Dairy diet will help lose 6 kg in the last 7 days


Milk diet is based precisely on the introduction to the daily diet of a large amount of fermented milk and dairy products.

In this mode, the power may lose 6 kg in the last 7 days.

Dairy accompany our food with infants. All people in a happy childhood drinking warmed milk at bedtime ... and hot with various additives for colds.

The milk used in the diet of healthy human nutrition and medical purposes. The chemical composition of the milk occupies a unique place among the products of animal origin.

These products contain a variety of nutrient minerals, vitamins, required for the functioning of the body, is largely calcium in high concentrations.

Dairy products, apart from the above, also contain beneficial bacteria, they are falling into the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion, metabolism acceleration. Therefore, these products have become an integral program the correct diet.

On the other hand, these products are high-calorie and usually contain a significant amount of fat. That is why the aid ladies seeking to maintain a slim figure, come re-designed food technology, and stores were light yogurt, low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese and similar products.

Milk diet for weight loss It based just on the introduction to the daily diet of a large amount of fermented milk and dairy products.

In this mode, the power may lose 6 kg in the last 7 days.

However, the need to be careful if your stomach does not take dairy products, this diet is not right for you.

The duration of weight loss range from 3 to 6 - 7 days.

When choosing milk and pay attention to the amount of fat, which is always indicated on the package. The most suitable concentration of milk fat - is 5%.

It is not allowed for such diets include diet sour fruit. Suitable only apples, peaches, bananas, pears, permissible to eat a handful of raisins or prunes.

In addition to every meal should drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water.


At the first meal should eat 120 grams of yogurt, 1 fruit, the recommended diet. Additionally allowed to drink tea with honey. one teaspoon, 5 gram, and you need to wake up the body of 20 grams, or coffee with milk.

At lunch diet recommends 100 grams of porridge on the water or skim milk, 125g low fat cottage cheese, a glass of skim milk.

Lunch includes salad, which is recommended to fill low-fat yogurt or yogurt, 1 boiled egg approximately 55 grams or salad you can replace 100 g of cottage cheese with fruit, and the menu includes a glass of sour milk or yogurt.

At the evening meal, you can eat one piece of fruit and 125 grams of yogurt without sugar, fat content of not more than 4%.

Fresh milk is used in clinical nutrition in cardiovascular diseases, especially circulatory failure, gastritis and gastric ulcer, tuberculosis, and other inflammatory processes.

Milk counter with food allergies, anatsidnyh gastritis, enterocolitis and other diseases.

Banana diet than helpful bananas

 Banana diet than helpful bananas

Bananas are very useful for the human body, and even if you are not going to sit on the banana diet, try to increasingly involve the bananas in your diet. In this article you will learn useful than bananas, banana milk diet, how to lose 3 kg in 3 days

Homeland banana is considered the Malay Archipelago. Here natives from the most ancient times they were grown as a cultivated plant and eaten. That the inhabitants of these islands, cruising through the islands of the Pacific Ocean, spread them all slaves fruit plants, including bananas. Subsequently, the bananas were brought to India the first navigators.

After that, soon arrived remarkable bananas to Europe. In addition, archaeologists say that the tombs in South America were the remains of banana listev.Nesmotrya for recognition in tropical countries, in Europe and America bananas for a long time remained a rare and exotic fruits.

Maturity banana

Due to the fact that transport and storage required to implement at not more than 14 degrees C. After the formation of the first refrigerator w. d. traffic in the 19th century began to appear are the necessary conditions for sending and receiving guarantees of safety and bananas.

In addition, there are some kinds which are not suitable for transporting bananas. That is why India, Brazil, Thailand, China produces bananas only in domestic sales and exports in relatively insignificant quantities.

Maturity banana elementary determined by the color of the rind. Yellow fetus will always be dependent on its maturity. If you want to eat bananas at once, instead of storing them, you need to pick up the yellow bananas with a little black dots. They are considered signs of full maturity of bananas.

How useful bananas

Bananas are composed of carotene, B vitamins, as well as C and PP. In the pulp of bananas contains vitamin C, which helps to cope with winter colds and infections, as well as an antioxidant, which means slowing down the aging process, helps preserve youth, prevents early wrinkles.

In addition, bananas contain little sodium, but a greater concentration of calcium. Such mineral content in bananas enables them to reduce the risk of stroke, lowering blood pressure.

Bananas are useful in anemia, increased pressure ulcers, disorders of the nervous system, depression, stress, constipation, hangover, heartburn, excess weight and PMS.

Bananas absolutely no fat, but a 20% consist of easily digestible carbohydrates. That's why if you're going to drop the extra weight on a banana diet program, you should strictly follow all instructions.

Banana is considered a strict diet, so it should not take more than 3 days.

Calorie banana 100 grams of 90 kcal.

Main products diet - a banana and milk. For three days the diet is easy to lose weight more than 3 kg.

To do this, 2-3 bananas and 3 glasses of low-fat milk should be easy to distribute for the whole day on the usual for your daily diet to the number of meals.

Bananas are very useful for the human body, and even if you are not going to sit on such a diet, often try to include them in your diet.

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Aromatic oils to reduce appetite

 aromatherapy slimming

Different ways of influence of odors on the person known from the past. Essential oils are used for weight loss and loss of appetite, scents affect mood. Recipes aromatherapy help you lose 12 kg

The reactions of the body of people on the flavors of yore studied in our time can be used in various spheres of life, medicine and other fields.

Aromatherapy - A well-known method of treatment of various diseases. Today scents are detailed classification. Mark fragrances - aphrodisiacs. It smells that mimic those flavors that distinguishes our body under the action of hormones to attract the opposite sex.

There are medicinal odors, which are used in medicine for the treatment of both the simple and very complex diseases. In addition, a special group listed smells - antidepressants.

A known group of odors, which are regularly used in nutrition to reduce appetite and weight loss.

According to numerous statistical and medical research long ago it has been proved that people with disabilities and smell abnormalities, gaining extra weight easier and faster than those who feel well the whole range of ambient odors.

This stems from the fact that satiety is controlled by the nervous system and brain, rather than the stomach. The amount of food received by the digestive system, is associated with the volume of odors that hit the olfactory receptors. It is thus controlled and appetite.

Of course, this conclusion of Medicine recommended for their own purposes.

Aromatherapy has long and effectively used for weight loss.

Admission is based on reducing the appetite and hunger with specific odors. From hunger eliminate odors such as cinnamon, green apple, vanilla. In the event that inhale such flavors alone or in mixture during the day, it is possible to get rid of the constant hunger.

But you must not forget that during the diet in any case need to take care about their own health. That's why you can not miss so daily meals, but is permitted to give a supper, just replace it with a cocktail of these fragrant odors.

For these purposes, you can simply use the recipes of aromatherapy, aromatic oils and oil burner.

Recipes how to lose 12 kg

And it is possible to do easier. If you take a small slice of green apple, a pinch of peppermint, cinnamon, vanilla, banana and slice it all to heat in vegetable oil, then inhaling the fumes in the first hunger is no problem significantly reduce your appetite. As if to inhale the mixture of flavors before a meal, you will be filled.

With this effective recipe aromatherapy have the opportunity to lose weight 12 kg, without much effort on them. At the same time every month you will be reset to 2 kg of excess weight.

Use this method of permissible indefinite period.

Useful and tasty flavors to you and success in losing weight.
