Watermelon diet will lose 8 kg in 2 weeks


When watermelon diet you get two nice effect: a comprehensive cleansing of the body and weight loss, your weight will decrease by eight kilograms in 2 weeks.

Watermelon - the world's biggest berry and the biggest one of those who suffer from hypertension, circulatory failure, nephritis, gout, liver and biliary tract, obesity.

As a diuretic, and dietary properties of watermelon help people with these illnesses to facilitate their health, especially if you make it a rule five times a day to arrange a snack from this valuable fruit (at one time, you can eat 300-400 grams).

In watermelons much fructose, vitamins, trace elements. And with all this watermelon flesh you will not add extra kilos, as it is low-calorie (only 38 calories per 100 grams). However, it should follow some basic rules: do not eat watermelon before or immediately after a meal, so as not to make digestive problems, and especially not the watermelon jam black bread as recommended by some experts.

This giant berry grown by the ancient Egyptians 4,000 years ago. Out of Africa came to us and watermelon. His birthplace - the Kalahari Desert and Nabib in the south of the African continent. In Russia the first watermelons began to grow only in the late 17th century. Before that, they were brought from overseas countries as an exotic delicacy. Moreover, they have feared raw, cooked with peppers and only then eaten.

When Peter the Great they were soaked in sugar syrup and serve royals for dessert. However, even then, since no one had not occurred to taste the fresh juicy watermelon flesh without any treatment.

But those who have decided to resort to the following proposed watermelon diet, it is recommended, on the other hand have a watermelon in a pure form. And then the watermelon will be your faithful companion during fasting days. However, please note - sweet watermelon days should be no more than five.

This period is ideal to get rid of one problem (toxins, excess water, unwanted salts) and earn more. If you decide firmly on the path of watermelon mono-diet, all you have to do - is to stock up a fair amount of watermelons.

During the day, you have to eat a kilogram of juicy watermelon pulp 10 kilogram of bodyweight. Such rigid discharge mode is not necessary to resort to those with diseases such as diabetes, pancreatic disease, urolithiasis.

And the rest of you must also closely monitor their condition and sensitively listen to your body. Perhaps such a harsh diet was for him too big a load. This he can signal to you such features as the severity of abdominal pain, bloating and other discomfort.

If the alarm of this kind has been received, safely keep diet due time.

In addition to the comprehensive body purification watermelon diet when you get another nice effect: losing weight, your weight will decrease by about three kilograms.

If you are not going to stop there, you can continue your watermelon marathon another ten-distance. This period is built much softer. Breakfasts and lunches you would consist of ordinary food, and for dinner you can treat yourself to a giant dollop of your favorite fruit - the rate of 1 kg of flesh in the 30 kg weight.

However, such discharge dinner try to previous meals were also not much "boot." Recommended for breakfast to eat unsweetened oatmeal and a little cheese for lunch - vegetable salad with a small amount of fish, poultry or meat.

Reset 8 kg for 2 weeks

So for 2 weeks sweet diet you can lose weight by 8 extra padding.


And at the end of the diet you can even treat yourself to dessert diet again from watermelon. This will help you to direct your diet on track and not rub directly on the usual high-calorie treats to reward themselves for such a long period of ascetic.

So, try to make your own watermelon jelly, and maybe you want to permanently abandon the heavier sweets. For the preparation of this jelly you need to whip in a blender cubes of watermelon (4 cups) with sweetener (to taste), then connect the gelatin (1 pack) with any fruit or berry juice, let the mixture stand for 5 minutes, and then put on a slow fire to dissolving gelatin.

The following connect gelatin mixture with watermelon, frozen in the freezer and then break the resulting mass into pieces, put them in a blender and blend until the mixture becomes soft and fluffy. And then the mixture should be frozen again for 6-8 hours.

The beauty of this dish is that almost every transitional stage it is already possible to feast on. Perhaps for someone perfect would it not the final product, and some of its variants nedoprigotovlennyh.

Avocado for quick weight loss


Previously called the avocado Ahua kvalt - "Forest Oil" is the name accurately suited to fruit: ripe avocado flesh is light yellow with a greenish hue, soft and tender, like butter. Avocado already existed in 291 BC. Their homeland is Mexico and Central America.

For the first time pear-shaped avocados were discovered by the Aztecs of Mexico. The Aztecs called the fruit «ahuacatl», over time it has grown into a well-known name to almost everyone, "avocado".

Today, more than 400 known varieties of avocado. Sort Sharwil have thicker skin than other varieties. In the variety Fuerte large fruit, thin skin and creamy flesh. Hazzard Avocado varieties have large oblong fruit has excellent flavor.

But the most popular cultivar Hass - its small oval fruit covered with a rough-skinned greenish or dark purple color and the flesh has a strong nutty flavor.

Keep in mind that fruits ripe avocado can be stored in the refrigerator up to two days. To cut an avocado flesh retains its color, rather sprinkle it with a few drops of lemon juice or lime juice.

There are several ways to determine whether an avocado is ready to eat food. If we talk about the avocado Hass, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the rind when ripe fruit, peel it changes color from green to deep purple and even black.

If we consider the green skinned varieties such as Shepard, Reed, Sharwil and Fuerte, check their ripeness by pressing if to touch the fruit is slightly soft, which means that they are ready for use.

If you bought a hard, unripe fruit, they need to be put in a warm place, avoiding direct exposure to the sun better. They will ripen gradually. And in order to accelerate the ripening, place avocados in a paper bag and put in it an apple or banana.

Avocados are rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. They also contain riboflavin, niacin, fiber, copper, potassium and magnesium. Avocado - a rich source of folic acid, which reduces the risk of congenital anomalies in the unborn child.

But the beautiful part of a diet low in fat, this fruit makes the mono-unsaturated oil. Avocado - a great alternative to greasy pate - just smear the pulp of a ripe avocado on toast and a light and healthy breakfast is ready!

There is an enormous amount of fine cooking recipes with avocado.

For example, the popular Mexican sauce Guacamole. It is made from crushed avocado pulp in a blender, finely chopped hot pepper pod, pureed tomatoes peeled, chopped onions. The mixture is seasoned with salt, pepper and cilantro (coriander greens can be successfully replaced by a mixture of finely chopped parsley and lemon balm).

Avocados are a la Waxman: the flesh of an avocado cut into cubes, mixed with 200 grams of canned tuna, half a chopped onion and two chopped boiled eggs. The mixture is seasoned with pepper, lemon juice, salt and a pinch of sugar. Served with toast or crackers.


This diet is recommended to observe no more than 3 days.

It allows you to reset a half - two kilograms.

For breakfast: half an avocado filled with low-fat cottage cheese.

For lunch: half an avocado, sliced, mixed with chopped egg, add the chopped mixture in a small cucumber and green onions.

For dinner: half an avocado with cream cheese and about 90 grams of lightly fried steak.

Dietary food-products


Fans of different diets can add another diet in his piggy bank.

Dietary food byproducts - Dietetic last squeak fashion. One day supply ready surrogate nutritious drinks and snacks instead of real food - and 1,000 calories safely discounted daily consumption.

All the components required for compliance with the new diet, you can buy at the store: the production of dietary food supplied on an industrial basis.

Already there are companies willing to lend a helping hand to people who dream to lose weight. They offer a special meal replacement as an alternative to breakfast and dinner, and dinner is only in its sole discretion. You can make it more hearty and very light - a private matter for everyone.

In short, really you eat only once a day, and all the other usual meals are replacing an illusion of food. That is, at the level of sense of taste is something you get, but at the level of calories practically nothing enters your body.

And psychologically there is a feeling that you do eat. Especially in today's world, the food often plays the role of psychological solace and saturation purely gustatory experiences. This body has to fill it with unnecessary substances that Thrifty deposited in folds of fat.

Hence, it became the global problem of excess weight. New Diet offers fool some traps of modern civilization. The offered products are all accurately counted calories, so do not worry: the excess in the body does not go.

Even a number of additional nutrients can extract from the proposed miracle product (or rather, the miracle-not-poduktov). It may comfort those who are worried about the fact that not getting the vital nutrients from these meal replacements.

Suppose you decide to use the described diet. What does it look like? Here you get up early in the morning, his hand reaching for the usual sandwich, but instead you are waiting for a nutritious milkshake. For lunch you will be able to refuel the usual favorite food. But it's best to stick to a reasonable menu that includes any one satisfying dish (such as a turkey with a side dish of broccoli).

Not bad meal supplement some vitamin bomb (let it be even a simple grapefruit). But the dinner, which is well-known saying should be given to the enemy, you are replacing the nutrient soup (again from the special packaging).

As with all diets, here it has its pluses and minuses. Pluses enough.

First, do not need to pace yourself complicated counting calories from food. Everything has been calculated for you. Second, do not have to take a crash course diet cooking and cook the unusual dish of strange recipes. In addition, such gastronomic debuts not always turn out successful.

Agree, shame sour poking around in a plate of food, after so much time spent on the preparation of the very useful, but very strange taste dishes. And then you continue to live in a normal rhythm, Cooking spend even less time than usual.

And always can quickly cook a meal, impeccable in terms of calories, and pleasing to the taste. And for a daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals can be sure that many of these meal replacements will give you all this in full. But of course, not all so smoothly.

Where there are pros, there is always and cons.

Paradoxically, the main pitfall of this diet is in its effectiveness.

The sharp decline in calorie intake leads to the same dramatic weight loss.

You, of course, be delighted, but for your body it can be a major stress, and he responds by any failure. So the sudden drop of weight may have an adverse effect on your health.

There is also another pitfall. Suppose you dropped the weight, then losing weight is not going to be happy and go to the usual sandwiches in the morning and evening dinner soul. The body begins to happily consume calories in record time regaining previous volumes (and maybe a little more Zhirkov moreover delay, bearing in mind the experiences shock).

Unfortunately, the wonderful packages pischezameniteley no guidance on how to keep the achieved weight reduction without their help. Hence the conclusion that the manufacturers hope that the power of their substitutes food will be the main purpose of life for anyone who has ever resort to their help.

So if you are not satisfied with such a perspective, it is better to think of other ways to trick your body and lose weight. For example, you can look for alternative snacks in the general diet: with a minimum of calories, but with a maximum of vitamins and minerals.

Moreover, there is in the new diet is another pitfall that many of the low-calorie snacks substitutes contain large amounts of sugar, which quenches the desire to eat sweet, but the same effect with a much greater benefits can be achieved if a bite of fruit.

In addition, the diet at byproducts poses certain limitations. For example, out of its difficult to adhere to. So if during your easy diet dinner suddenly coincided with the evening gatherings with friends, have jumped on the usual sandwiches.

In short, getting rid of one addiction can quietly buy another.

But as with all diets, the above has a right to exist, and can help in the fight against excess weight, if you approach it correctly, without losing common sense.

