Congratulations lawyer humorous poems

 Congratulations lawyers

Poems lawyers in celebration


Jurisprudence specialists

The guardians of the legal guarantees

From a legal holiday, lawyers,

Guardians of the world's orders!


You work hard, lawyers, inexorably,

You are saving the honor of their customers,

Do you know how to do everything legally,

Lawyers, you are worthy of compliments!


For a lawyer is not a problem:

Late lie down and get up early.

For him, the native theme -

Illegality recognize.

It is tough and durable,

He is talented, as an artist,

If you want to fight it - lively,

It must - smolchit lawyer.

He - for the storm swindler,

He does not tolerate evil and flattery,

The credo of life for lawyers:

Legal honor!

Wishes lawyer in the professional holiday


He wants a lawyer?

To live in the affairs of three hundred years?

To be friends with the jurisprudence

Or walk with the trend?

We wish him courage,

Serious, high-profile cases.

Professions skillfulness

And happiness to his inheritance.

Let the knowledge of lawyers

All of us will stand service

During the growth of justice,

For our friendship with them!


Human rights activist, our glorious lawyer

Be faithful to the law, whether it is pure thoughts.

You - the guardian of justice, the defender of the order,

Let there be a successful fight with frauds.

Let justice affairs prevails,

Let all be resolved, that the heart of care.

Author Ulyanich Hope


You, as an honest lawyer, justice, guardian,

Protect the rights of legal entities

Having read the law, you go to arbitration,

Having studied before more than a hundred pages.

How Well You can work hard, to sweat?

Drink wants very much, it's time to pour!

No power, my dear, more waiting and suffering.

Happy lawyer wish to congratulate you!

Congratulations lawyers in holiday


Being a good lawyer so difficult, even crying.

Many cases of unresolved issues, problems,

Head tired of different ideas,

To return to defend the interests of the people.

Protection of victims is difficult in court

If that turned out to be accidental in trouble

And in essence - is innocent and pure.

To cope with it only a decent lawyer.

You today, lawyers, you can relax.

Make believe it's not so difficult.

Pour into glasses of wine as quickly as possible,

I congratulate heartily Lawyers friends!


Happy lawyer!

Well, you, my brother, and humorist!

Nakata beyond measure, law,

Though the fact you have the right.

Author Kusturova Lyudmila

Lawyer's Day 2014 Russian date, history and traditions of the holiday Lawyers

 Lawyer's Day

On this day, many highly specialized lawyers presented the award, which is named "Lawyer of the Year."

Today's lawyers say just about anything, one way or another involved in the profession, regardless of their scope and length of service.

Lawyer's Day in 2014 in Russia , The date, the date when notice

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the lawyers say Day holiday on December 3 of each year, including in 2014.

For the first time this date was established in 2008. Prior to that, Russia has never existed holidays dedicated to this profession. There were only holidays for certain categories of lawyers.

Despite the fact that to celebrate the holiday began a few years ago, the very same profession has about eight years of its existence, which is quite high.

The history and traditions of the holiday Lawyer's Day

On this day, December 3, should be congratulated judges, lawyers, prosecutors, bailiffs, Interior Ministry officials and other figures. Simply put all those whose lives are affected by this activity.

Today, the holiday is celebrated in all cities and regions of our country.

As mentioned above, in this day, many receive the award, which is named "Lawyer of the Year." But to get this title is not quite easy, because you need to fully devote himself to the profession and not for one year, and make a personal contribution to the development and further formation of right and justice in our vast country.

Legal career

This profession is not very easy, because one of the biggest and most important tasks of a born professional lawyer, is the establishment of justice and conflict resolution.

Only lawyers is subject to maintain order and law, not only foreign, but also in the internal system of the state.

In order to become a professional lawyer, you must possess such qualities and the specific character of which will contribute to the constant moral and personal growth in all directions (as the debt of the work lawyers have to face completely different situations, which together can be quite unlike ) .Yuristu must have subjective opinions, and even be a little psychologist.

Activities attorney implies a clear landmark law established in the territory of a country, and the legality of the decision is considered to be a fair solution.

In today's legal profession it is one of the most popular, which helps to solve many disputes and misunderstandings. As a rule, a lawyer could easily solve such problems, which often lead to disastrous consequences, ranging from simple everyday problems, finishing issues across the state.

Of course, in Russia this profession is not in demand, as in many other countries, such as America, but from year to year, the role of lawyers in the lives of people is increasing almost every second no. People began to finally understand that a lot of trouble can be solved more civilized way and to protect themselves and their loved ones. Every day, employees of the profession to help millions of people, solving their problems and providing them with the necessary protection.

It should therefore be given due respect to the media profession.

It should congratulate December 3, 2014 of the country's lawyers to a lawyer during the day and appreciate their activities in the future.

SMS congratulations lawyer short poems

 Congratulations lawyers


Law Society does not sleep -

Daily crime in it.

But from willful acts and deeds

Lawyers defend day after day!

Lawyers as servants of the law

On guard our rights, freedoms

They saw to it that right, steadily

B honored people of our set of laws!


We would like to congratulate you, the lawyers,

With your idle nice day!

Wish you a pure Affairs

And good luck in everything!

We wish you good luck,

We wish to know the laws vault

Smile as often,

Live peacefully, without the hassle!


Lawyers, let us daring liberty -

Glorify you in this holiday!

Drop the mask, forget about pride,

Today, let the house prank and laziness!

Have fun today you till you drop,

Tomorrow again to rush into battle

Protect our rights, our joy,

That country was the world, and would be quiet!

SMS greetings


Happy Lawyer Congratulations

And we wish you success!

And patience, desire,

After all, work is not complicated!


Happy lawyer, congratulations,

We wish always to success

And happiness accompany you

At the beginning and in the affairs of all!


We wish you success very much

Your legal way,

We wish you a career path

Since the law's arm to go!

Happy Lawyer short poems


Lawyer - is the importance and pride,

It is right around the man,

It helps to solve the issues

What emerges from age to age!


We congratulate you on the occasion clear

And we wish you light things.

You - the lawyers and all clear

Eliminating the chaos in the country!

Congratulations to all the lawyers with a holiday !!!
