Congratulations on February 23 colleagues poems

 Congratulations on February 23 colleagues, congratulations defender


Strong hands let them be,

And the soul - even stronger!

Let there be no place for boredom

Not one of the many days!

Let more be objective,

Let the mighty will rise,

Let not stop aground

Nobody let you down!

Feelings let it be bright,

Vernon and large - love!

The reason - a sharp, not a burden,

Passionate and hot - blood!

Money is much to be men

We will not. It is - nothing!

We wish them good luck

As of February 23!


February 23

We need to spend is not in vain -

Stand up in a good mood,

Along to the construction,

Boudreau breakfast stuff,

Coffee cup sip.

And in a pleasant anticipation of

Wait gifts, greetings,

Kisses and smiles ...

What the project is quite unsteady?

No! All loving people

I say to you - it will be!

Author Tatiana Eloeva


Men! Thank you we have.

Support, support and advantages are countless.

Good luck in everything and always,

Let the party you bypass the trouble.

Love, and by the more you love,

A hundred years without the disease in the world to live.

Have always succeed!

And a lot of joy and jokes and laughter.

From close hand allot misfortune!

Believe in you, the defenders do not move!


From February 23

Congratulations to you, friends!

We wish you many want,

But all the verses will be strictly.

In general, as decided poet.

Further ado here is not there.

Be happy, healthy,

To the enemies of the homeland harsh.

For wives with kindness approach

It helps to have fun.

And one of your kids,

Educate men.

Daughters tenderness teach

They are the children for the time being.

Grow up and get married come

For such men as you.

Serve them an example,

What is a gentleman.

Suppose that in life

Will you go easy.

Do not be sad, do not be alarmed

And achieve success.

Substitute hot

Weak woman's shoulder.

Great Deals! Less words!

Congratulations guys!


Fatherland Defender's Day

You, colleagues, congratulations!

Let them, life is hard, whimsical,

We wish you patience.

His nearest beach.

On the way they passed a large,

His women you value,

What do you love with all my heart.

Just do not have to lose heart!

Be strong, man!

Strive for results!

Conquer all the top!

Scenario corporate party on February 23 colleagues at work

 The script of the February 23

That comes a long-awaited celebration of all men - Defender of the Fatherland Day and we offer you a small cheerful scenario of festive corporate party.

Before starting a corporate holiday, dedicated February 23 need to be prepared in advance as prizes for the winners paper bright and colorful medals in the rope or tape with the words: "The dreamy", "the most accurate" and "the most agile."

You also need to take care about all the necessary attributes for tenders. In our case it is candy, apples, pieces of paper, markers, bandages and a bottle of champagne (as a special prize).

Start a corporate gala on February 23 must be with a congratulatory poems to be read to all present male colleagues.

Anyone can be a man.

They have enough to be born.

But this fact confirms once

Only those who dare to be bold.

The man himself for everything in the response.

Actor it is his destiny.

He may not even notice

And hurried to meet her.

Bravely, he will fight

And protect his friends.

He will not allow him to leave

And the memory turned into a museum.

It proves the case, not a word

What can my family.

And with a difficult choice, and "plёvym"

The two accounts will cope, saying "OK".

Glasses with you we will raise.

For all the men that are in the world.

And we know now is now,

What are all these men.

After the official part and congratulations on the occasion of February 23 all those present at corporate fellow men came from the Guide, you can proceed to tender, which will be interspersed with dancing.

Between competitions and dances need to take breaks and to all those present could sit at the banquet table.

The first competition for men called "The dreamy."

For the meeting will need to prepare a 2-3 sheets of paper, the same markers and bandages to tie them participants in his eyes. Two or three volunteers to be blindfolded on the instructions of the master to paint my dream. They will be able to draw it for the time loss of one musical composition.

After that, the court of all those present will be exhibited drawings, in which viewers will have to guess the dream. The man, whose dream guessed the first, and will be the winner. The award will be officially handed over to him a medal and a wish that his dream came true.

The second competition called "the most accurate" presupposes the existence of such props as candies and a basket or vase for them.

A short distance from the participants will be offered a basket, which they in turn will throw candy. One participant, who will have the most hits will be the winner of this contest.

Award medal with the inscription corresponds to the name of the contest will be awarded to him, together with a basket filled with chocolates.

Further, in the third scenario, the competition, it will allow all colleagues to participate men who come to the corporate party on 23 February. It is called the contest "The most agile."

Divided into two teams, the participants will have to participate in a kind of relay race, handing an apple to one another without using hands. The first participant must hold an apple chin, pressing it to his chest.

Hold, so the apple, he has to run to the chair, to go around it and return to the start, passing the apple without using his hands to his team mate.

The team, which will be held a contest faster without breaking the rules and take first place. Each of the winning team will be awarded a medal with the inscription "The most agile" and 1 apple.

According to the results of all competitions can be conducted to identify more than one winner, who will wear the title of the most active participants. In the presence of one of the men present 2 or 3 medals won, he will be awarded a special prize - a bottle of champagne.

Happy You Day of the Fatherland Defender's Day and successful corporate party !!!
