Congratulations happy teacher in prose from parents


Heartfelt thanks to teachers, beautiful greetings from the students' parents to the school day the teacher, sincere and original suggestions in prose text for the holiday in their own words

The second mother ... No wonder you wear the proud title of it, because sometimes you know about our children more than we do. Who, or you can trust the kids? You share with the kids is not only the knowledge and life experience, but also a grain of his soul.

Teacher's Day - it's time to take stock of your back-breaking labor, the result of which - the happy eyes of the child, only to discover the world of the unknown. Thank you parent thank you! Happy Holidays!

It crawls up autumn leaves and flight evokes sad memories of the approaching cold. But is there a time to be sad, when the window Teacher's Day, your holiday?

May the autumn wind whistling all as a symphony, and you accept my most sincere congratulations and warm words and fragrant bouquets! You are the same mother for our children, for which we thank you warmly! Congratulations!

Dear teachers! That's another school opened in September season. Life is rapidly hurtling into the unknown, our children are growing up, and you are all the same blooming, with the eternal fire in his eyes, ready to light new stars on the horizon of school.

And our children have long ceased to divide the house and the school, because they are as comfortable! Here they are in a hurry for his second mother, giving knowledge and friendly advice, love and affection. Parents express our deep appreciation, congratulations and I wish you success in your hard work teacher. Happy Teacher's Day!

Of teachers just as hard as the labor parent. Every day - this is your contribution to the body of knowledge and skills of our children. However, you are for a child - not just a mentor! You are wise and senior fellow, and a friendly shoulder. You know, when you need to feel sorry for, and when to use the "whip".

And you tearfully said goodbye to their "chicks" when they fly out of the nest of the school. Similarly, we say goodbye to our kids, letting them into the adult world. But we will never forget that this difficult journey of growing up they have gone with you. Happy Teacher's Day! With a holiday you, favorite teacher!

Happy Teacher corporate greetings in verse


We wish you a Happy Teacher's Day to congratulate,
To your friendly team at the moment one
For military work again praise,
Laudatory and ascend to the heights!

We would like to wish you a school of everyday life,
And I respect you great in every way!
Suppose you only joy in life is,
We wish you a creative impulse!

Suppose that in life, you will not always equal,
Let appreciate, respect, love you!
We have more deeds in the life of martial
And may you have the best chance of falls!

Colleagues send congratulations
And all I wish happiness and luck!
Great success and good luck big,
Rejoicing in school kids!

Let this great Teacher's Day
All at once congratulate you with all my heart!
Let your staff promise
As soon as milestones hundred times better!

We would like to wish that in your life
All was well, and that even
He could never upset anybody!
Do not be upset forever nothing!

Our team for you with a bow
Today Congratulations generously sends!
Wishing good luck to you want a huge
And let the soul rejoices and sings!

Do not be burdened with the lessons during the week,
Let joy be every weekend!
Just let the good life will be bright,
We congratulate you with all my heart!

We would like to wish you always in a team
Perfectly co-exist together!
Suppose you promise better prospects,
We wish you to teach and instruct!

On behalf of the staff of your congratulations,
Without exception all of your teachers!
And a lot of joy in work, we wish you,
To all of you work in a school fun!

Let the lessons and the breaks
You kids respect all a hundred times!
Suppose you work you stretch
How many consecutive years only!

Still much to want you to be worthy
Could people from children to raise!
I have more days of you good!
We wish to convey your entire experience!

Only once a year, this is a holiday,
But it is more important to us the rest!
Let it will stain your life bright color
And you will give more output!

Let you in life just promises happiness
Let famous writings on life!
It is not necessary to share the fate of you to pieces,
Live in the whole, the true glory!

And let you in Teacher's Day greetings
Flying heartily from all sides!
Suppose you're in high esteem at the same time!
We send you a low bow to the ground!

We, as teachers, you teachers
We want to honor of the teachers say
What level and want a simple way
Do you wish life today!

We want you to live in the good and happiness,
The duty to remember for many years!
That was all just always in your power,
That you fell happy just the ticket!

To teach you kids are not tired,
To instruct you on the path of goodness!
Let no sorrow and grief!
We wish tomorrow better than yesterday!

Congratulations teacher colleagues in prose


Short congratulations to teachers and colleagues best wishes, text, happy teacher in your own words in prose

Dear Colleagues! Let our professional holiday of all to congratulate you with all my heart! We are allies in the fight for the minds of children, their knowledge, their future in this world. We are their teachers and some even friends. We give them hope and help spread its wings for the big flight of a lifetime. From my heart I wish to stand until the end of this fight, do not lose patience, and every day with renewed vigor to fight. Happy Teacher's Day!

Friends! We have many years you are working side by side. However, if you do not become a cohesive team, the big family. All of our lives - it's child-rearing and education. Wish you, colleagues, cheerfulness daily to each day was filled with happy moments and grateful smiles of children. Love Without Borders, and all that is good in the world I wish you with all my heart! Happy Holidays!

I do not discover America, saying that we are chosen noble profession. Educational path very noble and important, but often exhausting and thankless. But I think that each of our large heart there is a place for every student, no matter what. After all, it's worth it to many years, the pupil recognizing our work, mentally thank the teachers who gave him his first lessons. I want this holiday Teacher's Day to wish you, colleagues, courage to come true your dreams come true, that success never left, immense joy, love and grief do not know. Congratulations!

I wish you every day as a fairy tale, in May, when all schoolchildren wonderful kids. Let them always with excitement you want to go to work, to sow corn in the minds of the children who will germinate. After all, to teach children not just a job but a way of life. Under the tutelage of our sensitive knowledge recruited kids, stayut successful, intelligent, inquisitive, develop self-confidence. So let us not lose heart even when never Mountain notebooks check! Colleagues, let us all be on the shoulder!

The future will never belong to high-tech and electronics, after all breakthroughs in science occur through his faithful teaching profession. It was at school in the young, but already inspired the minds of dreams are born! Any breakthroughs occur because of you! Thank you, dear teacher!

We are extremely happy with what can safely classify themselves to the select group of people responsible for the future of all progressive mankind - teachers. Happy Teachers' Day to you, colleagues! Congratulations!

Master - is a friend, philosopher and inspiration. He always has something to give to a student except for homework. Acquire wisdom, becomes valid, develop talent. Good and creative students you! Congratulations, fellow priceless!

We will never go mad because of our work! The secret is that we are crazy about her! After all, to be a teacher - the highest of privileges. Happy Teacher's colleagues,

This teacher, like a candle - burns without residue, to light the way for others. It helps make nesovershaemoe and achieve what seems to achieve the impossible. For the majority of you - a teacher for your students - a real hero. Do not forget about it. Congratulations! Happy Holidays!

Imagine a doctor, lawyer or dentist, at the reception that sits 40 people at a time. Everyone has their own interests, views and nature. Some of them came voluntarily, and most do not want to be there, creating noise and endlessly complaining. Each of the 40 it is treated with care and without help, with a smile, manages to communicate with everyone. So, if a doctor, lawyer or dentist ever will exist, it will be the only person capable of understanding what work is the work of a teacher. Happy Teacher's Day! Congratulations on the holiday and colleagues!
