The fight against obesity - Diet & Fitness

 Fighting obesity

Statistics say that almost half of women dreaming to lose weight.

Scientific institutes are working on the problem of obesity.

Despite the efforts of doctors and specialists in physical therapy, despite calls to run, swim, ski, engage in rhythmic gymnastics, the number of overweight people has not diminished.

And maybe it's a natural process, ask some may be overweight - a lot of man of our time, perhaps, we should not expend energy to fight it?

To lose weight, strength, no doubt, is to spend. But let's see how it is usually done.

As a rule, "fight" starts with diet. French, English or Chinese, whose recommendations carefully rewritten in tetradochku cherished and taken the next day to the strict execution. As ever popular today buckwheat diet. This diet promises fast results, but requires a severe food restrictions.

Lost in agony a few kilos, you decide to give yourself a little breathing room. For example, during the holidays ... and was surprised to notice that those kilos that you worked so hard to lose in a month, returned to you for a couple of days. After going through a few of these diets and they say, enough nagolodavshis, you decide: no, this is not for you.

After a while you come across a new recommendation, which also promise to get rid of excess weight. This time it's exercise. You are invited to be at the club runners or rhythmic gymnastics, to join the training in the swimming pool or to ski ... And you respond to these calls. Enthusiastically start. A week, the second month, and the weight is kept.

"What is it - do you think displeasure - as a result of lessons promise weight loss, but here? Slender remain slim and chubby plump ... "And having lost her faith in the healing power of movement, you drop a class.

And in vain! As soon as you have yet to suffer a week, another month (these terms, of course, individual), and you would feel the results. The fact that the energy supply of muscle activity at the expense of fat (lipids) occurs only when using a certain intensity.

Experiments conducted in the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism specialists Department of Anatomy, Physiology and gymnastics, has shown that, for example, classes in rhythmic gymnastics for 45 minutes at a heart rate (HR) of 110-130 beats per minute did not affect the the ratio of fat and muscle tissue in the body involved. That is, body fat is not reduced.

But more intensive work with the pulse of 130 -150 beats per minute, which was administered in 45-minute sessions for 10 -15 minutes, resulting in a decrease in adipose tissue.

What follows from this? And what started this load will not do. It takes time to, as they say athletes get in shape, improve the efficiency of the whole organism. It was then, and we must be patient. And to show character! For some, it's two for the other six months.

So are you ready to work in the so-called retractor mode? Excellent. Where to begin? Start with the simplest - with morning exercise. But follow it in the mode of rhythmic gymnastics, that is, without a pause for rest, doubling the number of repetitions of each exercise. After each run around 3-4 exercises on site, increasing the length of run from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Your heart rate should be between 110-130 beats per minute. Only those who are below 30 years can train in the heart rate of 130-140 beats per minute.

The output to the charging well add dancing to the music. Here, complete freedom for improvisation: can be turned into a waltz tempo, jump up in the style of "disco" or rock-and-roll. The main thing, without stopping, to maintain its program of 15-20 minutes.

And as soon as you feel that is easy to handle the load, increase the tempo, the number of repetitions of each exercise, and hence the session. But do not get carried away. This increase must go very slowly. And watch out for health. If the next day you have the lethargy and lost the desire to train, you're overzealous. Reduce the load by half, or relax in the day of the occupation.

So, step by step, and you get to the training mode, when you can "sculpt" the figure in its sole discretion.

See how closely related issues of nutrition and reasonably matched exercise.

How to choose a diet to lose weight the pros and cons of diets

 how to choose a diet for weight loss
how to choose a diet for weight loss

Any diet, over time, can bring results. But how to choose a diet to lose weight, if you want to preserve these achievements in weight?

Here are the pros and cons of different types of diets.

Diet fixed menu

Diet fixed menu provides you with a list of products that you have to eat. Such a diet can be very easy to observe, because the products are picked up at you. But you will not have diversity in the diet, and this can make the diet boring and hard to meet outside the home.

In addition, fixed-menu diet does not teach our range of products needed to maintain weight after a diet. If you start with a fixed menu diet, eventually you will need to switch to a plan that will teach you how to choose foods to your own opinion, it is suitable for this type of exchange diet.

Exchange type

Menu exchange diet is a set of servings of each food group permitted. Within each group, the products are approximately equal in calories, which can be replaced at your request. For example, the category of "starch" may include one slice of bread or a bowl of oatmeal, and both contain roughly equal nutritional value and calories.

If your meal plan for breakfast provides two categories of "starch", you can eat two slices of bread or a slice of bread and a bowl of oatmeal. On the exchange-type diet, you have the choice of food, and such programs can observe anywhere. The most important advantage is that exchange-type diet plans teach to choose foods that will help you keep the weight loss results.

Diet prepackaged products

For these diets require you to buy packed lunches. Such a diet helps to know the perfect portion size. However, they can be costly.

Before you start this type of program it is necessary to know the number and cost of such supply. You also need to take into account the variety of food, its preparation and ways of holding the result of this type of diet.

Diet weight loss on mixtures

This scheme of weight loss, in which one or more products is replaced by a liquid mixture. Most of diet formulations of combining protein, carbohydrate, and usually a small amount of fat. Typically, a mixture of such diets are sold as a liquid or powder, which must be thinned.

Although such diets are easy to use and contribute to rapid weight loss, but after cessation of mixtures of the majority of people are overweight returns. Also, these diets do not teach you healthy eating and maintaining good form constantly.

A low-calorie diet (ACI)

This use of a mixture of 800 calories or less, which replaces meals. ACI is not the same thing as an independent replacement of certain products in the daily diet. With these diets under medical supervision, a low-fat diet can greatly reduce the weight of obese patients up to 20 kilograms in 12 weeks.

This weight loss can help with diseases associated with obesity, diabetes, and high pressure. Typically, low-calorie diets are safe with proper medical monitoring of patients who have a body mass index greater than 30.

People with a body mass index of 27 to 30, should be warned that there may be complications in the health associated with this type of weight loss. Low-calorie diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. ACI is not suitable for children and adolescents, with the exception of special treatment programs.

Physicians should take into account an individual basis such diets, taking into account the risk and the usefulness of such a sharp decline in weight, for example, in people over 50, those who have health problems or who take medications.

In many patients, sitting on a low calorie diet from 4 to 16 weeks, there are minor side effects such as fatigue, constipation, nausea, or diarrhea, but usually the condition is improving for several weeks, but these side effects are rarely stop patients from the program interruption.

The most serious side effect that was observed in patients, is the emergence of gallstones, although it is not clear whether it is a side effect of weight loss, or is responsible for the formation of gallstones. Although low-calorie diets are effective for quick weight loss, but not effective in maintaining the achieved result.

Doubtful diet

You should avoid diets that for easy weight loss, I suggest you use only one type of product. Such diets work for a short period, because constructed at a low calorie content.

However, such programs are unbalanced and may cause a lack of nutrients in the body. In addition, these diets do not teach you how to maintain your weight is normal.

Easy to use diet to the amount of fat and calories consumed

Some programs and books offer just monitor the amount of fat and calories consumed, and combine these restrictions with your personal eating habits. This easy-to-use way to help many people and teaches them to control their meals.

One of the disadvantages of such a diet is that some can not comply with such a diet correctly. For example, diets that control the use of fat, often allow to use an unlimited number of calories of sugar and, consequently, it does not result in weight loss.

It is important to choose a weight loss diet that can help you, considering the pros and cons of different diets. The diet should also teach you how to choose and prepare healthy food, as well as how to keep fit. Remember that many people can return to their previous weight.

And the use of healthy and nutritious diet combined with regular physical activity, helps to purchase a beautiful slender figure and keep it going.
