The new scenario of the event dedicated to the Teacher's Day celebration, poetry, greetings, skits, humor, jokes, celebrations at the school, leading to images of Victoria and Alexander Prutkovskaya CEC
Theatrical concert devoted to Day of Teachers
Scenario Teacher's Day celebrations in the school
Opens Curtain rhythmic sounds festive music. Five students read a solemn Ode Teacher
Teachers, you -
Love and Devotion,
Faith and Patience,
Joy and rejoice,
Suffering and Compassion,
Truth and the Heart
Conscience and nobility,
Seeking and giving,
The poor and the rich,
You - paving the way,
And artists life
You - Refuge Childhood
And the cradle of humanity,
You - Smiling future
And this torch,
You - Music of the Soul,
And the Creator is beautiful!
(Fanfare sounds, the students disperse, and on the scene from different scenes leading to the images of Alexander and Victoria Prutkovskaya CEC)
Vic: Dear ladies and gentlemen!
Sasa: Ladies and gentlemen!
Vic: Dear mother-in-law, and the bride and groom ... Oh, sho is not something ... Sasha Shaw for the script, I did not understand?
Sasha: Vic, improvise, improvise! (whispering) Have you forgotten that we have a single script for all holidays, only changing heroes of the occasion.
Vic: And Shaw, for whom we are working today?
Sasha: Vic, how for someone !? Well, of course, for your favorite teacher! At the time of the year comes to us this holiday.
Wick (interrupting): Sasha, sho, I do not understand where you're reading this text at a time?
Sasha: Vic, I still know the words to the first course. And here's another. People say that the writer lives in verse, a sculptor - he created sculptures and the teacher - in lines of examinations ...
Wick (interrupting): Sasha, I'm otse and I think in this head with your brain fit as much information!
(Sasha hurt goes away, Vic stops him, sorry)
Vic: Dear viewers, let's applaud Sasha and perpetrators of our celebration, favorite teacher! And you, the teacher, see how you applaud - such assessments and put them at the end of quarter (semester).
Sasha: Dear teachers, now we will try to make a good mood ...
Vic: And good humor ...
Sasha: Do not leave you in this room ...
Vic: And every lesson!
(Output of the master. Vic thought)
Sasha: Vic, what happened? What are you thinking about?
Vic: Oh, Alex, if you knew how much I was busy! Today I am still so many things to be - manicure, pedicure, you still have time to the beautician, to go to a restaurant ....
Sasha: Vic, Vic, but is it important business? If you knew how many cases our teachers. And every day - all new! Here, for example, you need to podezhurit in school, spend a cool hour, to prepare for the lessons ...
Vic: To act on the teachers' meeting, to meet with the parents ...
Sasha: But teachers have personal life.
(Output of the master)
Vic: Sasha, you know, I'm here I can not understand how people take so much effort!
Sasha: Vic, you're talking about?
Vic: Sasha, what does "Of whom?" About our teachers! They're so beautiful, mobile and unique! Each student have time to help. So I wonder why they have taken power.
Sasha: A force teachers are the result of love for them disciples. We have them - as second children, and they to us - like the other parent!
(Sasha comes out on stage and he is looking for Vic)
Sasha: But where is Vic? (to the audience) You have not seen Vick? Vic, where are you?
(Vic goes back to Sasha and also looking for him, they stykayutsya backs)
Vic: Sasha, Sasha, where are you?
Sasha: What happened, where were you?
Vic: Sasha, I heard a song that even remembered how we meet you. It was so romantic! Do you remember?
Sasa: Of course ... Is that you forget?
Vic: And tell me how it was!
Sasha: Why? You yourself know everything!
Vic: Well, tell me, tell me!
Sasha: Well, what to tell!
Wick (Enraged): Sasha, what do you remember? A?
Sasha: Okay, okay, I'll tell. From clung! Once, when we were in the second grade, I wrote down in your director's dictation, and then began between us ... friendship.
Vic: Oh, how romantic! Are you happy?
Sasha: Oh, it would be better if I got a bad mark for dictation! (out)
Vic: What! Sasha, what do you say? Where are you going! Wait, wait, I'm telling you! (Runs after him)
Vic: Dear Teachers! Today we want to thank you very much for everything you did for us, you are doing and will be doing!
Sasha: And we want to give you a small symbol of mutual love ...
Vic: Sasha, sho all? Well this is how many gifts it! Mother dear ...
Sasha Vika do not worry, we have only one gift. And it at all enough!
(Etude "Heart")
Vic: Do you think that our holiday something is missing?
Sasha: Yes, like it was! The songs were? - Were. Dancing was? -Was ...
Vic: Hey, you ... And the CEC called. Our holiday greetings lacks the headmaster!
Sasha: Well, of course! Is it possible to imagine a holiday in our school without congratulating our director.
You have the floor!
(Top left on the scene. According to the director)
Vic: And let me give dance.
Sasha: And dedicate it to all teachers!
Sasha: Dear Teachers! It seems to me that people love your profession gets the most!
Vic: Yes, love! Love from us students! We love you all!
Sasha: We are proud of you!
Vic: And no matter where we were ..
Sasha And no matter how developed our destiny ...
Vic: Always warm heart will remember you ...
Sasha: fun!
Vic: Charming!
Sasa: Good!
Vic: Gentle!
Sasha: Smart!
Vic: Beautiful!
Sasha: We bow low to you!
Vic: Congratulations to you, dear teachers!
(Final Song)
Put representation of this scenario on the day the teacher, you will succeed