Diet for depression helps produce the hormone of happiness

 Diet against depression

Depression - is one of the most common diseases of our time. Loneliness in the big city was a normal fact, continuous stress has become a way of life, and a lack of vitamins, heavy duty day, bad mood deemed absolutely ordinary and everyday things.

Because of this depression becomes severe and regular psychological illness. Fortunately, today, many illnesses are successfully treated, and depression among them. Available special drugs - antidepressants.

But the most effective is a comprehensive treatment. It includes herbal medicine, reflexology, apitherapy and antidepressant diet.

Menu diet includes substances that are rich in nutrients and vitamins. Since it is known that the normal physiological depression is associated with unhealthy diets, exhaustion and fatigue of the body.

The diet aims to improve mood and stabilize emotions.

Duration diets usually designed for a week. Of course diet can not solve all the problems and eliminate the cause of depression, but balanced nutrition leads to normalization of emotional and psychological background.

Products and dishes included in the menu diet for depression, contribute to the production of the hormone serotonin, or happiness, it contains vitamin E and B vitamins, as well as antidperessanty - folic acid, selenium, tryptophan.

It includes - poultry, beef liver, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, legumes, wheat bran, spices like rosemary, tarragon, basil, Regan, bitter chocolate, herbal infusions.

Estimated daily menu:

On the breakfast eat boiled egg, bread with cheese, parsley, tea and dark chocolate (about 30 grams).

For lunch, we recommend to eat fruit salad of kiwi and tangerine, dressed with yogurt and sprinkle with grated nuts.

For lunch: turkey, stewed with vegetables and sour cream, vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with cheese or feta cheese, olive oil, for dessert is better to eat bananas with whipped cream.

At lunch offered mint tea with jam from the black currant.

Dinner in the diet may consist of trout, baked with cheese, salad trout and asparagus.

For dessert can be a delicious hot chocolate.

And at night to improve sleep advised to drink the infusion of hypericum.

Basic principles of an effective diet ballerinas


In order to become slim and graceful look like a prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre, you are invited to sit on a special diet for dancers. In this diet there are no clear recommendations for a particular set of dishes.

You only suggested a few basic principles to remember and enter them into your daily diet.

Firstly, its normal divide each portion into two parts and arrange instead of one, two meals, separated in time.

Secondly, in the case when you eat soup, do not add to it some other dishes. Soups are considered in this diet a separate dish, inconsistent with any other.

Third, declared incompatible and even meat and fish dishes. They can not be combined in the same meal because they contain diverse protein.

Fourthly, dairy products in your menu will contain the least amount of fat. Good for compliance such a diet standardized milk with ice.

Fifth, the ban must be imposed on the factory mayonnaise. If such a failure makes you sharp taste and moral suffering, try to "cheat" themselves of their own home-made mayonnaise, excluded from the formulation yolks and salt, adding a little low-fat yogurt.

Sixth, the salt should also be banned product and replace it with various spices and is soy sauce.

And the next, the seventh principle recommends abundant liquid mode.

On the day you should eat 1, 5-2 liters of non-carbonated mineral water. At the same time you should drink apart from meals: 30 minutes before meals and after 1 hour after meals.

By mastering these principles, you have the opportunity to practice a few days until you reach the desired effect (number of discarded kilograms, or on state of health).

To be effective, must begin with two preliminary days of discharge.

During the first day of discharge you for breakfast, lunch and dinner drink tomato juice. Only at lunch you are allowed to add to the juice slice of black bread.

The second day of discharge is preferably carried out in the yogurt. Just drink it in the morning, afternoon and evening, adding to the dining serving a slice of black bread. Morning or evening kefir rate it is possible to replace milk.

After this two-day discharge power mode on a diet you will be noble holiday.

That's menu might look like:

Have breakfast with a glass of low-fat cottage cheese yogurt one percent.

Had dinner cooked rice with a piece of meat (150 grams). Separately, you can drink a cup of broth.

At lunch - fruit (orange or apple).

Dinner Milk: drink a cup of yogurt or milk with a teaspoon of honey.

You have the ability to choose your diet to a more wholesome and nutritious or more austere, but it is necessary to comply with the most important principles described above.

Free blood group diet food

Table of contents
Free blood group diet food
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You do not need to use drugs with vitamin A. Vegetarian food will provide you with a sufficient amount of B-karotina.Iz exercise should choose calm and focus that you find in large quantities in the eastern systems (yoga, tai chi).

People who have the third group of blood are typecasting "The Wanderer, a nomad."

This third group of blood appeared during the evolutionary migration races. People with a third group of blood is not very much in the world - only 20, 6%. People of this type are distinguished creative, flexible and balanced. They are easily adapted to changes in diet and environmental conditions, thanks to the fact that boast strong balanced immune system and the nervous system.

Exceptionally blatant disregard for your body and too unbalanced diet are able to bring people to this type of serious health problems such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, diabetes type 1, the scattered skleroz.Izbezhat such health problems for people with a third group of blood "Nomad" allows a mixed balanced diet. They are allowed to use almost everything, but in reasonable quantities and combinations.

Limit is only recommended intake of all kinds of seafood: shrimp, clams, crabs and meat: pork, chicken. Also very useful are legumes, vegetables (except corn, tomatoes, squash, olives, rhubarb), fish, eggs, cereals (except buckwheat and wheat), meat, dairy products (especially dairy and low fat), fruit (except coconut) .From recommended drinks green tea, herbal teas of raspberry leaf, ginseng, sage, licorice, such as the pineapple juice, cabbage, grape, klyukvennyy.Izredka allowed to treat yourself to orange juice, black tea, wine, beer, tomato juice kofe.A here and soda drinks required categorically excluded.

For weight loss and slim figure greatly help dishes include herbs, veal, herbs, eggs, liver. Diversify your diet offers a variety of vitamins and nutritional supplements containing magnesium, and lecithin. For more results, we recommend to exclude from power lentils, buckwheat, peanuts, pork and its products, corn, tomatoes and wheat. All these products inhibit the production of insulin and thus reduce the efficiency of metabolic processes.

This in turn threatens to excessive fatigue, water retention in the body, hypoglycemia and a set of spare kilogramm.A to maintain physical fitness people with a third group of blood suitable for walking, cycling, playing tennis, swimming and eastern health system ( yoga, tai chi)

4th blood group - the youngest, the rarest and most mysterious of all.

4th blood group - the result of a merger of two opposing groups - the 2nd and 3rd. The resulting type is called - "Mystery" and has a membership of only about 7-8% of the world shara.Eto people with very sensitive and responsive immune system. His media 4th blood endowed both pluses and minuses of their ancestors: the second and third groups of people with the parties krovi.Slabymi fourth blood group are sensitive digestive tract and is too "open" the immune system, unstable to microbial infections.

People with this blood type are prone to heart disease and cancer, often suffer anemiey.Poskolku mixed blood type, the diet should be moderately smeshannoy.Predlagaetsya be a menu of foods such as meat (lamb, rabbit, turkey), fish (but not the seafood ), dairy products (especially lactic acid drinks and low-fat cheeses), cheese tofu.Ne forget about mineral supplements such as olive oil and cod liver oil, as well as peanuts, walnuts.

Mandatory component supply must be a variety of cereals (except buckwheat and corn), vegetables (except pepper, black olives, corn), fruits (except sharp and sour), no limitation should apply only to beans. Feel good to help such beverages as coffee, green tea, herbal teas from hawthorn, wild rose, ginger, chamomile, echinacea, zhenshenya.Ne be any harm as good, beer, wine, tea, peppermint, valerian, raspberry .a teas aloe, senna, linden uniquely well-being hurt, so be sure to avoid these drinks.

For weight loss, it is desirable to make the menu of fish, dairy products, add the greens and also algae. From fruit must select ananas.V addition, take vitamin C and nutritional supplements such as the echinacea, valerian, selenium, thistle (thistle), tsink.Ogranichit is red meat, ham and bacon, wheat and corn, buckwheat, sunflower seeds, pepper. All of these products stimulate the manifestation of the weaknesses inherited from the 2nd and 3rd blood group, which is why they will have to be very careful.

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