Tatyana's Day scenario of a student holiday

 Student script, the script Student Day, students holiday scenario Tatyana's Day

New hilarious script on Student Day celebration in student Tatiana's Day. Indicate the day of the student's life


Probably everyone who has ever studied at a university, well remember the song that has become

second anthem of the student body: but not to the student body, which is taken to represent korpyaschim for textbooks in stuffy libraries, vaults, and the student body of fun, intoxicating, eternal love and the Restless! Here's how to have this hymn sounded today:

Student anthem  

Here I stand on the sidelines,

I remember everything clearly

And flickers like a dream

Before me student's record-book

Here I stand, keep it,

A moment later, he dares,

Or go to the army,

Or drown!


- Can it be so bad! Well, I flunked the session went for a year in the army, and fight with renewed vigor!


- Therefore, the anthem would sound like this:

Here to serve his country,

Taking off from the university

What a hard me

To think that I'm a loser!


- Anyway, it turns out that it is better not to fill up the session - a more expensive! Perhaps there are some rules, observing that, be sure to hand over the session successfully?


- Of course, there are:

- I do not sleep in class,

- Do not wrap the sausage in the notes,

- Do not get sick with influenza,

- Do not get sick with a hangover,

- To know the teachers in the face,

- To know in what subject exam

- Know the subject of the examination,

- Be able to quickly respond to his name,

- Be able to find an audience without a navigator ...

- And much more!


- You probably know that many are not very responsible students write notes on several subjects in one notebook. So try to determine what items are encrypted in the combined title abstract!

1. Politosofiya ... (Political Science and Philosophy)

2. Istotura ... (History and Literature)

3. Matemaznanie ... (mathematics and science)

4. Logistetika ... (logic and aesthetics)

5. Soprochenie ... (sopromat and drawing)


- Yes, the delivery of the session depends on luck - remember, there is a sign that on the eve of exams need to open the window, stick it in the open zachetku and shout:

- Freebies, pliz !!!


- And let us remember all the signs to ensure exam success!


- Do not wash your hair for the whole session,

- Not to call one who passes examination, a fool,

- Mothers passing grades,

- Sleep with a textbook under your pillow.


- Let's all try to think of other signs, and whoever your last call option, will receive a prize!


- Well, that among the names of options you do not have such: a student's record-book embedded in her large bills and night rendezvous with the teacher!


- Well, now imagine that all examinations behind and here they are - a vacation! Since much giddy freedom and deprives the mind before the holidays need to draw up a plan of action:

- Go to her parents in the village,

- Bring the meat and potatoes,

- Meet with school friends ...

- To catch a train, and we stop the potatoes!


- Indeed, not a single potato student lives, all the more so in a hostel reigns the spirit of mutual help and mutual support! This means that

- Your problem - our problem,

- Your dumplings - our dumplings!

- Your clothes - our clothes!

- Summary of your - our synopsis!


- And it's great because the hostel and the hostel because it is that all things in common! And that means that the chances of success of each student in the school and a happy life multiplied a hundredfold!

And a happy student anthem will sound very different!

Soon session will be held,

Rent it well,

I know for sure in advance

There will be great!


- And it's a great excuse to have fun!

(all the verses in the script Tatyana's Day to the tune of the song "Song of the poor student")

Student disco and competitive program.

Tatyana's Day funny toast for students in prose

 Student Day, students toast, toast for students, student festival

What a student party at the Student Day, St. Tatiana's Day without toasting

Funny toast for students in prose on student celebration


Zeal and diligence - great virtues that lead to success in teaching. Wow, how many obsolete words in the same sentence! Come on, friends, let's drink to student freebie!


Let's drink to the fact that none of us is likened to a lizard. Well, if the student was able to get rid of the "tail", though he never otrastёt NEW!


The book - a storehouse of human wisdom. The book - a great value that cherish and preserve. The book is considered the best gift and a perfect companion. So let us drink to the general ledger each student - record book!


Once upon a time a student thought that the session brings only frustration, continuous load and no rest. He dropped out of school - what happened to him then - no one knows! If you do not want to just vanish into obscurity - hop off at the bottom of the student - if the session does not frighten, but only cheer!


Here's to ensure that cribs have always helped, drink, loved to teachers, drink, that is not deducted for missing, drink, that was a day student every day!


As is known, a student living fun from session to session. And today we have a special occasion for fun - Student Day today! Let us raise our glasses for our eternal student and wish each other to never forget this wonderful time - the students! For us, friends!


Today is a wonderful and cheerful holiday - Tatiana's Day! Let's forget for a while about the lectures and exams, seminars and workshops, reports and tests. I propose this toast to our teachers, our dear professors, so they remembered today as they once were students and had to forget about it and have been lenient to us!


On this day we celebrate the very cool your holiday - the Day of the student! Warming the cold day heat their young hearts! I wish you all the performance of all of your most cherished dreams! Let's raise our glasses for it, and will always be true to our students' selfless friendship, and will never grow old soul! For the Student Day!


Fun day has come - Tatiana's Day! A student never discouraged and zavsegda finds a way out of the stalemate. However, it remains a mystery how he manages to find the entrance ... Let us, my friends, raise our glasses to you to never find the entrance to the no-win situation! Output is always there!
