Lawyer's Day in 2014 in Ukraine, date, history and traditions of the holiday

 Lawyer's Day

The legal profession in today's society - always one of the most sought after in the face of state law intended to ensure the guarantee of legal protection and freedom of all segments of the population and the formation of the rule of law.

Lawyer's Day in 2014 in Ukraine, the date, the date when notice

In September 1997, the President of Ukraine signed a decree on "On the bottom of a lawyer", according to which day of the professional holiday of lawyers recognized October 8.

This professional holiday was intended to unite all Ukrainian lawyers, in whatever areas they did not conduct its activities. By the way, the lawyer's Day is celebrated in Russia on December 3 this holiday in Belarus on 1 December.

Feast Day of Advocacy of Ukraine in 2014, noted on 19 December.

The history and traditions of the holiday

The appearance of the Bar as such, dates back to the Roman Empire. The Romans existed a family office, where the head of the family before the court defended the interests of each of its members.

The development of government and public relations have demanded other than qualified to protect trial participants. So vozniknikla profession an advocate (attorney). In the Middle Ages the whole organization is ready for the solicitors' going into other people's affairs. "

With the 14-16 centuries in the English kingdom emerged Bar Association, barristers and lawyers Solicitor. First appeared before the court, and the latter were "dirty work" for the collection of necessary materials, perform errands on taxation and insurance, carry out the functions of a notary. Association Solicitor exist in England today.

Today lawyers ensure compliance with the Basic Law. After all, the state will only in the manner in which the Constitution is not only infringes on the rights and freedom of its citizens, but on the contrary, increases them.

The work of lawyers is extremely important in helping the establishment and development of democracy in the Ukrainian state. This is truly an honorable mission - to lead a daily struggle for the rule of law.

Thus, they strengthen in Ukraine the principles of rule of law, fair trial, lead legislation fully into line with European standards. These legal professionals are investing in their work, not only professionalism, but also the conscience and morality.

The day before or the day of the festival usually held solemn meeting of senior management representatives and executors of the highest judicial and legislative branches and employees legal sphere. Have representatives of the judicial system, judicial bodies and public organizations.

At an official reception by the Cabinet awarded the highest distinctions - diplomas, the Prime Minister makes a personal thanks to the best representatives of the legal sphere.

Today in the organs of Justice employs about 20 thousand. Man. Of these, more than three thousand notaries public and private offices, nearly as many workers civil registration departments, about 11 thousand of public performers.

The system includes the National Bureau of Justice for compliance with the Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms with 24 offices and 7 Forensic Institute.

73% of workers in this sector - women. Almost 100% of the leaders of Justice have higher education. It also have 90% of professionals and workers.

Advocacy Day in Russia, the history and the tradition of the festival lawyers

 Day of the lawyer in Russia

Every year, May 31, Russians celebrate the Russian legal profession. On the history and traditions of this professional day you will learn by reading this article.

When celebrating the Day of the Russian legal profession. The year 2012 marks exactly 10 years to the professional holiday of the Bar of the Russian Federation. May 31, 2002 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a new state law. Approved official document made the last day of May Day and the Day of Russian lawyers Russian legal profession.

People who choose its robust legal profession, called, at any cost, to defend in court the rights of the innocent and help the court make fair decisions.

According to the lawyer is translated from Latin as "inviting". Job lawyer is to provide legal services. This profession is very old, its history amounts to many centuries. As historians say, the pioneers of this profession appeared in ancient Rome. According to ancient historical documents to Russia this profession originated in the XV century, this time in the court there is a "post" professional attorney. And in the middle of the XVII century in Russia formed a company hired attorneys who called themselves the lawyer. They were the assistant prosecutor and state-owned defenders.

Justice was reversed when in 1864, was brought to life judicial reforms. It was based on the establishment of trial by jury and the creation of a free, independent from the government, the legal profession. The Revolution of the seventeenth year violated the system and adversely affect the Russian legal profession as a whole. Now the legal profession - it is a social institution dealing with protection of rights and interests of legal entities and individuals in the litigation.

At the time, representatives of the Russian legal profession created the Lawyers Guild, which is a community of bar associations and lawyers of the Russian Federation on a voluntary basis. With the development of modern democratic society, the role of the lawyer in him is increasing.

Congratulations lawyer funny poems

 Congratulations lawyers


Strict uncle Prosecutor,

You to be healthy for life!

From threats jurisdiction brethren

You do not have enough Kondraty.

Strict uncle Prosecutor,

You to be healthy for life!

From threats jurisdiction brethren

You do not have enough Kondraty.

Be honest, principled.

Thy work will be relevant

In the next hundred years.

Many tears still troubles

In our life. Evil takes

What is their number keeps growing.

So, for you, consider,

Deeds - well, not an opened edge!

Congratulations from the heart!

Before God does not sin,

At night, always sleep peacefully

And behave with dignity!

Congratulations lawyer


Dear lawyers!

Master and candidates

With practice and without a large,

We need you desperately!

In this dog's life

It you need the Fatherland,

I mean, his people

To protect his freedom,

Justice, honor, law.

You, from all of us - a nod.

In life there are a lot of moments.

With that, all of a sudden, the client

Maybe your each article.

And let me tell you:

Your fate - noble

The case - right. And you

We wish to doctors

Rarely in life to handle,

And hard to eat,

It is no longer news:

The sound body - healthy spirit!

Funny poems happy lawyer


Who will answer the question:

In a world of misery, death, tears

How to live without the machine,

Without a lawyer-advocate?

How to deal with lawlessness

Without the "slaughter" the department?

As without the help of a lawyer

Survive the old man, the actor?

We have without you, well - anywhere,

Happy lawyer, gentlemen,

Accepting congratulations!

But try the patience

His servant of the people

The fact that you boil the water

The long and, at times, in vain,

Well, it is not necessary. You risk

We lose our confidence.

So let that beautiful

Life came to us,

We congratulate you better.

Despite the disasters -

Wish you optimism,

The difficulty to resist

Search, find and not to give up!

Author Galina Kashcheeva
