processes in the body.

And if you leave the inflammatory processes unattended, it will lead to the clogging of pores, acne and the appearance of premature wrinkles. So often added to the diet varieties of fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna. This fish contains more than just require you to amino acids, so for your skin - it's quick help for scarce substances.

The problem of acne

Acne is a common problem exists due to the fact that in our daily diet is dominated by products such as sweets, potatoes, white rice, white bread, pasta. All of the products we added simple carbohydrates, which increase insulin levels in the blood, and therefore do not appear aesthetic acne.

To improve the condition of acne skin, recommended to switch to foods that contain complex carbohydrates. This pasta made from durum wheat brown rice, whole grain breads. These complex carbohydrates are absorbed by the body longer and do not lead to a sharp release of insulin. In addition, it is recommended to add to the menu of fruits and vegetables.

And if from time to time you will still be added to the daily diet of almonds, hazelnuts, and flaxseed, to get rid of all your problems.

These problems will disappear by themselves, if you stick to the diet for a beautiful, clear skin, you will become an attractive girl with a healthy and radiant skin.
