Healing rice - oatmeal diet


Oatmeal diet, along with cleansing and healing of the body, is very good for quick weight loss, so it is a healing and "cosmetic" diet.

Oatmeal diet is well suited for people who have different problems and diseases of the digestive system. Oatmeal affects the gastrointestinal tract as a real elixir.

There are even occasions when oat diet helps get rid of stomach ulcers.

And of course she will not be able to harm the digestive system, can not be said about some of the illiterate diets.

Oatmeal contains fiber and beta glucan, which reduce cholesterol in blood and help create good conditions in the gastrointestinal tract. This positive effect on the recovery, and weight loss.

Rice - oatmeal diet aims at cleansing the body through the cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, the first preliminary stage - purification of the gastrointestinal tract using rice diet.

Total last 7 days of this diet you will lose 3 to 5 extra kilos.

During this week, you eat for breakfast rice cooked in a special way. Soaked in the evening for the night 4 tablespoons of rice per liter of water, and in the morning boil it all at a minimal heat 40-60 minutes.

As a result, you get a rice pudding that you drink with pleasure.

The most important thing in the next 5:00 you anything else is not to be excluded, even tea or coffee. Just after 5 hours it is possible to eat something low-fat and low-carb.

And in the evening before bedtime if you are left with only 5 hours, again, you can not eat and drink neither tea nor coffee, nor even yogurt. The only thing that you can allow yourself, it's a bit of fruit. During the day, allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water.

After this week, cleanse go directly to the oatmeal diet.

Your menu is now oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And if hunger tormented recommend include fruit menu.

So we eat for a whole month. Then, six months to relax and enjoy a positive result.


Even if in six months you will want to repeat the cleaning rice-oat diet, pay attention to your body and care.

Too often, this method can not be applied because the constant period such cleaning may de-energize your body, depriving vital nutrients.

Down with the extra weight for quick weight loss


The author of this wonderful diet "Down with the extra weight" American cardiologist Arthur Agaston.

All that is required from you (if you choose to follow this diet) - memorize a list of "allowed" to eat foods and enjoy them (within reason, but sufficient quantities).

Scheme diet consists of three phases.

The first phase - the most severe, the duration of 2 weeks. It allows you to lose 6 - 7 kg.

The second phase lasts as long as your goal is reached.

The third phase - this is your way of life adjusted.

Arthur Agaston believes that passing the first two phases, you can afford almost any product. The author does not recommend to use products such as white rice, potatoes, pasta, white bread and sweets.

The first phase is held under the slogan "Down with the extra weight."

Two weeks is strictly forbidden to eat fruits, alcohol and sugary drinks. You also need to eliminate from your diet bread, potatoes, pasta. Prefer lean veal, chicken breast (without skin), fish and low-fat cheeses.

Vegetables should also have a little - 150-200 grams per day. All meals must be prepared exclusively on vegetable oil. In the evening, you can treat yourself to a cup of cocoa.

The second phase - "Your habit of eating right."

Menu is considerably more extensive than the first two weeks. The diet includes fruits, berries, cereals, bread (but only wholemeal), oatmeal and brown rice.

Dairy products, which can be used: soybean and skim milk, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt. Of course, weight loss is slower than in the first phase. We should not forget about physical exercises and stress.

The third phase - "The pleasure with the outcome."

The most important thing for you - to keep the weight that you have achieved. You can afford to have all but listed "forbidden" foods.

It will be easy - after all accustomed to proper nutrition, you will not want to go back to the way you eat. In the day to consume at least 1, 5 liters of water. It is advisable to drink green tea.

Recipes for a diet

The first phase - the main course option

Steaks (weight less than 100 grams), fry on the grill, season with herbs. Vegetables (tomato, zucchini, green onions), chopped into pieces, fry in a little olive oil. Decorate steak with vegetables and herbs.

The second phase - an example of a main dish

Diced beef fillet, sprinkle with lemon juice, leave for 15 minutes. Then the meat with salt, strung on skewers and fry in vegetable oil. The meat can be chopped yellow bell pepper.

The third phase - an example of a main dish.

Tomatoes "cherry" cut in half, half mixed with basil leaves. Fill the tomatoes with olive oil and vinegar. Rub chicken breast with olive oil and fry. Breast file with tomatoes and herbs.

Bon appetite and weight loss!

Honey - lemon diet to cleanse

 Honey and lemon diet to cleanse and weight loss
Honey Lemon Diet

A huge number of diets for quick weight loss help to lose weight, but our health is largely dependent on the purity of the whole organism.

The best option is to apply the fasting days, in which there is a complete cleansing of the body.

A pleasant side effect of this is the loss of excess weight.


Cleanse the body of toxins, as well as lose weight will help a well-known and useful lemon, which is the most popular product for the treatment of many diseases.

As additional funds offer you two more opposite in flavor product: honey and bitter red pepper.

You need to prepare all of the burning mixture of these products, which take 3 days.

These days, you will be just as active and vigorous as ever, and the feeling of hunger and hunger fainting you do not get any.

To prepare the mixture to take 8 lemons, squeeze the juice from them, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey and 1-2 teaspoons of red hot pepper. Honey and lemon elixir ready - medicinally-useful alternative to the usual doping.

Three days you take honey and lemon elixir, adding the perfect drug still mineral water and green tea. If elixir sour allowed to add honey to taste. And can reduce the number of days, depending on your own health.

Honey, lemon and pepper relieve you of all the unpleasant symptoms.

Honey will give you courage, strength, and deliver us from the attacks of weakness, hot pepper will stimulate blood circulation in the body and provide you with the tide of energy and vigor.

A lemon juice will help bring toxins and get rid of all the harmful consequences of intoxication.


Even if you feel fine and ready to take honey and lemon elixir several days, do not delay the discharge period longer than three days.


Honey and lemon diet is contraindicated for people with high acidity of the stomach, kidney disease, a number of other chronic diseases. Consult a doctor or a nutritionist.

During this period, fasting days with honey - lemon diet Clean your body with additional procedures.

The perfect tool for cleaning the bath with aromatic oils - lemon, orange, grapefruit.

You can apply and most simple means - ordinary baking soda. Adding to the bath half a pack of baking soda, you get the same effect of purification.

These pleasant and beneficial aromatic bath will help you feel even greater burst of energy and vigor and to continue Honey citric diet with even greater zeal.
