Official greetings from February 23 men verses

 February 23, official greetings from February 23


The ruby ​​glow of the stars of the Kremlin

Salute festive glory during February

From the outer reaches of the walls to Moscow

Homeland cheers, the whole earth rejoices.

Defenders of the Fatherland, on the right

Today, thank you and only you flowers,

Worthy sons of his State,

We glorify you, and very much like us.

We know that in the name of peace, honor,

For the sake of the greatness of good light,

Everywhere, from the depths of the sea to the skies

You are close to us, protect us always.

You are our sun, heart, insight,

Love the source, air, joy sonnet

And this inspired moment

Let it be with you for many, many years.

On our laurels, courage, courage, strength,

You will remain majestically.

Always you are so divinely beautiful.

Worried and we'll worry!

Author Nelly Ryabinin


Today there is no fire

in the February sky

Today, you do not have to fight!

Today, we are all women of Russia

Men are required,

Say your thanks!

And the whole country is ready to congratulate

Men - ready to protect!

Author Voronin Anastasia


Holiday nationwide

Defender of the Fatherland Day,

The day of glory and honor of men.

Guarding the peace and tranquility of mankind

Always stand even if there is no reason.

And there's always a reason to congratulate the guys,

All those who served at one time,

And who today holds the system!

Let gratitude

express their soldiers!

Who served the Motherland - is a hero!


Recall epic Motherland,

Overseas Battle with the king,

Tales of evil and humanity,

With blazing fire!

Fight for the Russian land, for Mother

Came heroes

And to defend their home storonushku

In the dark days of the troubled!

How many enemies are trying to do,

Rus-Earth did not give up!

And about Russia invincible

The glory of the world of the past.

Glory to the soldiers and the war of the Fatherland!

Glory to the brave guys,

What many centuries cherish their homeland,

Echoing the heroes!

Author Tatiana Mosunova

Congratulations on February 23 favorite poems with a holiday

 Defender's Day, greetings from February 23, congratulations defender


Again and again in February blizzard,

Snowstorm brought bushes

Today I'm writing to a friend

Word of his entire soul.

Defender my, my joy,

Worried pen in hand,

Congratulate you very happy,

And much to tell you.

Itself you will, intelligence, strength,

You are the source of masculinity,

This disturbingly beautiful,

Sportivo, articles and high.

You're perfect, harmonious,

In your courage, conscience, honor,

You are very simple in its grandeur,

You really pier was and is.

The February day, frosty, bright,

Thunders parade salutes fallen,

My word today is hot,

They stitch moment insanely small.

I'm in the lines, I repeat again,

Your hope and rear of the house,

So I know your support,

With you, where you were not!

Author Nelly Ryabinin


My sweet, darling, unique, cute,

I always admired thy strength,

You are a staunch defender of me and family

Man, what to look for on the ground

I admire you always and everywhere,

Friends you never throw in the lurch,

The family have to protect boundless love,

Today we congratulate you.

And let this day these men,

You're going to like us, so everyone's favorite.

We wish you on this day in February,

Always be happy, do not waste your nerves in vain,

Appreciate every moment, because life is short,

Although at times it is flowing like a river.

But that does not happen, there is the Earth,

Always be sure - we appreciate you.


February 23 - the day of course important,

On this holiday we hasten to congratulate the brave,

Brave, loving men who are responsible for us,

Honey - it's about you, you know that.

My protector, my hero, very, very gentle,

My only, native and so funny.

For you as the wall, not terrible sorrow,

Many in the world are men, but like - a little.

Author A. Timchenko

Competitions February 23, games, entertainment scenario

 Funny competitions February 23, games and entertainment on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

If you want a holiday on February 23 conducted by the Defender of the Fatherland Day long remembered by guests and called in their memory only pleasant associations, it is best to prepare in advance for a special event celebrating the theme scenario.

Of course, improvised funny contests too bad

fit into the holiday, but you will agree, it is better when the subject coincides with the theme of the celebration.

Events for February 23 script

In addition to the main competition in the outline of the event, you can enter the following: Keeping the logbook. Each participant (or more representatives of the teams) before the start of competition should be given a piece of paper (or thin notebook) and pen.

The problem of participants - to record everything that they find most interesting about this or that game. At the end of the holiday to these notebooks will be to take stock of celebration and reward the most active players, as well as voenkorov gifts or honorary titles.

You can also select a few people who will be responsible for collecting the spoils of war (eg, citations players, their very successful jokes). As a result of these actions on notes taped most fun wit and also awarded a prize.

Furthermore, after stored citations are an excellent reminder of that day. Games and competitions are assigned the status of "secret task", and the participants are transformed into "agents", "spies", "men" and so on. D.

Funny Competitions February 23 Games, entertainment

It is advisable to choose a part of competitions, so that they could take part in people of different ages. The best option to divide the audience into teams, thereby introducing an element of competition.

However, if the points for the task should be given to the team, the prizes for their performance - real people. The main essence is that every player felt meaningful and useful to achieve the mission.

The game "The team" Fire. "

Its essence is to "scatter the enemy caps." For its organization members to be divided into 2 teams. Each player must be in the hands of a headdress. Task teams - the largest number of throw hats on an object (such as a plastic bottle filled with sand).

At the same time, players must be at the same distance from the "enemy", which is to be cast aside. Each participant before the main cast should have three warm-up. Also, before you start the game you need to identify the person who will bring after each nakidyvaniya cap players.

The game "secret message"

One of the players have to write a secret message, put it in an envelope and give one of the participants of the competition (there should be about 10). You also need to identify the person who has to intercept a secret message. His task will be to catch up with the man who handed over the envelope.

Fleeing may transmit a message to other participants of the game. The hunt for the letter continues as long as each of the participants on time will not be escaping or while catching someone not intercept.

But the game does not end. The man who wrote the message was (secretly) announce pursuer there any job that he has to perform.

The game "Partisan"

Participants are divided into two teams. In each of these selected people, who will act as a partisan. The player's task to elicit from partisan opposing team "classified information" tricky questions - that is, to make him laugh or say anything.

Questions can be very diverse, and their main goal - to make the "partisan" conversation. If the guerrillas held for more than five minutes, he was awarded the prize and his place is taken by the next team player.

Thus, each of the participants should visit in that role. The winner is the team whose guerrillas were less talkative and did not issue military secrets.
