These recipes for Valentine's Day perfect for those women who have already formed a certain relationship. Of course, "Valentine" with tender declarations of love are not canceled, flowers and candy are welcome. If you will present them to your favorites, of course it will be very nice.
But still I want the evening was somehow unusual, better than all the other 364 nights a year. Here we women should forget about equality and to take the initiative in their fragile hands.
Recipes of Love for a romantic evening
Where do we start? Let's start with the fact that recall the old grandmother's recipes for love. In our age crazy they may sound a bit ridiculous, but that in the days of his youth of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers passions were running high. And what passion!
Let's start with the fact that we put a couple of days in the pocket of her everyday wear one - two roses. Let them lie there myself.
Now begin to prepare a surprise for a loved one.
First of all, you need to take care of festive design. In the hotels of Turkey there is a good rule - spread on the beds of different figures out of towels. Why should not we take advantage and not a single surprise her?
Imagine, he enters the bedroom and on the bed "float" two white swans from towels, hired by your hands. Figures can be positioned "head" of each other, sprinkle rose petals around. Your bed of love will look very romantic. The picture is very well complement the red candles.
Take care of yourself, beloved on Valentine's Day
Now we take care of himself, his beloved. The sexy you look, the more you'll be better. Therefore, choosing clothes and underwear, to combat the spot it, you first of all take care of yourself.
I want to remind that according to statistics most excites red lingerie. White is an internal bit to restrain your imagination macho as white - the color of virginal purity. Black lingerie can be a little cool feeling, because like it or not, black - the color of rigor.
Although, if the laundry has some attractive features - ribbons zavyazochki, lace and so on, you can use any color.
Try on this occasion to do without tights, stockings better put on the belt. Now, many have forgotten how to use them, but the men of their appearance in the women's legs very much, especially when decorated with lace stockings and other erotic accessories.
So, we have prepared a place of today's holiday activities, make a dress. It's time to do dinner.
Recipes for a loved one
The way to a man's heart, as you know, is through his stomach. Well, let's get this way.
First of all I want to say about meat. Him for your holiday table should be as short as possible, since the meat digestion process heavier and complicates all other processes in the body.
To not macho run amok, you can certainly make him a piece of chicken, but always seasoned with parsley and sprinkled with ground hazelnuts. And parsley and hazelnuts will add your favorite men's strength and endurance.
Now we are preparing a side dish. In a saucepan pour water, add a spoonful of dry mix of raspberry leaf, nettle, juniper, lime blossom, mint, marjoram and chamomile. Add salt to taste and set on fire. Once otvarchik boils, put to peeled potatoes and cook until tender.
Potato is better to take a medium or small, because ideally it is necessary to cook no more than 7-10 minutes, then 15 minutes to insist. Then lay out the potatoes in a dish, flavored with butter, sprinkle with herbs.
Also on the table must be present ginger. This word means "manly." Men ginger also gives strength.
Now prepare beverages. Take a red wine, it is desirable to Cahors, to put our roses from his pocket, adding to a glass of potion teaspoon of crushed leaves of raspberry, mint, oregano and black currant and put in a water bath.
When the mixture is well warmed up, but do not boil, turn off and give cool. While it will cool down and insisted decorate the table.
Table decoration Valentine's Day
You can cover it with a white cloth, and also sprinkled with rose petals, you can put decorative candles in beautiful candlesticks.
Plates can take the most ordinary. On the edge of the grease with the remaining red wine.
Who knows, may be the same wine to paint along the edge of the small hearts and rings. Until the wine is dry, sprinkle sugar on it. He gets a beautiful bright pink and freezes. So flick of the wrist conventional plates are converted into royal dishes.
Glasses for dinner, it is desirable to take on high legs. Turn them in unusual glasses can be the same way as the plate. You can also wrap the legs in delicate lace glasses. Of course, they need to be fixed. This can be done using an ordinary PVA glue.
It is possible to fix the glasses pretty ribbon, you can write the name of your favorite wine and sprinkle with sugar, too. There are already some who fancy.
While you conjured over the crockery, your magic potion present. It must drain, pour into a beautiful bottle and put to wait for his inimitable.
Remaining after straining a mixture contains more full of vitamins. It must also pour boiling water and give a little stand. Then again drain. Get a tasty, fragrant, and most importantly healthy beverage, especially if you add a little honey in it.
That's it. The table on Valentine's Day is ready. Place celebratory action ready. Run dress and begin to wait for surprises from the favorite in such a romantic evening.
Author Eleni Kerr