Congratulations happy photographer in verse

 Poems photographers


Art complements the photo

Charisma own heat,

And most importantly - do not fade,

And life is always going through!

And in the day so the photographer Forest

I wish only to blossom!

And your work powerfully

As the world is cut!


Photographer, thanks for the memory album

Because without you forget that we can.

For the children's faces, friends and acquaintances,

And those who have gone from our memory.

It has long been grown Synya left. Married ...

Missing You ... But here opens the album,

Here in the garden I went Here studied. I fell in love ..

Only then I come to work tired.

Here grandmother old yellow fotoPlatki,

dress to the floor and serious faces

I look at them, and to hunt,

How they lived, as they could have fun.

Thank you for the photographer's favorite photos

Smile family, kissing children.

Moments passed and unique.

For eternal memory thank you.


Happy pictures today we congratulate

Let kilometers removes frames

Let the bird flies regularly

Hundred Smiles, fireworks gifts

Let centerfold string

Every day beautiful sunrises

Cranes in the sky and let the tits

PHOTOSESSION different dances

Overexposed film you do not belong here

And blurred frames No login here

Let pictured and happy bride

And always good weather.


Photographer - creative personality

His vocation - to save

Sophistication and harmony

Moments called "life."

And that was a picture perfect,

The work includes the head.

After the photo - is infinity,

Work on yourself.

I congratulate you on a wonderful day

And wish you full

Neither beauty, nor the sweet flattery,

But that life was bright.

So that every moment is an art,

And in her soul was visible.

To every day as much as possible

We could get to the bottom of the bottom.

To each your work

Not tired charm.

Well, of course, all the worries

Could only inspire.

Congratulations photographer


You keep the memory of the past on a piece,

A quick click of the device in your hand, nimble,

People you give tears or puppy dog ​​enthusiasm,

Barely perceptible smile, maybe a reproach in his eyes -

All of this can be seen only looking back,

Where is your picture, do not ever forget.

May the joy of the profession does not leave in any way,

Will let obedient focus, flash - does not become trapped,

Suppose that you are always inspired by what is happening around,

Photos - connects people, not separate them suddenly.

Day Photographer 2014 Russia, history and traditions of the holiday

 Day of the photographer

Professional photographer Day holiday, the Day of St. Veronica - patroness of photos.

According to legend, Saint Veronica met Jesus and asked him to wipe his face with a towel, which she carried with her.

When he did it on a towel he left the imprint of his face. That is why Saint Veronica considered the patroness of photographers.

Day Photographer 2014 Russia , The date, the date when notice

With regard to fixing the photographer's Day July 12, conducted a great number of disputes. Many expressed that this is a very good proposal to make the day of the professional holiday of the patron saint of photographers Veronica. Naturally, the work of professional photographers a completely invaluable, because they create unique masterpieces.

Each artist has their own style and, of course, talent. And finally received an official photographer's Day celebration on July 12 in Russia, but in many other countries celebrate the Day of the photographer on 19 August.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that it was born on July 12, George Eastman, the man for the first time able to make a picture with the film, rather than the photographic plates!

An interesting fact is considered that in Russia the Day of the photographer recognized as an official holiday. On this day there are mass celebrations among professional photographers who are united and share with each other their successes, failures can, and in this day decided to share the secrets of his skill.

There is such a sign among photographers that if the day you share with someone else the experience, then for the next year you will find unprecedented success in a career. Also, July 12 is a huge variety of exhibitions.

They allow the authors of live communication with colleagues rather than via the Internet, as it happens every day. And yet, this is the path to awards and be encouraged to give new strength to continue this wonderful cause.

The concept and value of photography

Photo - it is a way to capture moments of life, joyful and sad, to see what the daily life we ​​do not pay attention to in everyday life. I think no one can live without pictures of their loved ones, relatives and loved ones.

Photography - is an opportunity to share emotions and experiences with people wherever they may be. Glory and respect to the people who made the photograph a sense of their lives!

For some, the picture - this is just a hobby for some - it is something without which they simply do not represent their own existence.

Funny congratulations photographer

 Congratulations photographer


The day of Saint Veronica,

You do not hide the recognition,

To those who are famous for the art,

Reflect on the feeling of the film!

It is unusual photographer,

The moment will seal perfectly,

Because, and this holiday,

Celebrating together the planet!

Congratulate all the photographs,

From our hearts we praise them,

Since the road moments

And there is no doubt in recognition.

Let everlasting miracle,

A clear focus of the lens,

All reagents are reliable,

The photos are beautiful!


Intertwined curlicue,

Moments, a skilled hand,

Picture frame grabbing look,

Imprinted and joy and peace!

So let will look in his calm,

Other than a payment for the work,

Any of the operators is worthy,

Hvalby, so tell him hunting!

And no there is no doubt that,

Holy their holiday now come,

When the very first, no doubt

Jesus was captured a great face!

And that means that God keeps working,

Always honor the craft,

Let their glory thunders around the world,

And labored not nearly as hard!


Album list with photos of antiquity,

Thank you, we need to tell the photographer,

Because memory is waking up in the hearts

Smile blossoming on her lips.

Sunset, flourishing, natural beauty,

A look full of faith, a marvelous dream,

Houses, trees, children's clean face,

A moment and a photo appeared.

Previous priklanyaetsya miracle that the whole world,

So be many, many years.

And this holiday pictures, without a doubt,

Photographers congratulations!

Funny greetings lovers pictures


Day of the photographer arrived, Congratulations!

Only with photos found peace

Somewhere on the edge The Martian depths

Ice and water. And the fingerprints on the moon.

Something like. Congratulations and I wish

I'll Happiness from edge to edge

Only in fate. Will let photopictures

With warmth Stale world ossified Napolnёn.

Happy photographer in verse


I want to congratulate those today

. Who captures photographs success

Politicians, athletes and artists,

And performances of various activists.

No photos will life is boring -

Perpetuates the important moments,

We have the memory of the past is so important,

They're in court - as arguments.

Photographer remember - your camera,

You should only bring joy to people!

And let pass since many days,

We'll remember the best moments.
