February 23 scenario of the Defender's Day holiday, contests

 February 23 holiday scenario Defender's Day

How to entertain the audience on February 23? The main condition for a successful holiday - a holiday scripting and creating the appropriate atmosphere. Joke, smile, tell jokes on military issues and adjust gathered at the "severe" test of valor and honor these men.

February 23 scenario of the holiday the Day of Defender

We congratulate the participants and give them presents better at the beginning of the holiday. Also in the first half of the event can hold contests that do not require physical activity.

For example, both men and women very well received comic greetings in verse.

It is better if they come up in advance of the fair sex who know congratulates the men and can be represented in the poem any feature specific men.

Celebration, Competitions February 23  

More active competition for the best performed when the guests are a bit podvypyut.

In order to conform to the job category of the holiday can be taken as a basis, and so on. N. "Classic" competitions (tug of war, or drinking / eating of anything to speed), but think of them appropriate names.

But it is better not to use the well-known participants of the competitions in which you can take part, both men and women. For example, you can amuse the audience with such games as:

"The blind artist," or in this case "Funny pilots."

Men need to be divided into two teams. On the wall is attached to two sheets of Whatman paper. The task of "Happy pilots' draw a plane or a tank as follows. The first player is blindfolded, and he draws the wing, then the second player is blindfolded and he draws the cabin and so on.

Wins the competition as a team, a figure that would be the most conform to the real thing. In order to evaluate the tenders (and this included), you can pre-select military judges.

"Come on Hit! "Or" Sharpshooter ".

The name of the job speaks for itself. Its essence - to get something at the target. As a final possible to use an inverted umbrella, box, jar or painted target. The projectile may be tennis balls, darts, coins and so on. It's a matter of your imagination.

The competition can be carried out between the teams, as between individuals. Wins, respectively, the one with the target gets the greatest quantity of ammunition. By the way, that the victory was really honest you need to give the participants an equal amount of ammunition, or to set a time limit / attempts.

Dance Unit.

"Penguin" or "Escaped prisoner."

This soldier is known to be able to find a way out of any seemingly hopeless situation. For example, the valiant warriors the strength to escape from captivity and even steal sensitive information while (with tied hands).

The player's task previously divided into two teams to convey secret map (the ball) to their colleagues with his hands tied (ie, holding the ball between your knees).

"Secret Card"   passed on the basis of the baton from one participant to another (and so on until the last) after passing a certain distance player. To identify the required distance can put the label you will need to get around and go back.

As a rule, "Hurrah!" As participants and spectators, perceived such competitions as:

"Dance in the newspaper."

The task of the participants to demonstrate their ability to dance in different styles (for example, to the music of different nations) standing on the newspaper.

At the end of each dance newspaper rolled / torn in half. The player's task - to stay on it and keep the specifics of the dance. - "The Forbidden fruit". On the rope tied to an apple and a suspended ceiling. The player's task to eat it faster than your opponent is not helping himself with his hands.

Disco, a dance unit.

Poems about the army for adults, army poems about men

 February 23 poems for adults, poems about the army, poems about men


That you did not go to the army -

So what are you going to do?

Find Barbie or dull

The document is faked?

And so - all come in Axel

From where all shaved,

And many megapixels

Thee is engraved

And tomorrow - quickly to the girl.

Hi, nice people!

You were greeted some bread

And the salt, if it is.

But now you shave,

And undercollar

You sew in my heart hope

What is it - the first time.

Then you again

Zastava serve.

You scream: "Meshchora!

And with whom you live? "

And may you live in Butovo,

Meschera all understand

And for you to bend down,

Seventeen times pour

Then, as a result of the session,

Wife vsplaknet shoulder

And with passionate-aggression

It touches C.

And then suddenly in broccoli

Curdle celery,

You what! He did not touch

Five hundred and seventeen days!

But on the third day,

Calm trampling,

Exceedingly ask petting

Your chiropractor, sir.

And, plunging "against" all

You count it plunged,

But after nine months

Heir to give birth!

Cake on February 23, a man with his hands a gift

 Cake on February 23 gift to the man, with his hands a gift for February 23 Fatherland Defender's Day

Men - known sweet tooth. A delicious dessert made hands the woman he loved, necessarily have to taste Defender of the Fatherland. Cake is a great gift with their own hands for February 23.

Desserts, cakes and cooking recipes.

Cake "Cherry in chocolate"

For the dough will need:

10 eggs two and a half cups of sugar, 2 cups white flour 2 cups of cocoa.

For the cream: 2 cups of cocoa, 600 grams of butter, sugar - 3 cups, 4 eggs 2 packets of vanilla sugar.

For the glaze: 100 grams of dark chocolate, 3 tablespoons milk.

For the filling: half a cup of brandy, 700 g cherries, pitted (you can use dried cherries or frozen) sugar.

Preparation of stuffing.

Two days prior to the preparation of the cake pour cherry brandy, add the sugar. Let sit.

Cooking cream.

Rub the butter with two and a half cups of sugar. Cocoa mix with the eggs, add the oil mixture. Add the vanilla sugar.

Preparation of the dough.

Beat eggs with sugar for a couple until a thick mass of warm. Continue whisking until cool. Mix the flour with cocoa. Gently stir the egg mixture with flour and cocoa.

Pour batter into a mold previously greased. Bake in the preheated oven.

Cut the sponge cake into two finished cake. Remove the two halves of the crumb and pound it with a third of all creams. The resulting mass mix with cherries.

Divide the mass into two parts and put in a crust of biscuit, before this, lubricate them with cream inside. One cake with cream filling grease, cover the second part of the cake with a stuffing.

Prepare the glaze. To this melt chocolate milk. Coat the surface of the cake with glaze and sides. Smooth the icing, you can also decorate a cake for the holiday, sprinkled with powdered sugar, write a number 23. Well cool cake.

Layer citrus fruit cake

2 apples, 2 oranges, 1 medium lemon 14 - 15 dates, 2 bananas, 2 pears, 1 cup of powdered sugar, 3/4 cup heavy cream, 3/4 cup peeled and finely chopped useful almond kernels for sprinkling.

Well wash the apples and pears, peel them from the skin and serdtsevinki. Cut small slices.

Lemon and orange peel, cut into slices and remove the seeds and cut the slices into quarters. Cut figs in half and remove seeds. Banana peel and cut into slices.

Put the fruit in transparent layers of the dish with an average height of bumpers. Put layers of fruit one by one, figs, bananas, pears, lemons, apples, oranges. Each layer is peppered with powdered sugar.

On top of the cake, sprinkle with chopped almonds, whole nuts lay number 23 and garnish with whipped cream.

Put it in the fridge for 2 hours. Prepare the cake should be quick to fruit not yet started to flow.

Delicious cake is ready, a gift with their own hands February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day, call the men.

Bon Appetit!
