Congratulations on February 23 boys classmates in verse

 Congratulations to the boys on February 23


Gun at the ready, a flask on his belt.

You set seriously, just like the war!

But today, the world would be! What we have come in vain ?!

Twenty-third, we say it ... in February!


In the February holiday

In the sky thunders salute,

And our classmates

From our congratulations waiting.

We wish you happiness,

Peace, in the affairs of success,

In the sun or in bad weather -

Joy, light, laughter,

Good and wise force,

Pride, faith, honor

That you love us,

And there were with us together!

Congratulations classmates in verse


"February, 23 number -

Men's March 8 "

He believes so most,

But this is not true!

This is a celebration of men

Strong, brave, courageous!

They spare no effort

In the struggle for a just cause,

Help in difficult times

They know firsthand,

Such as you have,

Bold our boys!

We congratulate you

On this important occasion!

Let each one will always

Smart, brave, courageous!


February 23 - Congratulations and parades!

We have also this afternoon,

As always pleased to congratulate!

Let accompanied throughout

Achievement and success,

So you have passed without tears

Through the mountains and the noise!

Author Igor Voytovets

Verses from February 23 boys classmates


Hooray! Three times. Shire step!

In the twenty-third sell-out!


From the women's department!


For your broad shoulders,

Can birthplace sleep without panic.

You and heat, winter and uneasy.

Congratulations! Defenders! Boys!


Congratulations, defenders of the fatherland!

We now will protect!

Do not take the skills, so the amount!

Arise, girls, breast protect!


The blue sky parachute opens.

Twenty-three, we counted in February.

Congratulations, possible pilots!

From the sky, the world you save the world.


Defenders of the Fatherland,

We congratulate you!

You defend the homeland

And our favorite class!

We wish you happiness, joy,

And the courage and strength,

To the Earth from danger

You bravely defended!


Twenty-February 3, knocked at the house.

We'll call the boys, stand all circle ...

Slowly we come. "Do not look at us! "

And then cried out: "Congratulations, you! "

Funny greetings from February 23, 2014 verses

 Happy Defender of the Fatherland

Funny greetings to friends


Slim blondes and brunettes brighter,

The glamorous beauties and delicate flirts,

To close a magazine cover girl

Always were. That slender legs,

Figurine wasp, lush breasts,

Beautiful hair, paint a little bit.

In the soul to humility, but in the heart to the passion:

Communicate to cool and the next bed.

Always to look at them was a pleasure:

The clothes without il: in any entertaining.


We wish all men,

Always like to serve the Motherland,

His beloved half,

And with them not to grieve:

To always wanted,

To always could.

And in the light of glory,

Happily lived!

From February 23, 2014 verses men


Men, you are not perfect,

We rarely give flowers,

You often brash,

Not dreams come true ...

And we answer to you yap nerves

So simple and almost powerless!

So, we want to bitch

You seldom carried brain!

So that when you walk to the left,

Wives know about it - do not know

Friends were true-true,

All your sins hid.

Merry your business trips,

And all sorts of adventures.

And we really tolerate you again ...

Until the end luck!

Author Anna Hryshko

Funny greetings from February 23


Twenty third of February

It celebrates the country for a long time,

How could it be otherwise,

After all, the man in your life means

So much for all

He is not afraid of interference,

Difficulties easy to meet,

And the problem is resolved,

He is able to be everywhere,

And always on top.

He always gives advice

As my wife does not get bored,

How old is she now possible,

Lie down on the couch.

What it is better to be prepared,

That was not boring to her,

To stand at the stove,

For a full-day,

From TV, to rest,

So as not to spoil the eye,

That computer is not included -

Many harmful impossible!

How can you not congratulate us,

We can not live without you,

And boredom and laziness,

Soon, so go crazy!


Our lovely man,

We want to wish you,

It is always positive,

Optimism not lose!

Even if someone, somewhere,

You used to be harmed,

Or someone in a major traffic jam,

In anger mat overlaid,

You forget about it,

Remember to always everywhere,

Your lady will help you

Be always on top!

Author Anna Tsybulskaya Lau

Corporate toast on February 23, 2014 male colleagues in verse

 Toasts February 23

Short corporate toast on February 23, 2014 male colleagues in verse


For you, the men in the life of a lot of privileges,

But your holiday only once a year,

So let us drink to you, men and colleague,

Let all sorrows and tribulations suddenly gone!


For the congratulations we have a reason -

Men of all we praise the morning,

So, with the holiday, colleagues and men!

We drink for you! Love you and good!


This toast to our defenders,

For colleagues that always support!

No you better, kinder and more beautiful,

You do not change ever!


Today, on the occasion of colleagues, we congratulate

And this winter red letter day

We will want the good and courage!

We drink for you! And on February 23!

Corporate toast for February 23


Among the tens of thousands, or reasons

One reason is - is now congratulate

Colleagues and relatives of valiant men,

Today, you all have a reason to celebrate!

For your hard work and for the work

For wisdom and patience in all things,

For your honesty, affection and care,

Tenderness and kindness in his eyes!

Thank you for being with us,

For that always helps,

Because steel is not peers - friends,

For you! And on February 23!

Congratulations to the staff


I propose a toast to you!

Because you, our colleagues,

Often pleases us,

And we make you beautiful.

Because you are always with us,

You close in difficult times.

Because many years

You smile to us in the morning.

For that rush to defend

We - weak women - for no reason.

For that happiness you wish for.

For that you just - a man!

Toasts February 23 male colleagues in verse


Life is so hard:

No men can not be!

I heartily congratulate you

On the 23rd of February!

And let's just have a drink,

Let turn the head!

To your career growth

Brought my words!


All those who are gathered here, everything - the lucky ones,

Because we have been friends for a long time,

Because we all - co-workers,

Because we drink wine together ...

And today we congratulate men

With this joyful festive day.

From our hearts we wish you happiness,

To literally bathed you in it!

So as not raced since toropno time.

That you did not know the word "can not."

To have been strong families.

To have loyal friends.

To all the good gates,

A poor - it took forever!

That life was fun, lyubilos!

Do not be sad so you never!
